Quick Transmigration: Losing All Standing and Reputation

Chapter 16 Carrying a Scandal

《Double Crime》was out.

As a crime film, it grasped the rhythm, and the logic of the reasoning was sound. It did not make people feel unreasonable and forced the reasoning for the sake of the plot, and there were some surprising small details.

Blindly preventing the audience from guessing was not good in terms of reasoning. And when everything is guessed by the audience, it will become cliché because it is too simple.

At this point, 《Double Crime》 can be said to be out of the norm.

And Lin Tiancheng’s performance was also astounding. He was already a leader in the younger generation, and he transformed in 《Double Crime》. Obviously, he had enough capital to be different from his peers who took the idol route.

Lin Tiancheng’s fans roared excitedly, wishing to hold this masterpiece on the altar and then use it to stomp the opponent’s face.

Huang Cheng, originally on par with Lin Tiancheng, can’t be said to be cold – he still has many loyal fans. Still, he fell into the most feared situation of a male star, and everyone began to think he was greasy.

A male star, you didn’t need to be handsome. As long as you have some unique temperament, sunshine, healing, and even gloom, you can occupy a place in this era of blooming flowers. But you can’t be greasy. Once you seem greasy, you will lose most of the popularity of the passers-by. When the fans turn their love towards others, the star will fall from popularity.

Of course, no matter how good Lin Tiancheng’s performance was, there was also a mountain that cannot be crossed in 《Double Crime》.

With his excellent acting skills and vibrant personality, Song Que has become a unique protagonist in the eyes of the audience. Even Lin Tiancheng’s die-hard fans can’t help but be attracted by Song Que. Even some girls’ comments, in ten sentences of “Zhang Mu is so handsome,” were mixed with one, “Luo Wen is also handsome,” in the first half of the journey. Still, in the second half, their eyes were full of Luo Wen, and they wept after Luo Wen jumped up. Seeing the face of their idol, they also sulked. Although it was said that such emotions come and go quickly, fans can soon distinguish the characters in the play from their idols, but it was different for Song Que. There was a bit of obsessive emotion inside the fear towards Luo Wen. The obsessive sentiment seems to have been passed on to Song Que intact.

During the film’s release, the discussion about 《Double Crime》 almost swept the screen. Compared with previous films of the same theme, 《Double Crime》 also stood out in its own light. However, compared with the people who know the law and break it, they were captured by the protagonists of justice. Like 《Double Crime》, the fledgling protagonists have doubts in each incident. Still, the villain had the firmest belief in justice in his heart and judged others. But he also judged himself, which is exceptionally novel to the audience.

“Actually, when I saw that Luo Wen found evidence one by one, but his colleague destroyed the evidence because he was bought, I felt sorry for Luo Wen. But in the flashback, when Luo Wen killed people, he wouldn’t let people suffer because of the injustice in front of him. But I simply think that Luo Wen’s killing is good, but because Luo Wen’s expressions and movements are a little creepy. What the film wants to convey has actually been shown in the details. The skills of the actors and directors are worthy of praise.”

“Actually, Luo Wen said a lot. Yes, the law is fair, and injustice is in the human heart. But people are the most difficult part to manage. Will our country be better?”

There were many similar serious comments, and many classic movie reviews have been reposted. Repeatedly attracting new audiences to the cinema. Due to the subject matter, 《Double Crime》 cannot catch up with the box office of the comedy films of the same period. Still, it is far ahead in the same type of films, and the topic level is also high.

Song Que finally has solid fans. He previously relied on a male supporting actor and some variety shows and behind-the-scenes videos to gain a wave of fans. Still, it was not until this movie was released that these fans were considered stable.

Song Que looked at those messages and couldn’t help but bring out some helpless smiles on his face.

“Why is Uncle Song’s appearance getting better and better? Being cool and handsome is okay when he plays a little police officer. But why is it when he plays a murderer, it scared me, but I still can’t close my leg?”

[You he bu long dui (又合不拢腿) It was a popular internet slang that describes a boy/man looking too good/handsome, which makes people want to automatically spread their legs]

“I feel that Brother Song’s appearance has been separated from those with the same facial features, and his temperament seems to overwhelm them completely. You see, his facial features are so good-looking, but when watching his drama, it is difficult to pay attention to them. In front of Song Que, those with similar facial features as him just can’t compare.”

“Hey, are you too narcissistic?”

He Wanting suddenly made a sound, startling Song Que, who was seriously scanning the message and looking blankly at her.

He Wanting smiled slightly.

Song Que put the phone away and said, “Is the director ready?”

He Wanting shook her head and said, “They need to prepare more over there. Director Li asked us to rest for a while.”

“Why is he in such a good mood recently? “

Song Que said casually, not expecting anyone to answer.

But He Wanting replied, “You really don’t know? Maybe there will be a new movie emperor in his play. How can he not be happy?”

Song Que was stunned. The idea of ​​pushing the movie to the end of the year is to win awards. Although it is said that the films of the whole year are eligible for selection, the influence of movies released early in the year usually dissipates. The films at the end of the year are more dominant.

Song Que pretended to be ignorant and said, “This matter is run by Director Lou and my agent. I don’t think there is much hope.”

He Wanting looked at him as if trying to see some hypocrisy in his eyes, but not seeing it, she was stunned: “Are you so unconfident in your acting skills?”

Song Que rarely showed confidence: “I can still improve, but I know my acting skills are excellent. But you should know, The award for the best leading role is not just a compliment for acting. I really have no idea.”

He Wanting sighed: “You are driving people to death. Because of you, those young actors want to do something, but they don’t dare. They think it’s a waste of resources, and they are afraid of being blackmailed to death. Don’t be too arrogant. You are more powerful than you think, and not only is Director Lou helping you, but why do you think Director Li is so Excited?”

Song Que smiled and said, “Then I’ll borrow your auspicious words.”

He didn’t have the will to win this award, but if he could get it, he would naturally be happy. Although he was indifferent, it was still within the normal range, not to the Ming Dynasty’s haircut level.

[Hair on top of the scalp is grown long and is often braided, while the front portion of the head is shaved. Showing he was not that indifferent that he can cut the Ming Dynasty haircut. Picture in below]

He Wanting said: “Actually, I also watched it. Your acting skills are excellent, and you are very suitable for the big screen. When you acted before me, I thought your acting skills were excellent. I never expected you to be more attractive on the screen.”

Song Que smiled; he wouldn’t tell her that it wasn’t an unintentional talent but part of his acting skills. Because he was very clear from the very beginning who the audience of the acting was and what they saw his performance through. The camera appears to flatten the person’s performance. Still, it consciously zooms in on specific details, which, with the right skills, can be glamorous in surreal ways.

He seemed to suddenly think of something and said, “You have been in the group this week. Did you watch the gun version?”

[Qian ban (枪版) generally refers to pirated video discs that use video recording equipment to secretly shoot in cinemas and then rip and sell them. The “gun” in the name relates to a camera gun (Cantonese word for camera)]

He Wanting’s expression froze, and said, “I bought a lot of tickets for the giveaway and contributed to your box office. !”

It was because she couldn’t leave the group, and there was no movie theater in this barren mountain. He Wanting felt a little guilty and embarrassed to be asked by Song Que.

But when He Wanting raised her eyes slightly, she saw Song Que smiling and knew he was just playing tricks on her. He Wanting pretended to be angry and ran away aggressively.


《Double Crime》 has won multiple nominations at the Lanyu Film Festival. Song Que and Lin Tiancheng have confirmed to attend the final awards ceremony.

As soon as the news came out, all parties’ reactions were mixed.

Huang Cheng bit Lin Tiancheng to death. After all, the two have been rivals bound together since their debut. Now that the other was about to soar, how could the one who was left be reconciled?

Huang Cheng was a little irritable and said: “How can he be nominated for the best supporting actor? He has many roles, and he acted as the male protagonist for two titles. How can he apply for the best supporting actor? Was it because to win a prize? Did he not want his face anymore?”

His agent was annoyed; Huang Cheng has also been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. But he has seen the two nominated films and knows them well. Usually, the strength of the two was equal, but this time…

Huang Cheng was not the most uncomfortable at the moment; Zhang Menglu was a thousand times more uncomfortable than him.

She watched helplessly as Song Que climbed up again, step by step as if he was still at the peak and meant to go up another level. It was like a knife stabbed at her heart.

When her agent saw that Song Que was nominated for Best Actor, she knew it would be bad. When she returned, she saw Zhang Menglu’s anger just now, and she was in a mess.

The agent sighed and said, “My grandaunt, why are you still angry? What do you want to do to Song Que to make you feel comfortable? He is different now, so don’t hit hard.”

[Gu nai nai (姑奶奶) If it was used to call someone else, it is mainly to show the other party’s high status, and sometimes it is used for satire / accusing a woman of putting on airs]

The previous matter between He Wanting and Song Que significantly hurt their vitality. Even after the divorce agreement was issued, things still did not improve. They have no hole cards in their hands, and they don’t know the other party’s situation.

Zhang Menglu gritted her teeth and said, “Anyone can have a good life; only he can’t.”

How much she once loved him is how much she now hopes that he will fall to the bottom of the valley, never climbing up again, and be treated as mud.

Seeing that she was going crazy again, the agent had to coax her: “No matter what happens at the ceremony, you can’t lose your temper. If you win Best Actress, you can be more confident when you fight him. We are already collecting evidence. It’s time to speak with evidence.”

Zhang Menglu then calmed down.

They were thinking about Song Que here, and He Wanting was also thinking about Zhang Menglu. She also has a nomination for Best Supporting Actress. She was likely to win the prize, but the question she asked gave her agent a headache: “Sister, can you find out which dress Zhang Menglu is going to wear?”

The agent tried to dispel her thought: “Where did she offend you?”

He Wanting said quietly: “If I say I like Song Que…”

The agent screamed harshly: “What are you talking about?”

He Wanting was quiet for a few seconds, then laughed.

“Look, I’ll never be able to like Song Que. Originally, it was just a feeling that I didn’t know when it would dissipate, but now she makes me never get it and never forget it. I didn’t want to do too much; I just wanted her to know that I look better in that dress.”

Ming Dynasty male haircut


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