Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Carrying a Scandal

Chapter 24 Carrying a Scandal


After leaving the studio, Zhang Menglu and Song Que had a meal together. They didn’t talk much about the past and only talked about the children.


“I’m really sorry. I’m too self-willed. I’ve been causing you trouble. Songsong and Niannian…”


Zhang Menglu didn’t know how to arrange it. Song Que’s parents passed away early, and he didn’t have any close elders.


Song Que said: “It’s still better to let your parents continue to take care of them. My working hours are not fixed and they are still young. But when I have vacations, I hope to take them to live with me.” 


Zhang Menglu nodded, and said: ” I didn’t say anything bad about you to them…”


At that time, she really hated Song Que, but she was also a mother who loved her child, and she didn’t want her child to have to listen to her cursing their father in the absence of their father. She’s grateful now that she didn’t do that.


Song Que rarely smiled sincerely today.


After the two of them finished their long-lost meal, Zhang Menglu suddenly hugged Song Que when they got up.


“Are you…”


Song Que put his hand lightly on her shoulder, but instead of hugging her back, he patted her comfortingly.


“Lulu, you know what divorce means.”


His voice was so gentle, but the words that came out were so cold.


Zhang Menglu laughed at herself. Song Que said good things for her and beautified that period of time, and she believed it herself, she still had the nerve to speculate that his old relationship would be unforgettable and tried to fix the broken relationship.


“Will you fall in love with someone else, marry her, and have children?”


Song Que won’t.


But Song Que didn’t say anything, just looked at her quietly, and didn’t want her to hear a word like a promise.


Zhang Menglu thought this must be his revenge.


Song Que stood there, watching Zhang Menglu walk away.


The system has a lot of confusion, but because it was afraid of affecting his performance, it didn’t dare to ask. Now the system can finally speak: “How did the host know about the past?” 


Song Que thought for a while, and he knew which part the system was asking. and said: “Some are made up, and some are inferred from the state of the original owner when I first came here and the photos that Zhang Menglu posted during that time. Anyway, it is normal to lie about the situation at that time.” 


System: Okay, skillful and courageous.


It asked again: “Why did the host help Zhang Menglu?”


From its point of view, this matter was thankless.


Song Que said: “The original owner couldn’t bear to see her fall into that fate. Although she did hateful things, she was plotted by others. And it’s not that I didn’t take revenge on her at all. You know, when a person thinks that they have gotten the best in the world and then loses it, they will find it hard to be satisfied for the rest of their life. This is revenge.”


The system listened in a daze, but Song Que didn’t say any more.


The interview where Song Que was a guest at Chengzi Entertainment became popular. Although the relationship between Song Que’s studio and Chengzi Entertainment had dropped to a freezing point, and there was no relevant publicity on Weibo, a large number of people still watched the replay.


Except that the matter with Chen Chong was not confirmed under Song Que’s prevention, Zhang Menglu almost confessed in the show. After finishing the meal with Song Que, she disregarded her manager’s obstruction and posted an apology statement on Weibo. One was to publicly apologize to Song Que, and the other was to apologize to the public who was deceived and misled by her.


In the first two days after the apology statement came out, Zhang Menglu was scolded miserably. Although there were various indications before, it was not as strong as her confession. But in this scolding battle, passers-by were the ones who scolded the most. Some related parties, like Song Que’s fans, were very quiet. After a few days like this, this incident seemed to be over, Zhang Menglu’s manager couldn’t believe it.


In fact, a sincere apology was still very useful, and the biggest victim of this incident, Song Que has already forgiven Zhang Menglu, so what else should others care about?


Zhang Menglu’s reputation was greatly damaged, but it was much better than she imagined. She thought she had to retire from the entertainment industry, and it was much better than Song Que’s situation back then. Song Que can get through it, she also can.


Ke Ai was set up by Zhang Menglu’s manager and was very dissatisfied. She ordered Song Que to keep a distance from Zhang Menglu but learned that the two had reconciled.


This incident made a lot of noise, but it ended quietly. All the suspected scandals about Song Que were completely clarified, and since then, he has not been involved in any scandals.


Song Que’s actor tool theory has sparked various debates, but he himself remains unmoved by the outside world and continues to contribute outstanding performances.


《Smiling Proud Wanderer》which was released the following year, allowed him to get his first Film Emperor title, and the Life Winner rate reached 80%. Song Que didn’t leave directly, he chose to stay and continue the game.


Then he starred in the TV series Collected Cases of Injustice and the movie of the same title, which crowned him as the Best Actor, and the Life Winner rate directly jumped to 90%.


And as he once said to fans, he suddenly quit the entertainment circle and devoted himself to the practice of skills. When he was in the circle, his Weibo was like a decoration. He basically didn’t post anything, and he didn’t even do much publicity. It was basically done by Ke Ai and his studio. But now that he has quit the entertainment circle, Song Que seems to be in love with posting on Weibo. He practices calligraphy, cooks, grows flowers and kung fu every day, and never forgets to post some Weibo. He didn’t show his face in the photos. Fans watched his calligraphy get better and better, the food he cooked looked delicious, and the flowers he grew got more beautiful.


Everyone complained and complained, but they couldn’t help following his Weibo, as if they could really feel what it meant life was peaceful, and the years were passing by in peace and joy.


Song Que never remarried in his life, not even a girlfriend. Someone photographed him and Zhang Menglu traveling together, but they both brought their children. If you go up and ask, they can tell you openly, “If you can’t be a husband and wife, you can still be friends. Even if you get divorced, you should let the children have normal relationships with their parents”. For a time, the relationship between the two became a reference for those peacefully divorced couples.


Regarding Song Que’s choice of being single all the time, there were different opinions in the circle, but no one could convince anyone. After Song Que quit the entertainment circle, legends about him spread everywhere in the entertainment circle, but his vacancy made his image even more perfect. Song Que has not paid attention to the task for a long time and brushes his skills freely every day. Suddenly, when he woke up one morning, the progress bar of Life Winner was full.


The pit system suddenly told him: “Life Winner rate reaches 100%, start to force teleport.”


Song Que: “If you tell the rules of the game like this again, I will beat you.”


He thought he could stay as long as he wanted. After all, he had enough energy. He did not expect that there were mandatory settings in the system.


The system felt wronged: “…normal people will leave after 80% and normal people can’t reach 100%.”


Song Que said, “I’m so smart, how can you treat me like an ordinary person?” Before he could speak more, he felt dizzy, he tried to resist, but when he found that he couldn’t resist, he immediately lay dead.


After Song Que came to his senses, he still could not move his body.


He only listened to the system broadcast report: “Confirm the launch.”


Then all the sensations recovered from the fingertips, but Song Que fell down from the pain.


Ever since he improved his physique, Song Que has rarely been injured, let alone felt this level of pain. Was this a martial arts world?


Song Que opened the panel while thinking, and saw that his physical fitness point was 20, followed by a bright red weak state in brackets. Looking at the skills cultivated in the previous world below, the skills were still there, but the skill points were all gray.


Song Que: “!! The system deducted my points?” 


With a physical fitness point of 20, no wonder he was in such pain. His body was full of injuries. The environment looks like an ancient prison cell, and he may have just been tortured.


The system came late: “It’s like this. In order to ensure that the status of the host is in line with the original owner, the system will freeze some of the host’s quality points that do not meet the character. But because these quality points are obtained by the host with his own efforts, it can be thawed very quickly with some practice, and it won’t take so long to practice like before.”


Song Que said: “I didn’t see you give me a temporary light for those skills that the original body knows, what’s with the freezing? ?”


The system played dead.


Song Que was helpless. He didn’t know about this frozen state in advance, but it wouldn’t be too bad if he could unfreeze things quickly. The most urgent thing was to improve his physique first, and then inquire about the identity of the original owner and the reason for being locked up here when he has a chance.


During the day, the guards would patrol the prison. Song Que didn’t dare to act rashly for fear of being watched, so he just closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. The prison guards often thought he was dead when they passed by. They only felt relieved after seeing his body heaving slightly. But no one noticed that the ups and downs of Song Que’s body changed from messy at the beginning to regular later on, and gradually became stronger.


Song Que was using the basic technique to regulate his breathing, but he didn’t expect his body to relax after a few breaths. He began to consciously send his breath to the painful wound, to the injured tendons and gradually entered an extremely mysterious and abstruse state. It seems that only exhalation and inhalation were left in this world.


By the time Song Que regained his consciousness, the sky was already dark, and the cell was not lit, but the sound of breathing in other cells could be heard, making around feel eerie.


Song Que found that he was no longer in pain. He opened the panel and found that not only his physique points had been thawed, but he also had a new skill called basic internal strength.


System: “…”


It refused to accept Song Que’s ridicule and showing off.


Song Que: “…I really am a martial arts prodigy.”


The birth of this internal strength was partly due to Song Que’s aversion to pain. The never-ending practice in the previous world also accounted for a considerable proportion. Good preparation was the key to success and when the condition was met things would naturally succeed. But Song Que can’t help but think that he was indeed a genius for being able to break through at such a critical juncture.


Song Que was already able to stand freely. In order to avoid the sound of the iron chain, he held onto the chain and practiced Tai Chi slowly all night. Early the next morning, he lay back like a dead dog.


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