Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Corpses Containing Grievance

Song Que repeatedly warned to conceal the matter of the nail on Chen Dafuu’s head and first pretended to investigate it as a poisonous snake bite. Judging from the traces on the body, the real murderer deliberately faked the bite of a venomous snake, either to divert attention or to frame the crime. They might as well play along to explore the truth and see whose testimony was the most misleading.


On the second day of the autopsy, Song Que and others went to the Chen Mansion to take testimony. As usual, Song Que was dressed in crow green, with long eyebrows reaching his temples, sharp eyes gleaming. Standing there, he exuded dignity and uprightness.


After Chen Dafu’s death, it was his eldest son⎯⎯Chen Hong who was in charge to greet the guests. Chen Hong has not reached adulthood, only sixteen or seventeen years old, and his face was full of youth.


Chen Hong has been studying in the academy. He lived and ate there. He had not returned home for more than ten days. If it weren’t for Chen Dafu’s accident, he wouldn’t have rushed back. With the testimony of his teachers and classmates, it’s considered the most solid alibi. Chen Hong hurried back last night and had limited knowledge of the matter. He could not answer Song Que’s questions and could only lead them to meet the other masters in Chen’s mansion.


Chen Dafu’s wife was a somewhat plump woman, holding a five or six-year-old boy in her arms. He was Chen Dafu’s legitimate son, the cherished treasure born to Madam Chen in her later years. Madam Chen loves him so much that even in this situation, she was still reluctant to let him go from her arms.


Seeing Chen Hong come in, Madam Chen only glanced at him lightly. She wasn’t very affectionate, but she couldn’t be said to be repulsive.


Chen Hong said: “Mother, this is Master Song. They are here to investigate father’s case.”


Madam Chen called Chen Hong over and asked him to hold his fat younger brother. She walked to Song Que and asked, “Sir, have you discovered the cause of my husband’s death?”


Song Que said: “It’s not confirmed yet, but there are traces of snake bites on Master Chen’s legs. Madam Chen, were you the first to find out about Master Chen’s accident?”


Madam Chen nodded, as if recalling the scene at that time with lingering fear. She patted her chest.


“That morning, Hai’er suddenly made a fuss and wanted to find his father. I had no other choice, so I took him to my husband’s yard. I asked the servants outside and they said that the master was alone inside and hadn’t gotten up yet. Hai’er was making a fuss. I just wanted to go in and take a look. Who knew I would see such a scene… Fortunately, Hai’er was young and ignorant, so he was not scared. My poor Hai’er lost his father at a young age.”


When Madam Chen said this, she took out her handkerchief to wipe the corners of her eyes, and looked back at Hai’er. All her worry was solely for her yet-to-be-grown children, with little regret shown for the death of Master Chen.


Song Que asked, “Madam, think back for a moment, Did you notice anything unusual when you entered?”


Madam Chen thought for a while and said: “The decorations beside the bed are a bit messy. I don’t know what’s going on with my husband’s naked appearance, but there’s nothing else.”


Song Que asked: “Did Master Chen sleep alone last night?”


Madam Chen nodded and said, “I asked the servant before. He didn’t go to the concubine’s room last night. He even asked the servant to leave because he wanted to do something alone in the room.”


Song Que asked again: “Does Master Chen usually behave like this? Doing things alone in the room without letting servants serve him?”


Madam Chen was also a little unsure, so she called the housekeeper to ask and finally learned that Master Chen did not usually behave like this. Yesterday was the first time.


Song Que had some concerns in his heart. If it wasn’t a matter of habit, it would probably be doing something shameful. This matter was probably related to the murderer, or it was thrown out by the murderer to create opportunities for himself. Except for Master Chen and his five-year-old child⎯⎯Chen Hai, the rest of the Chen family were all women. What was the most shameful thing that was likely to happen?


Song Que thought of having an affair. This was not the only possibility, but it did not prevent Song Que from asking more questions. Madam Chen was completely focused on Chen Hai and was not concerned about Master Chen’s affairs. If she were an ordinary woman,there would be no resistance to Mr. Chen bringing someone in, nor would there be any need for secrecy.


He asked Madam Chen: “Does Madam have any sisters or other relatives?”


Madam Chen said: “Of course there is, but it’s a pity that I haven’t met them for many years since I got married here.”


After hearing this, Song Que nodded and said: “No offense, but Song has one last question. May I ask where Madam was and what she was doing between Hai Shi and Chou shi the night before yesterday? Can anyone prove it?”


Madam Chen was not annoyed. After answering one by one, she saw that Song Que had finished asking questions, so she took Chen Hai from Chen Hong and said, “Hong’er, please take Master Song and others to investigate the case elsewhere.”


Chen Hong said: “Yes, mother.”


He bowed to Madam Chen before exiting.


Chen Hong said: “Master Song, my father still has several concubines. Next, we will need to see them”


Song Que understood that he intended to meet them together and said, “Can we meet one by one?”


Chen Hong thought for a while and said, “I’ll have someone make arrangements.”


The first person Chen Hong brought them to meet was the concubine who had been with Master Chen for the longest time and was also Chen Hong’s biological mother.


This was not something Chen Hong or anyone told them, nor was it something they inferred from their age. It was actually because Chen Hong and Concubine Bai looked so similar.


Although Concubine Bai was no longer young, her facial features were beautiful and cannot be compared to Madam Chen. Master Chen’s third concubine was also a beauty. It seemed he doted on Concubine Bai back then, and that’s how he got Chen Hong.


When she opened the door and saw Chen Hong, Concubine Bai was a little happy. She took a step forward, stretched out her hand to touch his face, and called out: “Hong’er.”


Chen Hong stepped back without leaving a trace, revealing Song Que and others behind him, and said: “Auntie, this is Master Song. They are here to inquire about the case.”


The smile on Concubine Bai’s face froze, she quickly reacted and invited the people in.


Song Que asked: “Where were you between Hai Shi and Chou the night before yesterday? What did you do? Can anyone prove it?”


Concubine Bai said: “I had already gone to bed at that time, and my maid Huan’er was sleeping in the stool next to my bed. I wonder if this counts as proof?”


Song Que asked: “Where is Huan’er?”


Concubine Bai said: “This girl likes to run around all day long. I don’t know where she is at the moment. She should be back soon.”


Song Que did not dwell on this issue and asked, “Have you heard anything about Master Chen’s death?”


Concubine Bai shed tears as soon as Song Que asked, she was touched by some sorrowful memory, and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.


Song Que was a little embarrassed, but before she could say some words of comfort, Concubine Bai forced a smile, her eyes still red, and said: “I haven’t even had a chance to see him, and you’ve taken him away… I heard from the servants that he was bitten by a venomous snake. Is that true?”


Song Que said: “We have found no other fatal injuries so far. Master Chen most likely died of snake venom.”


Concubine Bai said: “My poor master, how could such a thing happen to him?”


As she spoke, she couldn’t help but wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.


Song Que said: “I also find it strange. Earlier, when I asked the servants in the mansion, no one in the mansion had ever seen a snake, let alone a venomous snake. Besides, this county isn’t known for its abundance of mountains or snakes. It’s quite odd for a snake to appear out of nowhere and Master Chen’s naked appearance is also weird, it’s too far-fetched to say it’s a coincidence.”


Concubine Bai exclaimed: “Sir, do you mean that someone is harming him? The person who can let snakes in the yard is someone from the mansion. Who has such a deep hatred for him?”


Song Que glanced at her and said, “We don’t know yet. By the way, may I ask if you have any sisters?”


Concubine Bai was stunned and said: “Why do you ask this without rhyme or reason?”


Song Que smiled.


Concubine Bai said: “I have a younger sister, but she is married and has little contact with her now.”


Song Que asked, “Did she marry in this county?”


Concubine Bai nodded.


Song Que asked some more miscellaneous questions before going out. When he crossed the threshold, a little maid rushed over while carrying something. She only noticed the crowd ahead when she lifted her head. She exclaimed and wanted to stop, but the teapot on the tray flew towards Xiao Bing.


Xiao Bing was frightened by this sudden incident and forgot to react for a moment. Seeing the scalding hot teapot was about to hit his face, he instinctively raised his hand to shield his eyes.


With a swift motion of his sleeve, Song Que caught the teapot, neatly wrapping it up, then reached out with his right hand, lifting the teapot handle and placing it back onto the tray held by the young maid. He glanced at the tray the maid was carrying, which, aside from the scalding hot tea, also held a plate of pastries.


Song Que looked at the little maid and asked, “Are you Huan’er?”


Huan’er looked at Song Que blankly, her eyes still red. What happened just now really frightened her, and she almost thought the pot was going to hit the guest’s face.


Seeing that she was still in shock, Song Que couldn’t ask any more questions. He had no choice but to follow Chen Hong to question the next concubine.


On the way, Xiao Bing said in surprise: “Sir, you are so awesome.”


Officer Chen said proudly: “This was nothing. You don’t know, once during an investigation, someone tried to plot against Master Song. Master Song didn’t even use a knife. He just used a fan and knocked the person flat on the ground.”


After hearing this, Chen Hong looked at Song Que in surprise. He looked gentle and refined, and he didn’t look like someone who would use force. Song Que touched his forehead, feeling a little helpless.


Master Chen’s second concubine had a doughy temper and was a little shy. If Chen Hong hadn’t been standing beside her, she wouldn’t have been able to say a word. The second concubine had no children, so the whole yard looked more deserted than the others.


On the way to the third concubine’s yard, some servants squatted behind the rockery and whispered to each other about matters concerning this third concubine. Chen Hong wanted to step forward and reprimand them but was stopped by Song Que.


“Have you heard? Sister Chenxiang in Madam’s room said that Madam intends to let the second and third concubine leave the mansion if they are willing.”


“Leaving the mansion? If it were you, would you leave?”


“It depends on who I am. If I were the second concubine, I wouldn’t leave even if you killed me. With my youth gone and my beauty faded, and without a single child to rely on, at least in the mansion, there are people to support me. How could I survive if I left the mansion?”


Another maid heard something in her words and asked quickly: “Why, what about the third concubine?”


“Didn’t someone say it before that the third concubine had a lover before she entered the mansion, and that her father sold her to our master?  Now that the master has passed away, and madam is willing to let her leave the mansion, do you think the third concubine will reunite with that lover?”


“This is the third concubine’s business. Stop talking nonsense. It will be bad if Madam catches you.”


As soon as the two little maids came out of the rockery, they came face to face with Song Que and his party. The two of them were instantly terrified and trembling uncontrollably..


Song Que asked Chen Hong, “Whose maids are they?”


Chen Hong glanced at the two of them and said, “One is from the first concubine, and the other is from the third concubine.”


Song Que asked the two of them to say a few words. The one who brought up the third concubine’s past was the maid in the concubine’s yard.


When Song Que’s party finally saw the third concubine, they couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts that Master Chen was a beast.


The third concubine was actually younger than Chen Hong, blinking her bright eyes as she stood there, lively and charming.


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