Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 22 Carrying a Scandal

Chapter 22 Carrying a Scandal


The filming of《Smiling Proud Wanderer》 has finally ended. This was the longest filming Song Que has ever done and there were various external disturbances in the latter half of the process. Li Shuangquan was worried that Song Que’s mind would not be on the scene. It turn out he was like a different person once he entered the play, and he never let the emotions outside the camera affect the shooting. Li Shuangquan was very satisfied with Song Que but did not tell him directly. As soon as he encountered an interview, he bragged about his acting skills and work ethic, showing a very loving look.


Song Que didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the interview. He didn’t even know that Li Shuangquan liked him so much.


Song Que also invited the swordsman teacher whom Li Shuangquan had found and continued to follow him to learn swordsmanship. In his view, it won’t be long for him to stay in this world, and he could start to prepare for the next world that would come. He didn’t know what the theme of the next world would be. It was still better to accumulate a little force in advance.


Song Que did not forget to pay attention to Chen Chong in his spare time. His reputation was already rotten to the extreme. But he’s not a star, and was not relying on fame to eat. This matter was nothing to him. But everyone will have few competitors, won’t they? Chen Chong’s handles were clearly in front of people, and it would be strange if his opponent didn’t take the opportunity to kill him. Taking advantage of this wind, the Chen family was besieged and defeated.


Chen Chong has offended a lot of people over the years. When he was on top, he would be fine, but now his backers have fallen. Everyone can come and step on it, and he also knows that the future will not be good. Song Que then simply shook off his hand, thinking that he was also helping the original owner vent his anger.


Song Que’s daily life like an old retired didn’t last long, Ke Ai had the intention to pick up variety shows or interviews for him. Song Que has a lot of filming, but very few variety shows and Ke Ai doesn’t have any more known film groups. In order to avoid editing problems, Ke Ai gave him a live interview program. Ke Ai communicated with the program team beforehand. This interview was mainly about Song Que’s career, and there will be no personal problems.


It was the first time for Song Que to do this kind of live broadcast. After entering the live broadcast room, he was still a little curious. He looked here and there, and when he looked up, he saw a large barrage floating by.


The host said: “This seems to be Teacher Song’s first live broadcast, right?”


Song Que nodded and said, “Sure enough, I’m old, I feel out of touch with the times.”


The host covered her face and said, “Teacher Song, you don’t know, because of you, the little fresh meat is not popular anymore, everyone likes the uncle’s style.”


Song Que smiled. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and the melancholy between his brows disappeared, like the first melting of ice and snow. He didn’t take the compliment seriously, and as a result, everyone on the barrage became crazy.


Song Que felt a little embarrassed when he saw it. The host saw that his ears were red with her sharp eyes, and quickly shared this discovery with the audience. The barrage became more enthusiastic. Didn’t know whether it was a little sister or a little brother, they shouted “Teacher Song, I love you” in various ways.


This little joke at the beginning successfully aroused the interest of the audience. The host closed the topic when she saw it and turned the topic into serious business.


“Teacher Song, your performances in 《The Return of Yan》 and 《Double Crime》 are very good. Which character do you prefer?”


Song Que thought for a while and said, “I really can’t tell. Xiao Zuoyi is the first role I got after my comeback. After that, I got everyone’s love and support again. This role is a bit special to me. But Luo Wen is a very complicated and interesting character, and he is a male protagonist. It’s a very attractive character, it’s hard to choose.”


The host asked: “Then which role do you think you played better?”


Song Que said decisively: “Luo Wen.”


The host was a little surprised, but quickly asked: “Could you elaborate on it?”


Song Que smiled.


“It’s nothing else. I just think that acting is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. So every time I play a role, I must devote myself to it. After the performance, I must summarize my experience. Next time, I can’t make the same mistakes as the last time. I think my Linghu Chong will be better than my Luo Wen.”


The host gave a “wow” and said, “Teacher Song is very confident in himself.”


Song Que smiled slightly: “Maybe Actors need to be somewhat narcissistic in order to be better to commit.”


The host said: “What do you think of the new generation of actors?”


The host’s question gave Song Que an opportunity to create a hot spot, but Song Que did not intend to elevate himself by scolding the young actors and leading the aisle gently and skillfully. “I envy them a bit. After all, they are young and there are many roles to play. When I was young, I didn’t work hard enough and I missed many challenging roles, I can’t play them anymore.”


The host said: “Teacher Song looks very young, You have good acting skills, so there shouldn’t be any restrictions, even if you were asked to play a high school student it will be fine.”


Song Que shook his head, the smile on the corners of his mouth faded and said seriously: “Actually, I don’t agree with the use of acting skills to make a big change forcibly. The age of the characters, unless the makeup technology is in place, will still affect the audience’s senses. A movie, a TV series, is not made to show the actors’ acting skills, but to show the story, so that the audience can see a reality that seems to exist”


The host was a little surprised, and said, “But most of the time, isn’t cross-age performance proof of excellent acting skills?”


Song Que was not in a hurry, smiled gently, and said, “The other way around. I think it is precisely because of the inability to do it that we can prove that the acting is superb. But now the circle has turned the cart before the horse, changing the storytelling from the story itself to the actor-oriented. I do not deny that a good actor can bring a completely different feeling to a drama or a movie. But we can’t deny that actors with this kind of ability and charm are not common. They are often rare geniuses in an era. Looking at the current entertainment industry, how many people dare to say that they have this kind of ability?”


The host couldn’t help but nod, quickly reacted, and asked, “Teacher Song, do you think you have this kind of talent?”


Song laughed, He shook his head and said, “I think I’m a better tool for performance.”


The host: “A tool?”


Song Que nodded and said, “Actually, I think actors are tools used to tell stories. An actor with acting skills is a multifunctional tool. An actor without acting skills can also become a single-functional tool.”


The host looked at him without interjecting, Song Que paused, and then continued to explain: “Take appearance as an example, not everyone can have a dashing appearance. For most actors, they are good-looking, but good-looking has their own characteristics. Some are ruffian and bad, some are soft and well-behaved. If their acting skills are sufficient, they can afford characters that are the opposite of their appearance, but if their acting skills cannot afford the characters, they can take advantage of their appearance, play some suitable roles, and contribute to the performance that fits the set.”


The host said: “But in this case, isn’t the image of the actor fixed in a frame? That’s why many people want to transform, want to break through, and don’t want the fixed impression that the public gives them.”


Song Que leaned back in his chair, relaxed a little, and said helplessly: “That’s why I said that this circle is too actor-oriented. In terms of public opinion, both the audience and the media are too harsh on the actors, and in terms of career, you are too lenient with the actors. Don’t want to be stereotyped, and don’t want to play only one type of role, it should be the actors themselves who have to work hard on their acting skills to support a character who can’t take advantage of his appearance. Instead of condoning and letting him have the opportunity to contribute garbage acting in roles that are not suitable for him for the sake of trying more.”


The word “rubbish acting” was a bit heavy.


This show has its fixed audience, not all of Song Que’s fans who will say right, right, right for everything Song Que says.


Song Que’s words really stung some people. At this time, someone posted a barrage: “You have also acted in so many bad dramas yourself. Now that your acting skills are good, you didn’t give a way out for the newcomers?”


This barrage was really obvious, the host coughed and asked Song what he thought.


Song Que said: “My original acting skills are really not good. After so many years of acting, do you see my progress? If an actor can’t study and improve, how many dramas he plays will be produced by the assembly line? I feel that in those years my progress is indeed worrying. Apart from wasting resources, it has not had any good influence on everyone. I can be reborn now, not because of everyone’s tolerance for my bad drama, but because of the hard work in private. So I fully support you in criticizing my previous acting skills, but that’s what I thought. Please be stricter with actors in terms of acting skills, and be more tolerant in private life.”


As soon as Song Que looked up, he found that the barrage was saying that he was too daring to speak, and did not forget to satirize his fans.


“Uncle Song, please be timid, those traffic celebrities with poor acting skills will let their fans come to bite you.”


“Brother Song has a lot of guts. Waiting for fans of four big vases to come and confront.”

[花瓶 (hua ping) is an Internet term, generally used to describe people in the entertainment industry who are handsome (beautiful) but have no talent. Like vases, they are just for viewing and to please the eyes]


The names of these top four vases change every year, it can be men and women, and it can be said that men and women were very equal.


The host looked at the barrage and joked, “Aren’t teacher Song afraid of offending people with your words just now?”


Song Que also joked, “Even if it offend the actors, maybe the directors will like me more. And those actors who are hardworking, dedicated, and have good acting skills, maybe they will like me more because I have improved the quality of their colleagues.”


Someone just said “Hold your thighs” and was scolded back.


“Yes, yes, playing without poor acting skills is just hugging your thighs. It feels like I’m back in the school days. Top students want to team up with top students, but poor students shout discrimination. If you don’t work hard, what’s wrong with discriminating against you?”


Song Que also noticed the barrage, he stopped joking and said seriously: “If you ask if I have any concerns, in fact, there are, but I don’t care that much. Maybe it’s because I don’t have any desires now. I like acting, and I am willing to work hard for it. If one day suddenly no one wanted to let me act. Although it’s a pity, I’m ready to try new things. Reading books every day, exercising, and stepping into retirement early seems to be a good idea.”


The barrage exploded.


  1. JustHyejin says:

    Yess!!! So Satisfying. Honestly Song Que is such a savage lol

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