Reasons to Protect the Witch's Son

RPWS Chapter 12.1

When Elaine turned her head in the direction the voice was coming from, she saw a man with dark blonde hair and a cool look leaning against the wall.

“Who do you think you are?”

“Because of you, my enjoyable meal has been interrupted time and time again. I was thinking of waiting for just a bit longer, but after hearing what you said to the lady, I don’t think that’s necessary anymore.”

Elaine turned and quietly watched the man who was now standing next to her. At his sudden approach, the thugs sitting behind McGaff all stood up and flocked behind him.

“Your words are all so dirty that my ears have started to rot. Thanks to that, my appetite is gone now. How are you going to take responsibility?”

The way he calmly stood there despite the fierce gazes coming from the thugs made the blonde man look like even more of a delinquent than them. In addition, McGaff looked shocked at the man’s actions as he wiped his mouth clean after saying his appetite was lost.

“You both… do you even know who I am?”


“Don’t you know of Ileida’s McGaff? I’m that famous McGaff!”

McGaff’s cry rang out in the silence, echoing throughout the canteen.


Elaine just blinked her eyes, confused. There was an awkward silence for a few seconds as her expression clearly showed she had no idea who he was. As McGaff’s face began to turn more and more red with embarrassment and shame, a suppressed laugh escaped from nearby.



“… Puahahah! Oh my, my belly… Haha, it seems like you really didn’t know!”

The blond man, now laughing like crazy, wiped his tears and pointed at Elaine. Then McGaff, face turning even more red, grabbed the sword hanging at his waist as if he was going to pull it out at any moment.

“Shut up! Draw your sword!”

“Wow, what an intense guy. Do you really want to fight her?”

“Are you planning to draw your sword instead then?”

“No, I’m a pacifist, but… I also won’t shy away from a fight.”

He grinned as he shrugged his shoulders.


Elaine who had remained silent until then, spoke up. She stepped between the two men and gently grabbed McGaff’s wrist that was holding the hilt of his sword. Her movements were so fast that no one could stop her.

“What do you think you’re doing?!”

McGaff who realized what was happening belatedly, tried to shake off her hand, but for some reason, her hand didn’t budge. A tremendous amount of force was being applied slowly.

He looked down, with an incredulous expression, at the white hand that was much smaller than his, resting on his wrist.

“You’re crazy, trying to swing a sword in a crowded room.”

Lowering her eyes, she slowly muttered. Then she added:

Lunch time is coming to an end, shouldn’t we stop this now? I won’t forgive you for what you’ve said, but we shouldn’t make any more of a commotion than we already have. Let’s end this here.”

A tendon appeared on McGaff’s forehead as Elaine turned around. How dare she! He was being openly ignored, and it hurt his pride, so he cursed and swung his fist toward Elaine.

“Damn, what makes you think you can act so cocky!”

“I gave you a chance and yet, you still didn’t take it. At this point, even your idiocy is a talent.”

Annoyance appeared on Elaine’s face. She easily caught the fist coming her way with one hand and twisted his wrist as she did so. Then she proceeded to strike him in the abdomen, aiming for the weakest spot, without mercy.


The fist that struck his abdomen was filled with mana. His knees buckled. He felt unimaginable pain. As McGaff began to collapse, Elaine grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted him back up.

He was pulled back up and, due to the pain, couldn’t even think about resisting. His body trembled, breathing strained, face turning red, then blue.

The people that had gathered around were filled with astonishment at the sight of a large man being lifted by such a slender woman. She dragged McGaff out of the canteen, leaving the other thugs standing there with their mouths wide open. It was a moment that was strongly engraved in the minds of anyone bearing witness as the petite woman hauled the large man, feet dragging on the ground, out the door.

As soon as Elaine was out of the canteen, she threw the man on the dirt outside. People passing by were startled by the sight and hurried on their way. She looked at the stunned McGaff, then at the group of thugs that had followed them out, briefly scolding them.

“If you don’t want to be beaten up as well, leave now.”


The gangsters, startled by her stern voice, hurriedly took McGaff and disappeared. Elaine was watching them leave in a hurry then heard a short cheer from nearby.

“Wasn’t that just amazing? That guy is running away with his tail between his legs.”

The man rolled his black eyes and smiled mischievously. He was the man who had suddenly intervened in the commotion earlier. Elaine slightly bowed he head toward him.

“Thank you for your help earlier.”

“Huh? Oh, no. I didn’t really do anything.”

“I’m just grateful that you came forward.”

“Oh, that was nothing.”

“But still…”

Elaine smiled lightly at the man who was now scratching his cheek in embarrassment. She didn’t know if he helped her because of Ash, but was still grateful as he was the only one who had come forward in a situation where no one was taking her side.



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