Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 17 Carrying a Scandal

The live broadcast ratings of the Lan Yu Awards ceremony were similar to those in the past, but there was a sudden climax when the stars walked the red carpet.

Zhang Menglu didn’t come too early. She was wearing a pink fairy dress. The embroidery on the floating dress was tiny and scattered gradually. She looked like a fairy. The scene became lively as soon as she entered the scene, and all the cameras gathered on her.

Zhang Menglu smiled, but she felt a little suspicious in her heart. She was confident but not conceited. The amount of media that pays attention to her makes her a little uncomfortable, and she even suspects that she is walking naked.

The red carpet was short, and Zhang Menglu’s doubts were soon cleared. She saw a woman at the end wearing the same dress as her. That woman had long hair, was taller and thinner than her, and had long legs looming in her skirt. Even if they were a peer, Zhang Menglu had to admit that her back was unbelievably beautiful. Although she hasn’t seen the face yet, how can the appearance of the one who appeared here tonight be ugly? She felt a little chill in her heart. She had already thought of the possibility of being oppressed in the interview. She made up her mind to stay far away from the other party. She must not be photographed with the other party. At that time, pick some refined photos to counter it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Menglu breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the back figure turned around, a smile appeared on that beautiful face, and the other party offered her a toast.

Zhang Menglu fell into an ice cave; she did it on purpose.

Will she give her a chance to avoid it? She won’t.

The match just now provided a lot of material to the reporters outside the arena. As Zhang Menglu thought, He Wanting had consciously brought up the topic of appearance. People watching the live broadcast also found out about this collision. Zhang Menglu was not too late, but He Wanting came earlier, giving people a preconceived feeling. Fans didn’t think it was her who was copying Zhang Menglu’s dress, but they felt it was Zhang Menglu copying He Wanting, which was not as good-looking as her. Then linked to the previous feud between the two. There were all kinds of discussions.

“Don’t be too quick to report. Zhang Menglu wrongly accused her as a mistress, but now she is forced to compare her beauty on the same stage. She has the same clothes and can’t pass the blame to the stylist, so she can only carry it herself, hahaha.”

“Don’t say that. Although He Wanting has a bad temper, she is beautiful, a proper cold little fairy. Zhang Menglu looks pretty in this dress but compared with He Wanting, it has the feeling of her pretending to be young, doesn’t it? A more elegant color might be more suitable for her.”

“I now hope that Brother Song is really with He Wanting…”

“Don’t. They used to be innocent. But if they were together now, believe it or not, many people would immediately come out to fight them”.

The fans at the bottom started to discuss this.

When Zhang Menglu’s agent discovered something was wrong and wanted to regulate online comments. The matter of Zhang Menglu being oppressed by He Wanting was already settled.

At the award ceremony, Song Que arrived late with the crew. Originally, Song Que was going to be on the red carpet with the actress who played the most roles in the show. As a result, the actress suddenly encountered unavoidable troubles, which delayed her; she was still in the car handling clothes with an assistant. According to Director Luo’s intention, he wanted Song Que to go with Lin Tiancheng. Anyway, their movie was originally a double male lead. Although Lin Tiancheng was finally nominated for Best Supporting Actor, his role was quite heavy.

Song Que wore a silver-gray suit, as did Lin Tiancheng. Song Que’s suit was darker and more mature, while Lin Tiancheng’s outfit was lighter and more youthful.

The two stood together, almost satisfying all the imaginations of women from fifteen to forty years old.

The live broadcast area exploded. As soon as the fans heard that Song Que was here with Lin Tiancheng, the ratings of the live broadcast skyrocketed a lot and remained at a high level.

Lin Tiancheng had never walked the red carpet with a man, he was a little awkward at first, but seeing Song Que’s calm and composed look, he felt that he was too childish, and soon he didn’t care.

The red carpet was very short, and stars were rarely interviewed by reporters. But Song Que was still stopped, and a reporter excitedly said: “Teacher Song, your ex-wife, Teacher Zhang Menglu, and your second-time cooperation partner, Teacher He Wanting, are wearing exactly the same dress. May I ask you what you think?”

This question was a bit interesting, and other reporters also followed. Even if they can’t grab a front-line position like that reporter, they can’t miss it entirely.

Song Que was stunned for a moment and said, “Uh…I didn’t see it.”

In the live broadcast, He Wanting’s fans were torn apart from Zhang Menglu’s fans just a moment ago. In the next second, with Song Que’s fans ‘hahaha,’ only Zhang Menglu’s fans didn’t say anything.

The reporter also froze for a moment and quickly responded and asked, “Then who do you think looks better?”

At this point, the reporter actually had no other choice and didn’t expect to get an answer from Song Que. Any other person would usually explain and smooth the matter over.

Who knew that Lin Tiancheng listened and jumped out first to relieve the siege: “Brother Song has seen me now, of course, I am better looking.”

Song Que was delighted and affirmed: “Yes, Tiancheng is good-looking.”

The reporters at the scene were still a little depressed. What kind of answer is this? But these two questions had already delayed the time, so it was challenging to continue asking them. Song Que and Lin Tiancheng waved to both sides and left.

The live broadcast exploded into fireworks.

Although Song Que and Lin Tiancheng don’t sell rot, this pure brotherhood is even more poignant to the audience. This sudden situation has become a pit for many people to work in.

[Selling rot is a phrase usually used when two people of the same sex act ambiguously with the intention to hype or market something (typically themselves or projects they are involved in, i.e. drama/film); to attract fans.]

As soon as Song Que entered the venue, he saw two old acquaintances on the left and the right, Zhang Menglu on the left and He Wanting on the right, both of them wearing the same dress. One looked at him coldly, and the other smiled at him.

Lin Tiancheng glanced left and right, a little panicked, and he leaned over to Song Que and lowered his voice, “Brother Song, what’s going on?”

Song Que asked, “Do you know He Wanting?”

Lin Tiancheng said, “We acted together before. It’s a play, but there’s no rival scene, only nodding acquaintance.”

Song Que said, “Then go and talk to her.”

Lin Tiancheng nodded, about to go, but his feet were out. He turned around again and said, “That’s not right, Brother Song. Did you ask me to strike up a conversation?” 

Song Que patted his shoulder and said, “You are young and pure in mind. One point, Xiao He is not bad; you go make a friend.”

Lin Tiancheng went.

Song Que went to Zhang Menglu’s side but did not go to her. He found a remote corner and stood there waiting for a while.

The yellowish curtain looked extra soft under the light. The sound of high heels stepping on it destroyed this softness, but Song Que raised his head and saw the face he usually sees in the photo every day.

“You’re here.”

Zhang Menglu looked at him with a cold expression and said, “Are you two going to get together openly and honestly now?”

Song Que looked closely at her eyebrows; he couldn’t see any trace of defiance. It can be shown that she really thinks so. Song Que had a rare chance to see Zhang Menglu, so he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to explore the truth.

When Song Que looked at people like this, he showed some deep affection. Zhang Menglu saw his eyes; it was like the old hatred, and new hatred flooded her heart.

Song Que said, “Haven’t I explained it to you? I didn’t cheat.”

Zhang Menglu said, “I saw it.”

That has been explained.

Song Que said again: “Did you see it with your own eyes? Someone gave you fake evidence, and you foolishly went along to be deceived.”

Zhang Menglu was furious, forcing herself to calm down, and said: “You know I can record; that’s why you won’t tell the truth. Right?”

Song Que sighed slowly, looking at her without speaking.

Zhang Menglu snorted coldly and said again, “Why? Are you going to say that I have changed?”

Song Que said, “I was just thinking, where can you hide the recordings in your dress?”

Zhang Menglu knew that her lie had been exposed. She thought that she couldn’t have a talk today, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

Song Que said, “Lulu, I didn’t lie to you. It was someone else who lied to you.”

His voice was as gentle as ever.

Zhang Menglu walked faster.

The two were initially the focus, and they couldn’t disappear together for too long. After Zhang Menglu left, Song Que stayed for a while before pacing to find Lin Tiancheng.

If it weren’t for the fact that there were some media at the scene, it was believed that the second Song Que passed by, He Wanting would have given him a roll of the eyes. Although He Wanting held back now, Song Que could still see the unhappiness on her face.

“What are you doing?”

“Chatted with Lulu for a while.”

He Wanting and Lin Tiancheng looked at Song Que at the same time, He Wanting was angry, and Lin Tiancheng was stunned.

But Song Que didn’t mean to explain, and the time was up, so everyone had to sit together.

He Wanting sat with her crew, but Song Que and Lin Tiancheng sent people over together and then took their seats.

The two sat down and chatted for a while. The person sitting next to them listened with a confused expression.

Lin Tiancheng: “Brother, are you sure?”

Song Que: “No, what about you?”

Lin Tiancheng said disappointedly: “Director Lou said that it is unlikely that the male lead and supporting role will be wrapped together. I feel hopeless when I think of my competitor as Brother Song.”

Song Que said, “Oh, it’s fine; I don’t think I would win, so the possibility of you winning is quite high.”

Lin Tiancheng also cooperated happily.

The people next to them thought this was also one who dared to speak and one who dared to listen.

The Best Supporting Actress came out, it wasn’t He Wanting, but Song Que looked back. He Wanting saw and smiled at him; her eyes were threatening. Seeing that she was so energetic, Song Que felt relieved and turned his head. Next to him, Lin Tiancheng was already grabbing his hand nervously, which was pretty hard.

After Best Supporting Actress, it was followed by Best Supporting Actor. Song Que understands his nervousness but refuses to accept this behavior. He took Lin Tiancheng’s hand and said, “You have grown up, and Dad is proud of you.”

Lin Tiancheng nervously ignored him. Suddenly realizing that he was taken advantage of by Song Que, he turned his head to look at him. Then the Best Supporting Actor was announced on the stage.

“The one who won the Best Supporting Actor award is Lin Tiancheng. Let’s congratulate him.”

The picture of Lin Tiancheng staring at Song Que appeared on the big screen.


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