Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 18 Carrying a Scandal

When Lin Tiancheng came to the stage to give his speech, his head was empty.

He regretted it, why did he turn around and look at Song Que at that time? Now, the whole country can see it, how embarrassing!

Lin Tiancheng blanky recited his acceptance speech, thanks to his calm face, he didn’t let anyone notice that something was wrong. The host smiled and asked about the episode just now: “When the best supporting actor was announced, why do you keep looking at teacher Song Que? He didn’t participate in the award for the best supporting actor.”

Lin Tiancheng thought to himself, the opportunity to explain has come! Immediately retell the situation just now, and sue Song Que, everyone in the audience was amused and applauded.

The host also joked: “Wow, I didn’t expect Teacher Song to be so lively in private.”

The cameraman also cleverly shot at Song Que. After noticing, Song Que smiled at the camera, very gentle and elegant. It was different from the one in Lin Tiancheng’s speech.

The system in his conscious: “Host, you have broken your persona?”

It thinks that the host was tired and accidentally exposed his nature. Although the question was like denouncing someone publicly for his crimes. The system was actually very happy. The host can occasionally relax, make mistakes, ask the system for help, or complain.

Song Que: “No, I just want to add some new persona in, otherwise a thirty-five-year-old man always behaves so educated will be suspected of being a hidden pervert. What do you think of adding a little bit of humor? Isn’t it very down-to-earth?”

The system was rejoicing too soon, and at this moment, it just hummed in agreement.

After Lin Tiancheng came down, he was still a little suspicious of life. After looking at the trophy in his hand again and again, he was sure that he really got it. He turned his head and asked Song Que: “Brother Song, I got it, what do you do?”

Recalling Director Luo’s word.

Song Que: “At least it proves that my prediction is better than Director Lou, and it’s good for you to win this award.”

It’s not that Lin Tiancheng really has no emotional intelligence. Although Song Que didn’t seem to care, what if he actually cares? Lin Tiancheng didn’t mention it any further, waiting anxiously for the best actor.

The best actress came out, not Zhang Menglu, but a female star older than her. Song Que took a look at the clip and felt that the actress’s performance was deeper. As for whether Zhang Menglu could win the award, he actually didn’t take it to heart. From the beginning to the end, Zhang Menglu was not his target, because the original owner really liked her.

When it’s the best actor’s turn, the part where Luo Wen answers the inquiry on the rooftop was shown on the screen. It was not only the literary drama that tests the most skill, but also the most complicated character creation in the whole film. He was not a good person, nor was he a villain obsessed with killing.

Song Que felt that the selection of this clip was rather biased toward him.

 The host sold off on the stage for a while, and finally announced the award of the best actor: “The one who won the best actor is Song Que!”

Song Que always had a gentle smile on his face. When the camera sweeps over, it expands slightly, and it looks sincere but not rude.

Lin Tiancheng was much more excited than he was, applauding and this applauding was stealing the spotlight, Song Que gave him a helpless look and walked to the stage to accept the award.

The host held the trophy to Song Que, but Song Que took it with both hands and bowed slightly to thank him.

The host smiled and asked, “Teacher Song Que didn’t look surprised?”

Song Que also laughed, neither shaking his head nor nodding, he said, “How should I put it? In fact, I have a kind of self-confidence. The self-confidence of hard work. It doesn’t mean that I think I’m better than the others, but it makes me think: why can’t it be me? There’s nothing that can’t be mine. So when you announced the award, I was very happy, But I’m not too surprised.”

These words were modest but not humble and they were not arrogant either. The host was also a little surprised and felt that he was quite different. After regaining his senses, he asked Song Que to give his acceptance speech.

Song Que held the trophy in one hand, raised the microphone with the other, and said with a smile, “I am very happy to receive this trophy, and I am very grateful to the directors and colleagues who gave me the opportunity. Without you, I would not be where I am today. Everyone knows that more than two years ago, I was riddled with unwarranted scandals and almost fell to the bottom of the rock. Having nothing at all and looking like a greasy middle-aged man. My agent is a newcomer, together with me, we calculated every penny carefully. In order to be a handsome uncle in front of the screen without emptying my family, she asked me to disguise myself and go to the gym outside for private lessons every day. Occasionally, little girls would come over complimenting me for looking handsome, but no one recognizes me as an actor, I mean, even with a mask, no one recognizes you, is it too much for an actor?”

Speaking of which, Song Que also smiled and continued: “But those who work hard will be rewarded, Xiao-yi recommended me to Director Li, and there is Xiao Zuoyi who everyone likes. Teacher Song Danfeng and Director Li become my guarantee. for this 《Double Crime》. Every step I take is very hard, but because of them, I am also very happy. Thank you everyone.”

In fact, what he said was not sensational, and the bitter parts were not repeated again and again. But the fans on the screen who were so excited before because of his self-confidence speech suddenly calmed down, feeling a little sad and grateful.

He can meet so many good people, and he can stand on the big screen again and provide such good acting skills for everyone. It’s really great, and he wanted to thank these people.

Song Que’s fans were probably the most Buddhist of all the actors who have won gold awards. They have little interest in promoting their idols’ awards, or praising his acting skills. Instead, they climbed to Song Que Weibo and expressed gratitude to the people he mentioned before.

Wang Yi is the most recent actress to get close to Song Que, but because they were brothers and sisters from the beginning, Song Que’s fans have long accepted Wang Yi’s existence and often accompanied Wang Yi’s fans when Wang Yi was hacked to counterattack, the two sides have long had the friendship of revolutionary comradeships. Song Que’s fans crawled over to leave a message, “Thank you Xiao-Yi for taking care of Brother Song”, and Wang Yi’s fans replied happily.

Wang Yi looked at the message and felt a little disappointed at first, and then couldn’t help but smile.

Others were similar, but because they were not as familiar as Wang Yi, they were grateful and more polite, and there was no fixed reply. Instead, everyone sighs. They lamented that Song Que was once so down and out, and lamented their willingness to lend a helping hand.

Even Ke Ai’s Weibo was not missed.

As an agent, Ke Ai was not as well known as a star. Although she did not deliberately hide it, she did not deliberately disclose it. There were almost no photos of Song Que’s face on Weibo, only some faceless photos. This Weibo was often used when Song Que was at its lowest, and it was used by Ke Ai to motivate him. Later, Song Que had more work, and Ke Ai also became busy and only used the studio weibo. Unexpectedly, because of this acceptance speech, Ke Ai’s personal Weibo which was almost abandoned was picked up.

Many fans originally came to thank Ke Ai, but they accidentally read Weibo and became fascinated.

Ke Ai’s first Weibo was about Song Que’s appearance two and a half years ago, it was a Weibo with a slight complaint: “The first official job was originally a very exciting thing, but I seem to be assigned to a colleague whose character is not very good, er, in a certain sense. I don’t know how to work.”

Everyone looked at the time, and it was when Song Que scandal was at its peak.

But as the two got to know each other, Ke Ai’s attitude gradually changed.

“My colleague’s temper is too good, and I’m really worried that he doesn’t know how to reject others and makes himself suffer.”

“I can’t understand the attitude of my colleague to those who have hurt him. This gentleness can’t make people become aware of one’s errors and turn back from one’s wrong path but is further intensified. If it were me, I would retaliate.”

“A person who is so gentle and so hardworking, I really hope that he will have a bright future and let everyone know what kind of person he really is. “

Because it was a personal blog that was not intended to be exposed, Ke Ai did not deliberately modify her words, and sometimes she would repost some humorous posts, interspersed with some work-related things. This kind of real Weibo was more attractive to fans than the studio’s Weibo. After reading them one after another, they can fully understand how Ke Ai has changed from a Song Que black fan who believed in rumors to a senior fan and an agent.

An actor’s agent was often the person who knows the actor best, and sometimes this understanding was deeper than the actor’s pillow. Maybe fans will be obsessed with the actor, but his agent won’t. Ke Ai’s infatuation with Song Que was obvious, and it came through between the lines. Fans don’t think this infatuation was a cross-border feeling, because this kind of mentality was too similar to a fan girl, but they feel a little empathy.

Some people were speculating whether the person who hurt Song Que was Zhang Menglu, but Ke Ai has no response. But on the contrary, she did not delete related Weibo, as if tacitly, as if indulging the speculation of fans. Because many people paid attention, Ke Ai decided to follow public opinion, pick up this Weibo again, and occasionally post some life-like things that Song Que allowed.

And the first benefit that Ke Ai released was the picked-up. When the actor’s studio really wants to protect the actor’s privacy, it was difficult for fans to know the actor’s itinerary alone, and the pick-up was usually a tacit behavior between the two parties.

Because Song Que was very busy, Ke Ai rarely does these things. It was rare to win the award this time, and the fans performed very well, so Ke Ai wanted Song Que to be close to the fans once in a while.

Song Que had no objection. He was a little tired, but the fatigue was mainly mental. After a sleep on the plane, Song Que regained his composure, making Ke Ai jealous.

Because of his good physical condition, Song Que looked fresh and refreshing without makeup. In addition, he was not a buttery man at all, so he got off the plane with a plain face.

[Nai you xiao sheng (奶油小生)  refers to a young man who is handsome but lacks masculinity]


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