Reasons to Protect the Witch's Son

RPWS Chapter 53

Inside the rattling carriage, Elaine, sitting across from Ash, pulled back her curtain and gazed out the window.

“I guess we still have a long way to go.”

She muttered as she watched the scenery passing by outside the window.  Ash replied without even glancing outside.

“That’s only natural, since we just left.”

He had been constantly writing something since they had departed. Elaine spoke dissatisfied.

“Are you going to keep working the whole way there? Staring at work inside the carriage might make you nauseous.”

“I don’t get motion sickness or anything like that. If just this much made me sick, I wouldn’t be qualified to be called a sword master.”

“I’m just saying to take it easy. It would be a waste to just work when the scenery outside is so nice. Look! There is a flock of geese in the lake over there.”

A refreshing breeze swept through the carriage, tousling Elaine’s hair. Ash paused for a moment and looked out his window. Before he knew it, the carriage had left the lake and was traveling through a field toward their destination in the Lakers Territory.

“We decided to purchase a large amount of lumber from Lakers, there are some things that need to be completed before we arrive.”

“Wood to use for the renovations of the public facilities? But the Lakers Territory is quite far away. Was there no other alternative that had good quality materials?”

“I looked into several other suppliers but none of them were as good as the quality of their wood. Even if it costs a bit more, it is better to build with proper wood from the beginning.”

“Well, the trees of the northern regions are of good quality.”

Among them, the trees grown in Lakers, adjacent to the northern mountain range, were famous for their dense grain and sturdiness. It wouldn’t rot easily so there was no better wood to use for construction.

“But, I heard there was an accident some time ago and the logging was paused.”

“They say a monster appeared in the forest where they were logging.”

“So, when will logging resume? If logging is stopped now, wouldn’t it be difficult for us to secure the supplies we need?”

“That’s true, but it’s even more problematic because the distribution of timber that has already been harvested is also delayed.”

Distribution of timber that has already been cut down shouldn’t have been delayed by the logging halt. Why would that be?

When he saw Elaine’s curious expression, he explained.

“Well, it’s not that I don’t have any guesses, but I have to go there just to confirm.”

In fact, there was no need for Ash to go in person. However, he happened to have a mission nearby and would be able to get the job done faster if he went himself. So, as soon as they had finished their mission, the two headed to Lakers.


Ash suddenly spoke again as he tilted his head toward their destination. Black hair fell loosely over his smooth forehead.

“Do you have something you need to do there?”


Elaine who had been looking out the window, shrugged her shoulders and asked back.

“You’re just going to keep looking out the window, it seemed like there was something else you needed to do?”

“No, it’s just your imagination.”

Elaine smiled shamelessly and kept up her charade. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, but soon let it go and began to look at his documents again.

‘I almost got into big trouble…’

Elaine sighed in relief when Ash stopped paying attention to her.

‘Hes so sharp…’

Although she had just denied his words, he was actually correct. She tried not to show it as much as possible, but she must have dropped her guard too much without even realizing it.

She didn’t have a choice but to make her move now though, this was her chance.

The Margrave of Lakers, who protects the northern mountains. There was something she needed to find, and she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity.

Elaine looked out the window of the shaking carriage. Their destination was now visible through the window, they were getting closer.


The Lakers didn’t bow their heads easily to anyone, not even the royal family. They also didn’t go against their beliefs, even if they had to go against a high ranking noble. They were a family that not even the king could mess with. This was because the Lakers were loved greatly by the northerners. In the northern mountains lied an evil dragon that had fallen into hibernation a long time ago. It rarely ever woke up, but on the rare occasion it did, it became a moment where the north would tremble in fear. It was the Lakers who had protected the northern frontier since the founding of the country.

Of course, the evil dragon disappeared in the subjugation war 20 years ago, but that was not the only reason why the Lakers were loved by the people.

“Please, come this way.”

It was the Lakers family butler who greeted Ash and Elaine when they arrived in front of the large mansion.

The interior of the mansion was rather frugal, not at all extravagant. It was similar to the Lord’s personality. As they passed through a hallway with a monotonous maroon rug instead of a fancy embroidered one and entered the parlor, someone was waiting to greet them.

“Welcome, Your Grace.”

His face was wrinkled, but his eyes were clear and sharp. The middle-aged man with neatly combed grey hair, not a single strand out of place, was the Margrave of Lakers.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Ash and the Margrave sat across from each other at the table. Without pretense, the Margrave got straight to the point.

“I have already heard the reason for your visit. They said you were here to discuss lumber trade.”

“It’s just as you have heard, but I didn’t know you would meet with me personally. I thought Miss Lakers was responsible for this?”

The Margrave, who had lost his wife early on, had one daughter remaining. She maintained an active social life as the mistress of the family in place of her deceased mother. In recent years, she had also started to learn about the family business, one of which involved overall distribution, including timber.

The count answered after a short pause.

“…My child is not feeling well at the moment, so I came in her place. You can discuss the trade with me.”

‘Now that I think about it, I had heard that the daughter hadn’t been seen outside these days. Was that the reason?’

Elaine stood behind Ash as she listened to them converse. She had heard about the Margrave’s only daughter from Ash while they had been in the carriage.

“Excuse me.”

As the door to the drawing room opened, a maid carrying a tray with tea on it entered. Elaine slowly turned her head toward that direction and noticed that the carpet was raised.


By the time she saw it, it was already too late. The maid tripped on the carpet and stumbled forward. Elaine moved quickly and caught the maid who was about to fall.

“Are you alright?”

The tray the maid was holding shook violently and spilled water from the tea cups, soaking Elaine’s sleeves.

“I-I’m sorry!”

The maids face was burning with embarrassment.

“What’s going on?”

Ash, who had been talking to the Margrave, heard the commotion and looked their way. Seeing water dripping from her sleeve, he jumped to his feet.

“Dame Elaine! Are you alright?”

“Luckily the water wasn’t hot, I’m just a bit wet.”

She shook her head, stopping his approach.

“It’s really no big deal, but my clothes are wet. Would you excuse me for a moment?”

After saying that and asking to be excused, the Margrave who was watching gave instructions to the maid.

“Please, show her to a room.”


Elaine bowed her head to Ash, who was still frowning, saying she would be back soon, and followed the maid.

The maid was at a loss as she walked down the hallway, apologizing repeatedly. She felt embarrassed as she guided Elaine to an empty room that was reserved for guests. Elaine spoke as the maid was retrieving extra clothes out of a closet.

“No need for a change of clothes, can you just get me a towel I can use to dry off?”

“Ah, yes! Then, I’ll help you clean it…”

“Thank you, but there is no need. This is just a simple thing. I’m sure you’re busy, don’t worry about me and go first.”


The maid hesitated for a moment but eventually left the room first due to Elaine’s repeated encouragement. There was regret in her eyes, but Elaine had a reason she sent the maid away.

‘’It’s better this way.’

Elaine recalled the purpose she had for coming here, separate from her duty to protect Ash.

‘Find the list of the dragon subjugation team.’

The Lakers were the final gate guarding the northern frontier. To get to the northern mountains, you would need to pass through the Lakers gate. And, the same would apply to the dragon subjugation team that went to subdue the evil dragon in the northern mountain range.

‘The list of people who passed through the gate at that time should still be here.’

If she could find the list, she would know who the members that had participated in the subjugation were. However, it was impossible for her to ask the Margrave to show her the list. There was no way he would just give it up, and it would also only arouse unnecessary suspicion.

‘In that case, I have no choice but to take it in secret.’

It she wanted to obtain that list, now was her chance. Since she could not move freely when she was with Ash, she had to act while he was talking to the Margrave.

She roughly folded up her wet sleeves and draped her discarded uniform over one arm. Then, after making sure there was no one in the hallway, she left the room.

‘If you happen to meet someone along the way, just tell them you are lost. The problem right now is where I can find the list in this large mansion…’

The list was most likely located in a place where official documents were kept. Usually the place where documents were managed and stored was near an office or library. Elaine began to move in the direction she had gotten when talking to the maid.

‘There it is.’

And soon, she found a place that has tighter security than the others.

“Thank you for your hard work today.”

“No, we’re just doing our job. You work much harder than we do, Sir William. Are you here to retrieve a document?”

“Yes, the Margrave said there were some documents that he needed.”

An assistant was seen talking with two soldiers who were guarding the door. After confirming his identity, the soldiers allowed him inside.

Elaine stood around a corner and watched the scene, even more certain this was the location of what she was looking for.

‘But, I don’t have a permit and it’s broad daylight right now so it will be hard to sneak in.’

Now that she knew the location, she would retreat for the time being. She decided that it would be a good idea to come back when it was dark out.

Then, she felt a presence behind her.


Realizing it too late, she turned around and collided with someone’s chest. She was so focused on the soldiers that she didn’t realize it someone was so close. She rubbed her forehead as she looked up and saw a gorgeous blond man with a frown on his face.

“What’s this?”



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  1. 🐥 says:

    Thank you Scrappy~

  2. ASE says:

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

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