Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 19 Carrying Scandal

Song Que wore the mask that Ke Ai forcibly stuffed on him. Although he was puzzled by the fact that he had to cover his face when he meet his fans, Song Que still put on the mask obediently. There was no need to go against the agent because of this minor detail.

Song Que brought a suitcase and carried it by himself. He turned around and saw that Ke Ai was struggling to hold a pink suitcase, and asked, “Do you want me to help you carry it?”

Ke Ai really wanted to give it to him. How can there be a star who doesn’t care about his image at all, was it appropriate for a big man to carry this pink suitcase?

“Don’t worry about me, if I can’t carry it I will let Xiao Zhang help me.”

Xiao Zhang who didn’t take many things nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Song Que had no choice but to continue walking along the prescribed route, and soon saw fans who came to pick him up. Because of 《Double Crime》, Song Que’s male fans have also increased a lot, and the ratio of males and females on the scene seems to be quite balanced.

Maybe because Song Que was usually either in the filming site than he was in the filming site, there were too few opportunities for fans to really see him. Almost as soon as he shows up, fans were boiling. Although there were very few girls aged seventeen or eighteen, and more adults, and would not swarm over security guards trying to rush in, the fans still folded in unconsciously.

 Under this kind of compression, a girl accidentally sprained her foot and was squeezed from behind, she inadvertent moved towards Song Que. In the envious eyes of everyone, she was supported by Song Que. Song Que held her firmly and asked in a low voice, “Are you alright?”

The girl was stunned. She looked up at Song Que’s black mask only showing his brows and eyes, hearing the voice ringing in her ears, her memory seemed to be back to two years ago. She didn’t even know when she shook her head stupidly.

Her friend stepped forward to support her and excitedly asked if they could take a photo.

After obtaining the consent of Ke Ai, Song Que discussed with the fans and went to a place where they will not block the road, and lined up for a photo with the fans who were currently present.

Song Que pulled off his mask, revealing a handsome and tough face. The girl with a sprained foot and her friend were at the front, and the two stood beside Song Que, while Song Que spread his arms and placed them beside them to support them.

The girl who has sprained her foot kept looking up at him, but this was normal among a group of fans. The photos were taken quickly, and it was the other people’s turn.

 Song Que was more restrained when taking photos with girls, and always hold his hands in a polite manner, but it was more natural when taking photos with boys. He put his arms around their shoulders firmly. Some people noticed this and couldn’t help but envy the boys present, but they thought it was fine. Anyway, Song Que treats every girl equally, even if they can’t be the most special one, they didn’t need to see others as that special person.

This pattern was changed because of a male fan. He was not young and looked like he was twenty-five or six years old. After taking a photo with Song Que, he was not willing to leave immediately, and closed his eyes and shouted, “Teacher Song, I love you!”

Song Que was stunned for a moment, then replied, “I love you too.”

Then he took the same attitude towards all the boys and girls who hadn’t taken a photo together.

Because of this incident, Song Que was on the hot search that day, and the title was “Song Que is lying”. Click on it and you will see the pictures on the airport. The style of the first few pictures was still normal, mainly to show Song Que’s handsomeness. There was also a video that captures the whole process of Song Que’s support of falling fans. All the way to the last long picture. A sudden change in the style of the pictures. The long picture introduces in detail the “I love you” incident on the day that Song Que picked up. Released a live photo of Song Que taking a photo with several people before “I love you”. Although Song Que did not look at this lens, his hand position was very clear. For Girl, there was a little distance, for boys, it was much more casual. But after “I love you”, Song Que was overly cautious, as if he suddenly found out that boys should be treated with care, so as not to cause misunderstandings. The article finally concluded: “Song Que said “I love you too”, but explained with all his heart “No, you stay away from me”, he was probably the most handsome liar.”

Song Que: “… “

All right

After returning to the filming site, Song Que was ridiculed by many fellow male compatriots, and he was forced to take a close photo for the other party to post on Weibo to prove to him, “Comrade Song has not been so cautious all the time!”

He Wanting also came to laugh at him, but this ridicule was almost expected, Song Que accepted it calmly.

He Wanting said again, “Congratulations on winning the award.”

She had already congratulated him once in a text message, but Song Que still thanked her.

He Wanting said, “However, you thanked so many people, but you didn’t thank me.”

She blinked, not really angry.

 Song Que said: “Not only did I not thank you, but I also did not thank Director Shuangquan. After all, this is the glory of 《Double Crime》, so it’s a bit like an advertisement to steal the limelight if mention you on that occasion.”

He Wanting said: “Then when will you mention me?”

Song Que said: “Let’s mention it when we have the chance, what if this TV series wins an award? What do You think.”

Song Que was still similing.

He Wanting glared at him and calmed down, and said, “Anyway, no matter who you mention, you won’t mention Zhang Menglu, right?”

Song Que looked at her and said nothing.

He Wanting said: “Don’t get me wrong, I just hate Zhang Menglu, why, I can’t ask?”

Song Que said: “No, I don’t know what to say. It’s not a question of whether I want to mention it or not. Objectively speaking, there should be no chance to mention her. Let the past things pass away, she is not in my current life, there is nothing to mention. There is no chance to mention her now, and there will be no chance in the future.”

He Wanting was satisfied and walked away shaking her head.

The little girl who was helped by song Que in the video suddenly become popular. The reason was that she retweeted the Weibo and wrote: “Two years ago, I liked a little brother who often comes the gym. He was wearing a mask and black clothes all the time. I haven’t actually seen his face. I just thought he was very gentle, and that kind of love was very shallow. I gathered up the courage to strike up a conversation with him, and wanted to know more about him. I thought he should know it. When I wanted to strike up a conversation with him, he told me ‘I’m sorry, I’m leaving ‘, he apologized very gently for things that didn’t need an apology. Later, I never saw him again. Later, I fell in love with Brother Song, because I felt that his gentleness and tolerance of Brother Song were very similar to him. After a long time, It was really because of Brother Song’s personal charm. Until that day, when Brother Song put on a mask and spoke to me, I found out that they were the same person. It turned out that Brother Song and I were once so close. I am grateful for God’s arrangement to allow me to be so close to him for a moment in my life, but I am happier that he can have the height he is now. I want to apologize, for the misunderstanding two years ago, for not recognizing him, he is the best idol in the world.”

This little girl was not a marketing account, but a personal account that has been used for a long time, and there was a lot of personal information in it, as well as a lot of contacts between her and her friends. This reposted Weibo was originally retweeted by everyone as a koi, because they thought she was a lucky fan. But gradually, didn’t know who started to mention it first, and everyone’s forwarding gradually changed in one direction.

“When I heard Song Que say it himself, I thought it was funny and bitter, and I didn’t think about it too much. When I read what this girl said, I felt very emotional. I used to think that stars are far away, and they make a lot of money, it’s like many tactics behind the scene. But looking at Song Que, it is inexplicably down-to-earth, not the kind of down-to-earth because of low, but the kind of very peaceful and Buddha mentality that makes people feel down-to-earth. Celebrities also have times when they are poor, just like everyone else, he can only go to the gym to exercise, and no one can recognize him when he wear a mask. He will also be approached by the young lady because of his excellent temperament. Instead of asking the bodyguard to put people away, he gently turns away from the topic and refuses. Such a brilliant actor, such a life-like segment makes people want to cry a little bit, but also a little bit emotional.”

Everyone became more and more interested in Song Que’s lowest life period, and one after another, people came out to give information. Several young men and little girls in the same acting class as Song Que ran out one by one to share the story of Song Que’s class in order to support Song Que or to gain popularity.

“When I first started a class with Teacher Song Que, in fact, everyone didn’t talk to him very much. One is because everyone has a certain age gap, and they have hardly worked together, so they are relatively unfamiliar. The other is because of Teacher Song’s rumors… In fact, people in the circle also know that those things can be real and fake, and they can’t tell the difference. But everyone was not familiar with Teacher Song. What if it is true? Teacher Song was really nice and doesn’t care at all. After getting married, he didn’t really do much acting. When he first came to class, he was a little rusty, but the progress was terrifying and he became teacher Danfeng’s favorite student. Everyone was a little jealous of him at first, envied him, and soon there was no time to envied him, and was left far behind. Wang Yi was the first to ask him for advice, and the effect was very good, and then everyone joined together. Teacher Song really did not hold grudges, it can be said that everyone in the class has opened a small stove, thank you Teacher Song, and I hope Teacher Song will be better in the future.”

“Teacher Song’s temper was really good, he also pays attention to the distance with the actresses. I don’t know if he was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of the vine rope for ten years. When pointing to an actress, he basically speaks and does not move. Even if he needs to, he has to go around a big circle. He can sit patiently and spend three minutes more explaining it to you. Sometimes we actresses wanted to ask him for direct guidance, but Teacher Song refused, haha.”

This sentence somehow ignited the anger of Song Que’s fans, and some people couldn’t help but pick up Zhang Menglu.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t pick it up, once it was picked it was really a shocking surprise.


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