Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 20 Carrying a Scandal

Zhang Menglu’s infidelity has become a headline today.

It was not a simple revelation, it came along with photos and time. In the photo, Zhang Menglu was hugging a man. The time in the photo was before her divorce from Song Que, which was probably the time when Song Que was filming. Although the photo was a bit blurry, the identity of the man was still vaguely recognizable, a well-known rich second-generation⎯⎯Chen Chong.

Chen Chong was single and was not ugly, but there has always been gossip about him, saying that he liked other people’s wife.

So this revelation seems extremely subtle.

Song Que was originally filming the scene with the crew, but he saw something wrong with everyone’s expressions. They couldn’t help but secretly glance at him. They also didn’t know if they should ask or comfort him.

Song Que was depressed. Ke Ai rush over in a hurry and asked him if he knew about the news.

Song Que said: “I see.”

Ke Ai observed his expression, but Song Que was too calm, it was difficult to tell whether he was happy or unhappy, Ke Ai asked, “Could it be you know about this master long ago?”

Song Que also thought so. He has always been unable to understand the original owner’s divorce agreement, and now he has some understanding of the original owner’s brain circuits. Song Que felt that the original owner was an affectionate person. He was disheartened after being betrayed by his lover. Not to mention the original owner was destitute, he still let himself be stained and didn’t drag his ex-wife down with him to sink together. But Song Que also saw another meaning in it. The original owner did things so absolutely that he didn’t leave a way out for himself. He probably wanted to really draw a clear line with Zhang Menglu. Everything he could do for her, he had already done, and since then, he make a clean break with her.

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Ke Ai knew that he had acquiesced, and her mind was confused for a moment. She knew from a very early that Song Que would definitely not be a cheater. While she was not happy with Zhang Menglu’s smearing behavior, she was also very angry at Song Que’s attitude of letting things drift. But today, she realized that her anger at that time was far from enough, Song Que was really crazy.

“What kind of handle does she have?”

Song Que covered his eyes with the back of his hands, and said, “After all, we fell in love with each other once, and we have two children, so I don’t want to make trouble so ugly. Otherwise, when the children grow up, all they see was the parents tearing each other openly and making trouble. Both are rumored to be cheating. It was not good.”

Ke Ai said, “Could it be good to have a father who has a reputation for cheating?”

Song Que said, “I’m clearing this reputation. I just didn’t want to explain in a situation where we are confronting each other. In fact, it was already succeeded.” 

He just didn’t expect Zhang Menglu’s matter to be exposed by others.

Hearing this, Ke Ai suddenly felt a little guilty. She has been investigating Zhang Menglu’s affairs. After two years of investigation, she also found out about her derailment one after another, but there were no photos. It all came from some staff, and it was not a stone hammer at all. When she checked Chen Chong, she found that someone was also checking Chen Chong. The two sides cooperated, and she provided some clues about Zhang Menglu, and it really broke out today.

Ke Ai knew that Song Que didn’t want her to do anything to Zhang Menglu, but she couldn’t. She was originally want to pretend and didn’t want Song Que to know that this matter was related to her, who knew that she was almost discovered by Song Que.

She asked tentatively, “Okay, okay, why is someone suddenly trying to mess with her?”

Song Que said, “She hasn’t won any awards recently, and she hasn’t won any big productions. If it wasn’t for competing for rare resources, then she was being implicated.”

Ke Ai paused for a moment and said, “Implicated?”

Song Que nodded and said, “Chen Chong has a lot of influence in the entertainment industry, but he also messing around. There is always someone who can’t stand it, and they can’t directly attack him. It’s very clever to use this kind of public opinion. It looks like someone in the circle. Probably Lulu was the first and other actresses will be involved soon. We don’t need to do anything to respond to it, it should be over soon.”

Ke Ai was frightened by his precise guess, and then she was dissatisfied with his soft-heartedness. Because she paused for too long, Song Que looked over. That fluttering glance made Ke Ai feel that she had been pierced through, and all her shady thoughts had no place to hide. She was startled and quickly realized that she was guilty of being a thief, but she still agreed. Even if she didn’t fan the flames and guide public opinion, the intensity of this matter was strong enough.

Ke Ai and Song Que’s guesses were half-right.

As soon as this incident broke out, it really caused a lot of heat, but Song Que was a little different from the men who had been cuckolded. Although the incident was during their marriage, Song Que had been divorced from Zhang Menglu for a long time. Moreover, Song Que was once labeled as an adulterer by Zhang Menglu. Because of these two points, Song Que was looked at by everyone with sympathy, but more of them complained about him.

Many fans went to Zhang Menglu’s Weibo to ask for an explanation.

“Miss Zhang, can you explain the affair of your marriage?”

“You keep saying that Brother Song is having an affair, but you don’t have any real hammers. Now, all the photos of your cheating are out. Are you interested in explaining it? “

“I heard that Chen Chong is very good, is it true? Are you still together?”

Song Que’s fans were polite, but many passers-by’s disgust was running high, and one comment was harsher than the other.

But Zhang Menglu’s team seemed to be dead, and they didn’t come out to make a statement.

In fact, Zhang Menglu’s side was also very chaotic.

Her manager was hit hard. She didn’t know about Zhang Menglu’s relationship with Chen Chong at all. If she had known in advance, she might have blocked the photos in advance, so that she would not be so passive as she was now.

She rarely got angry with Zhang Menglu.

You know, since Zhang Menglu become famous, she has never lost her temper against Zhang Menglu, and she has to coax her if they have a disagreement. After all, Zhang Menglu was her cash cow. But now if one was not handled well, the tree was about to fall, and the patience that the agent has always been proud of has been lost.

“How many things are you hiding from me?”

Zhang Menglu was disheveled, clutching her hair, her eyes were bloodshot, and she hadn’t slept well since the incident broke out.

“It really only that time. It’s not cheating, but he did me a favor. At that time, Song Que cheated, and I was in a bad mood…”

The agent was annoyed when she heard that Song Que had cheated, and now they were quite passive. If Song Que came out and said something, it would be easy to step on them, and they would completely fall into doom. She disagreed with Zhang Menglu being so open about tearing her face with Song before. After all, it would black up Song Que in this way. Zhang Menglu also had to carry the reputation of being cheated on her back, and she was afraid that Song Que would choose to fight to the death. But because she thought that Zhang Menglu had been betrayed, it was difficult to calm down without venting out. The manager finally indulged her, but Song Que was unexpectedly quiet and got a fairly satisfactory situation.

But now the agent doesn’t think so anymore. Zhang Menglu herself was having an affair but righteously accused others of having an affair, wasn’t it look like a joke?

“Are you sure Song Que has cheated?”

Zhang Menglu said: “Sister, I didn’t lie to you, he must have cheated… It’s not my fault, I want to cheat because he cheated first. I want him to feel what’s it like to be cheated by your lover. Actually, there is nothing going on between Chen Chong and me, and there are no more photos from them to take. Really it was only that time.

This remark was full of mistakes, but it was indeed a situation they hoping for. But the manager had already suffered a loss. She didn’t trust Zhang Menglu as much as she used to. She was afraid they will be counterattacked by Ke Ai if they hastily threw this statement.

She even suspected that Ke Ai was involved in this matter, and she didn’t know how much evidence they had, which meant that she would not dare to be too tough on Song Que.

“I know you don’t have any evidence of his cheating. Tell me why you think he cheated. Have you seen it with your own eyes?” 

The agent became more and more unconvinced about Song Que’s cheating, but Zhang Menglu insisted again and again. Compared with Zhang Menglu lying to her, she was more inclined to Zhang Menglu being lied to.

The blood on Zhang Menglu’s face disappeared.

“Chen Chong told me, and there are photos… Yes, there are photos, weren’t they being disclosed at that time?”

Zhang Menglu grabbed the manager’s hand, looking very helpless.

She once believed Song Que cheated and hated him wholeheartedly. Even if he signed an extremely harsh divorce agreement, even if he did not say a word after being publicly scolded by her, Zhang Menglu only thought it was because of guilt, and the last conscience of a person who had almost lost it. Not worth mentioning.

But since the awards ceremony, she has often reminisced about the past, often thinking of that terrible guess she didn’t want to admit.

Song Que’s melancholy profile seemed to be engraved in her mind, and it overlapped with the face she once fall in love with many years ago, but it was less affectionate and more indifferent and tired.

But he was still gentle, and said gently, “Lulu, I didn’t lie to you, it was someone else who lied to you.”

He was the only one in the world who make “Lulu” sound good in her ear.

Zhang Menglu cried while hugging her agent.

In the blink of an eye, she seemed to understand all the things she didn’t want to understand.

The photo Chen Chong wanted to show her was fake and he didn’t show it to her either. He only let her take a glance, and while she was in a turbulent mood, he pretended to vent his anger and tore the photo to shreds. Because there were no photos, she subconsciously didn’t have the awareness to find someone else to verify the authenticity of the photos. Immediately afterward, Song Que and He Wanting get caught went out from the hotel, which made her even more convinced that Song Que had cheated.

She and Song Que were arguing over and over again, and Song Que explained over and over again until it led to divorce. Song Que was completely exhausted and signed the excessive agreement, which became the most serious crime in her eyes.

If he didn’t cheat, why did he sign such an unfair agreement?

Zhang Menglu thought so.


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