If she rejected him, they’d never be able to go back to the way things were before. He may never be able to see her laugh as unguardedly as he could now. At the thought, a sudden burning sensation could be felt in his throat. Ash unbuttoned a few buttons that felt like they were constricting him.
He’d never liked someone this much, never wanted to be with someone this much. He wondered if he would ever feel this way about someone again, if he would ever meet someone like this again.
He couldn’t see into the future, but he knew it was impossible, and he didn’t want to miss this opportunity.
But how?
Ash looked down at Elaine with complicated eyes. She tilted her head with a blank expression. He slowly nodded his head and belatedly returned her greeting. Then, with a small smile, Elaine quickly started walking again.
Ash let out a low sigh as he watched her disappear into the building.
In that moment, his worries deepened.
* * *
The next afternoon. Elaine and Ash were in a parlor with a luxurious sofa and table. A man with a short mustache took off his hat and bowed his head.
“It is an honor to meet you, Duke.”
He was the most skilled tailor in Killiard, and had been called by Ash to tailor the attire he would wear to the birthday banquet.
As Ash was greeted while sitting on the sofa, large boxes and a full-length mirror were placed one after another in a corner of the room. The tailor asked with a bright smile.
“Would you like to see the samples we brought before taking measurements?”
Ash nodded and the tailor winked at the assistants who came with him. The assistants took out samples of various designs from the box. The tailor started explaining, pointing to each design.
“This is the most popular style this summer. It uses Siegrit fabric to increase breathability and create a luxurious feel.”
The first thing the tailor pointed out was a navy-blue top that resembled the color of the deep sea. The tailor enthusiastically talked about what kind of buttons and embroidery would be added to make it even more beautiful.
The tailor’s expression was eager; he’d made the duke’s clothes a few times before, but the duke’s magnificence was always awe-inspiring. A look that truly inspired an artist.
Straight nose bridge and smooth jawline. In addition, his perfectly proportioned body was made of lean muscles. He was the perfect model for a tailor. It was a thrill to see such a beautiful man wear his creations no matter how often he saw it.
But Ash didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the explanations. Elaine, on the other hand, was listening intently, nodding and furrowing her brow in thought as she focused on the tailor’s words.
‘He’ll look good no matter what he wears…’
There were so many beautiful clothes, and even though she wasn’t the one who had to choose, she wasn’t sure how they would pick just one.
Ash was quietly observing Elaine’s reactions. He found this more interesting than listening to the tailor. She even asked the tailor questions from time to time, and her thoughtful face looked cute as if she were choosing her own clothes.
Then the tailor asked Ash.
“Do you like any of these?”
When Ash did not answer right away, the tailor added:
“It’s okay to think about it slowly. Is there a specific design or color you want?”
He didn’t really have anything in mind. In the first place, attending the birthday banquet wasn’t something he wanted to do. It just needed to be formal.
Ash was about to speak, but paused at the tailors next words.
“I was wondering if you and your partner might want to coordinate your outfits, and if so, I can take that into account as I work.”
He seemed to assume that since most nobles would be accompanied by a partner, he would have one as well. However, Ash had not looked for a partner yet, even though the banquet was approaching. It was common for him to go without a partner, but this time the reason was a little different.
His gaze naturally landed on Elaine. He didn’t want to dance with anyone else but her. He didn’t want to hold someone else’s hand and escort them, swaying side by side under the chandeliers.
But, if Elaine had been his partner, would they have been able to do those things together?
He pictured Elaine wearing a dress that matched his clothes, holding her hand and dancing. Of course, she was an escort knight and not a noblewoman. He knew it wouldn’t happen, but it was a very sweet dream.
“If you don’t have anything in mind, how about something like this? This is also one of the more popular styles these days…”
While he was lost in thought, the tailor spoke. The voice brought Ash back from his thoughts. He’d been too distracted. He’d have to choose one soon.
What should he choose? As he scanned the clothes in front of him, he suddenly noticed that Elaine’s gaze was fixed on one spot. He turned to see what she was looking at. It was the fourth garment the tailor had shown him. He spoke before he could think.
“Do you like that one?”
Elaine blinked at the sudden question.
Ash’s eyes were focused on the clothes she’d been looking at. Elaine, who soon understood what he meant, made a puzzled face.
“Oh, I just…”
“I’ll take that one.”
He said, pointing to the fourth piece of clothing.
“As expected, you have excellent insight!”
The tailor clapped his hands together and put the clothes away. Then, the embarrassment on Elaine’s face deepened.
“Are you sure that’s what you’re going to wear?”
“Is it bad?”
“That’s not it…”
Why? Elaine swallowed her question and trailed off. Doesn’t this seem like he’s just buying it because she likes it? But why would Ash even care about that?
Ash, seeing her confused expression, added later.
“…This one looks good to me. I’m glad that it looks like you like it too.”
Ash would wear whatever clothes she liked. But he didn’t want her to notice his feelings already. He didn’t want to burden her by revealing his feelings without knowing what she thought of him.
Elaine’s expression relaxed into a ‘that must be it’ look.
‘There’s no way Ash cares about my tastes.’
She thought she was being ridiculous, thinking he didn’t even like her. She felt somewhat embarrassed and stupid for almost misunderstanding.
Afterwards, a tailor approached with a tape measure and took his measurements. Finally, he bowed his head after telling him the approximate completion date.
“Then, let’s go back.”
It was time for them to return with the items they’d brought with.
“Wait a moment.”
Ash called him over. The tailor looked at Ash curiously.
“What is it, Sir?”
Ash looked behind him for a moment, hesitating. Elaine was a short distance away from them. His’s lips twitched and he spoke at a volume that only the tailor could hear.
“…Do you also make women’s clothing?”
He was avoiding the tailor’s gaze. The tailor, who had been blinking absently, nodded with a puzzled expression.
“Yes. I have a brochure, if you need it, I can give it to you.”
“… Please.”
He didn’t know why Ash suddenly asked about women’s clothing, but the tailor didn’t question him and handed him the booklet. Anyway, it was good for him if more orders came in.
After the tailor left, Elaine came up to him with a puzzled look on her face.
“Your Grace? What is that?”
It seemed like the tailor had given him something. As Elaine became curious, Ash put the booklet behind his back.
“It’s nothing.”
Then, he left the room at a brisk pace.
What was that all about? She followed him out, wondering what was going on, and found him waiting for her a few steps ahead. His tall, handsome face stared back at her. Even though he was standing there in just a light shirt, he looked like a painting.
Whatever it was, she hoped Ash’s formal attire would be completed quickly. She was excited to see how amazing he would look wearing clothes carefully crafted by a professional.
Elaine took a step towards Ash.
* * *
The northernmost part of the continent, Maltaigne, a land of extreme cold.
“Ugh, uh…”
“Please, please save me…!”
The owner and his wife, lying face down on the blood-splattered floor, begged, faces pale.
It was late at night, the inn, with the lights off, was eerily quiet. Perhaps that was why the sound of footsteps was unusually loud.
Strangers wearing pitch-black hoods and masks emerged from the darkness, surrounding the couple. The tallest man among them approached with his sword hanging down.
“Is that all you know?”
The low voice chilled them to the core. The eyes behind the mask looked down at the couple eerily. The innkeeper nodded frantically, looking like a mess.
“Yes, yes…! It’s true! A woman and a man from outside the area came and asked me various questions…!”
“They asked if I’d seen a man with blond hair and blue eyes and bought the pendant…”
“Where is the boy who picked up the pendant?”
“Jody, they took Jody away. I’m not sure…”
His stuttering voice trembled. The couple’s eyes anxiously watched the tip of the man’s sword. The man who was looking down at them with emotionless eyes spoke again.
“I see.”
He grunted.
“Then there is no need to keep them alive any longer.”
He raised the sword. The couple’s faces pale even more.
“I thought you said you’d let us live if we told you everything!”
Instead of answering, the man raised his sword higher. As the owners turned to flee, the man swung his sword nonchalantly.
“We just follow orders.”
A scream of agony erupted from their throats. Hot blood soaked the floor, and the bloody soles of the cloaked figure left a red mark as it walked away.
“Burn it so there is no evidence left.”
Behind the group wearing black masks, the inn was on fire. An old sign with a picture of a stag slowly burned down in the rising flames.
Shady dudes, but disciplined.
Thank you for translating this story, Scrappy!