Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Corpses Containing Grievances

Chapter 28 Corpses Containing Grievances


Song Que was a little uncomfortable. After being helped to the wooden barrel, he gently broke away from the two women and said, “Both of you can step back. I will do it myself.”


The one on the left who was shorter and plump was called Cheng Zhu, and the one on the right who was tall and thin was called Cheng Bi. When Cheng Zhu heard what Song Que said, her eyes widened and she said, “Young master, did Cheng Zhu do anything wrong?”


Cheng Bi let go of her hand and took a step back, but she just lowered her head and did not leave. Hearing Cheng Zhu’s question, she glanced at Song Que, as if she also wanted to know the reason.


Seeing that both of them looked cautious, Song Que took a step back and said, “Help me undress.”


Cheng Zhu immediately became happy. Her face was round, and when she smiled, she looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. Song Que felt guilty about hiring child labor.


The two of them seemed to be used to this job, their movements were light and quick. When they took off the innermost layer of clothes, they couldn’t help but let out a low cry.


Song Que’s physical quality has been improved and would not easily get injured, but for existing injuries, recovery must comply with the Basic Law. It had only been a day since Song Que’s skin and flesh were badly bruised from flogging. Not to mention the scars, it looked like the wound had not even closed.


Cheng Zhu took a breath and said, “Young master, you are injured.”


Cheng Bi said anxiously: “This slave will ask Butler Liu to bring a doctor right now.”


Song Que nodded to Cheng Bi first, then saw her quickly retreating, then said to Cheng Zhu: “It’s not an intrusive injury. I want to take a bath by myself. You wait at the door and come in later to help me get dressed.”


Cheng Zhu hesitated to speak and finally retreated dejectedly.


Song Que finally did not fall into the miserable situation of being naked in front of two little girls. He took off his underwear and got into the wooden barrel. There was not a single piece of good flesh on his body. When it touched the water, it was so painful that he was covered in cold sweat.


Song Que looked up and saw a basin of water beside him. After thinking about it, he thought it should be used for washing his hair, so he leaned against the bucket and took a bath while washing his hair.


The system felt a little guilty: “Doesn’t it hurt, host?”


Song Que was sweating in pain while joking with the system: “It hurts so much. Do you have any function to adjust the pain value?”


Once again, the system felt useless: “No.”


Song Que smiled and changed the subject: “By the way, what determines the progress of our mission? In the previous world, because I was an actor and became so famous it became an interference term. It’s hard for me to judge now. .”


The system also seemed a little uncertain, hesitating for a long time: “It should be to achieve success in the eyes of the world, right?”


Song Que said: “That’s a pretty broad hint. Does everyone in this world mean everyone in this world or everyone who knows me? The people at this moment, or the people in this world that I will meet according to the timeline?”


The system thought seriously for a while and felt that it was going to crash.


Song Que added: “Also, is this determined based on the impact that has been achieved, or is it an evaluation that contains future impact? For example, if I do something now, and it is destined to be famous forever because of it, will it be included in the evaluation?”


The system hesitated and said: “I am so smart, it should be full, right?”


A built-in program like this is the development side, and the system itself is the application side. Song Que completely lost his confidence after being asked a few questions.


After a while, the system responded: “What do you want to do?”


Song Que must have had some bad idea to ask so carefully.


Song Que smiled and said, “I want to do something interesting.”


No matter how the system asked, he just asked it to wait and see.


Song Que washed his body, wiped it casually, put on a pair of pants, and only called Cheng Zhu in after making sure that he would not act like a gangster in front of the little girl.


When Cheng Zhu saw that he had done so many things by himself, tears were about to fall again. She held layers of clothes and helped him put them on. She sobbed and said: “Young master, Cheng Zhu is not afraid. Let Cheng Zhu help you wash.”


Song Que realized that the little girl thought he wanted to bathe by himself because he didn’t want others to see the wounds on his body. He immediately felt that this was a good reason and said sadly: “I feel uncomfortable.”


Cheng Zhu wiped her tears and said nothing more. Song Que thought that he would no longer have to fight with two little girls over bathing in the future.


Cheng Zhu had just helped Song Que tie up his clothes when Cheng Bi’s trembling and joyful voice came from the door: “Young master, the county magistrate has hired a doctor for you.”


Song Que raised his eyebrows and went to open the door himself. Standing at the door was a middle-aged doctor with just a few strands of white hair. He looked energetic and very reliable.


Doctor Liang did not expect Song Que would come to open the door in person. He was stunned for a moment and said: “Liang is here to diagnose and treat young master Song on the order of Magistrate Gao.”


Song Que stepped aside and said, “Doctor Liang, please come in quickly.”


Didn’t know if the county magistrate’s name was too great, Butler Liu, who was following Doctor Liang planned to guard the door. Song Que led Doctor Liang into the room, followed by Cheng Zhu and Cheng Bi.


Doctor Liang found it strange to see that Song Que’s steps were steady and his expression was natural. He did not look like a weak and dying person, nor did he look strong in appearance but weak in reality. When Doctor Liang checked his pulse, he found that his pulse was just like his appearance, like the grass and trees in spring, growing endlessly. He was healthier than Doctor Liang himself and didn’t look like he had been severely tortured.


Doctor Liang’s pulse taking was a little long, so Cheng Bi hesitated and said, “Doctor Liang, is young master’s injury a bit difficult to deal with?”


Cheng Zhu also became anxious when she heard this.


Doctor Liang was a little embarrassed and said, “Can young master Song please undress and let Liang take a look at the wound?”


Song Que nodded naturally, but before he could take action, Cheng Bi had already stepped forward, and Song Que could only let her do. As the clothes were taken off layer by layer, those hideous wounds were also exposed. Doctor Liang was shocked, and then suddenly realized: “Does the young master know some martial art?”


Song Que glanced at the two women and saw that there was no surprise on their faces. He knew that they did not understand the matter, so he responded generously: “I Know a little.”


Only then Doctor Liang feel normal and said: “Young Master, why should you be so modest? Liang has been practicing medicine for many years and has met several people in the world. Those whose pulses are as strong as the Young Master are mostly those who have accumulated decades of achievement. The young master’s injury looks serious, but it’s just a flesh wound. Use the saprophytic muscle removal ointment I prepared and it will heal in half a month, but the pain will be unbearable when used. The pain will dissipate after a quarter of an hour.”


Song Que said: “Thank you, Doctor Liang.”


Doctor Liang smiled and said: “It’s my job. Magistrate Gao feels sorry for you this time, so he specially asked me to come to diagnose and treat you. He also wants to apologize. Out of concern for avoiding suspicion, he can’t come to your door casually.”


Song Que said: “Don’t worry, the county magistrate just did what he should do. He didn’t need to feel sorry for me The person who really need to apologize is the person who deliberately framed me. Doctor Liang, if it’s convenient for you, can you ask County Magistrate Gao for me what happened to Ji Qiong in prison?”


Doctor Liang was giving Song Que medicine. Cheng Zhu and Cheng Bi beside him watched the dosage carefully and remembered each one in their mind. Hearing what Song Que said, Doctor Liang said: “Anyway, Liang is going to report. It’s just a matter of words, don’t worry.”


Song Que thanked him. The medicine Doctor Liang applied seemed to be starting to take effect. The pain from the medicine had overshadowed the pain of the wound itself. Song Que’s breathing was slightly chaotic. He pursed his mouth forcing himself to calm down, and then his breathing gradually became normal. He felt something on his forehead covered with cold sweat. Song Que raised his eyes and saw Cheng Bi wipe the sweat on his face with a silk handkerchief. As if feeling his gaze, she accidentally met his eyes and then quickly looked away.


Song Que sighed secretly in his heart.


After Song Que put his clothes back on and asked Butler Liu to send Doctor Liang off, he went to his father’s room.


It was a little different from what he thought. Master Song didn’t look like a person with a fair round belly and a swelled head, but like a very capable old man, but he was lying in bed at the moment and had no energy.


, Master Song saw Song Que.as soon as he entered,


When Liu Fang came to report to him, he only said that Aunt Chen was raped and murdered, and the eldest young master was taken away as a suspect. Today was the day of the trial, and Madam Qian was taken away. Master Song was smart, he could immediately connect the dots in no time.


Song Que was taken away for several days, but there was no news about him at all. This matter could only be done by Madam Qian. She took advantage of his inability to move or speak and put his eldest son in jail. Now, Song Que has come back in one piece, but Madam Qian has not come back. What else did Master Song not understand? He pounded the bed, wanting to hear Song Que to say it again.


Song Que actually understood. He walked up to Master Song and recounted everything that happened in the courtroom. Master Song’s face turned red when he heard that Madam Qian killed his concubine, framed his eldest son, and even gave him a cuckold. Even the children’s father was in question. These words were said in the court. He was afraid that they would spread throughout Xiuning County and he was completely humiliated by Madam Qian.


Song Que saw that Master Song’s eyes were bulging with anger, and said: “Madam Qian’s punishment will be in a few days, and the upbringing of the younger brother and younger sister is a problem.”


Master Song smashed the bed several times angrily.


Song Que said: “Madam Qian has lost her moral character and is not worthy of being the mistress of the Song family. However, the child is innocent. After all, they have the blood of Song family. Father is inconvenienced and I am willing to take care of them.”


Master Song was so angry that he punched the bed twice, turned his back, and ignored Song Que.


Song Que went out and saw a little boy, dressed in fine clothes, whose facial features were somewhat similar to Song Que’s. He should be his younger brother.


This young master was stunned when he saw Song Que. He kicked his calf and shouted, “Give my mother back! I don’t want your hypocrisy!”


The maid next to him was so frightened that she covered his mouth.


Song Que glanced at her and said, “Take good care of the young master. I will visit him when I have time.”


He didn’t intend to argue, and it wasn’t the time to correct him. He just said a few words and left.


Cheng Bi was tidying up in his room, the one who followed him was Cheng Zhu.


Song Que remembered with complicated emotions that he seemed to be widowed and also had a daughter.


He asked Cheng Zhu: “Where is the young lady now?”



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