Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

But there were many times when the words filled my throat.

Why don’t you ask me about myself like before?

Why don’t you spend as much time with yourself as before?

It was all just presumptuous things.


Kylo roughly stroked his hair and squeezed her eyes shut.

Even if i made the mistake of being a fool, it was my loss.

Doesn’t he have his own goals anyway?

To somehow succeed and get revenge on Viscount Gray. he lived a life that he persistently survived, hoping for just that one thing.

However, because of Princess Agnes, he kept forgetting his purpose.

Even now, I was greatly swayed by Raymond Spencer’s words.

Kylo knew not to be mistaken, as Raymond had warned him.

But his eyes were persistently staring beyond the thick door.

I felt sick to my stomach, as if my heart had been cut off.

Blood rushed to the point where his eyes were bloodshot, and his jaw muscles twitched after being bitten.

As I imagined the two people facing each other, my fists tightened.

I wanted to open that door right now and drag Raymond Spencer out.

And, after that…

After that…

…What do i really want?


The socialites were very excited about the fall ball.

As it was the most important event after the founding of the country, the great nobles who had gone to the territory gathered in the capital.

Among them was the Duke of Salton, who had inherited the title a few months ago and was very busy.

With the advent of a new wind, people’s attention focused on Princess Agnes’s new husband.

Excluding Raymond Spencer, the most likely candidate was the Duke of Salton.

The Duke of Salton was a prestigious family and a valuable loyalist to the empire.

Also the family that first discovered her saintly abilities and supported her.

The capital residence of the Salton family.

The Duke of Salton, who had just arrived in the capital from his estate, headed straight to the mansion.

A luxurious golden carriage stopped in front of a huge mansion.

The Duke of Salton got off and entered, receiving a warm welcome from the employees.

“Where is Liliana?”

“The saint is in the prayer room.”

“Phew…Really? Did you let her know I was here?”

“She told me not to come in while she was praying…she didn’t know yet because you arrived earlier than expected.”

“Okay, then I’ll go to the prayer room myself.”

Duke Salton climbed the stairs and headed to the last room on the second floor.

knocking. After knocking lightly twice and entering, I saw the interior set up like a prayer room in a temple.

‘That’s funny.’

A prayer room for someone who doesn’t believe in God at all.

The woman sitting on the wooden chair in front of the statue of God turned her head.

She was Saint Liliana.

“You arrived earlier than expected.”

“So, were you praying?”

The Duke of Salton walked slowly and sat down next to her.

Liliana made sure the door was shut and she glanced at him as she sat uncomfortably close.

“Didn’t you miss me?”

When our eyes met, the Duke of Salton asked with a sly smile.

Liliana sneered and turned her head. The Duke of Salton wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close.

“Don’t do that.”

“Why are you like this? We once promised a future together.”

“You’re laughing.”

“Well, anyway, now we’re on the same boat.”


Liliana pushed his arm away in frustration. The Duke of Salton laughed heartily and ruffled her hair.

“Why doesn’t it seem like things aren’t going well?”

“I don’t know.”

“Whenever you make a loud noise. You want to be the Duchess of Spencer or the Crown Princess?”


As Liliana turned her head in surprise, the Duke of Salton chuckled.

“After all, I’m the only one, right?”

“Nothing will ever work out with you again.”

“Yeah, I know. I also don’t have any intention of getting into trouble with you. But is it possible for Duchess Spencer or the Crown Princess?”

“So, do you think you have the confidence to seduce the princess?”

“Of course I am. I heard that ahe doesn’t even chase after Raymond Spencer anymore.”


Liliana turned her head with a sour expression.

Her desire to become the Duchess of Spencer or the Crown Princess remained. But no matter how hard I tried, the solution wasn’t easy.

No matter how her saintly reputation soared, no two people paid her any attention.

“Look what I got.”

The Duke of Salton took something from his coat pocket and waved it.

“What is it?”

“A new product invented by an old man who studies magic potions in a remote village in our territory.”


“If you use this, any man will turn his eyes to you?”

The saint’s eyes narrowed. She seemed suspicious of the Duke of Salton.

“You couldn’t have used this kind of medicine on you before, right?”

“Doubt it, the passionate love is impossible with drugs like this. This medicine only lasts for one day.”


As the Duke of Salton shook the little vial, the saintess stretched out her hand.

“You can’t wear it bare-faced.”

“…If your intention is to ask me to help you get along with the princess, then get rid of it. Because the princess still hates me.”

“Do you think I would ask for something like that? The princess ends in my line.”

“Then what do you want?”

“Try to kiss me here, like before.”

The Duke of Salton smiled slyly and patted his beard-marked cheek.

Liliana ignored his words and took the vial away. The Duke of Salton clicked his tongue as if he was disappointed, but did not force it again.

“Try well at the ball. It would be a golden opportunity to become the Crown Princess.”


Liliana’s eyes lit up at Salton’s words.


Agnes didn’t pay much attention to whether or not Salton would return to the social scene.

Agnes’s concern was the Autumn Ball and, more precisely, what would happen after it.

This fall’s ball will be Agnes’ last.


‘Based on the date, it’s almost right after the prom.’

After the ball passed, it wasn’t long before black cracks reappeared in private houses in the eastern part of the empire.

The short-lived peace of the people of the empire was about to be disastrously broken.

Of course, I wasn’t too worried because I had prepared in advance.

There was no time to worry in the first place.

This was because Emperor Alexander made a bombshell announcement ahead of the ball.

‘We will be watching closely to see who will be the best partner for the crown prince and princess at this ball.’

In the aftermath of those words, Madame Roanna rushed to make Agnes her best dress.

So did her maids.

Agnes was bothered by the hope of any lady might become the crown prince’s fiancée after the ball.

Thanks to this, Agnes didn’t have time to spend as much time with Kylo as she used to.

Still, I was able to see him every weekday while he was on escort duty.

The fan was satisfied with just that.

It was on a hectic afternoon when I had barely decided on a prom dress that an unexpected guest came.

“The Duke of Salton?”

“Yes, Duke of Salton. Princess!”

The attendant responded with excitement.

Agnes could understand why the servants were so upset.

This was because there was a rumor going around in social circles that the Duke of Salton might take the seat next to Princess Agnes.

‘Not even Raymond Spencer….’

Honestly, it was ridiculous.

He was a man whose face I had seen a long time ago and whose face I couldn’t remember.

I can’t even remember his role in the original.

Meanwhile, in front of the princess’s residence.

Kylo looked at Duke Salton, who came by unexpectedly, with a disapproving gaze.

The Duke of Salton was a handsome man with green hair, tall and well-built.

I was impressed that his face was a little long and his double eyelids were thick enough to be burdensome.

He also talked a lot.

“You are Lord Kylo Gray. To be trusted by the princess…hmm. Please take care of me. I came to ask the princess to be her prom partner.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    Esraa, thank you SO MUCH for the translations!!

    Also, that ***** of a saint also needs to get lost
    no matter how much i absolutely DESPISE Damien, if you marry him, it will be H-E-double hockey sticks for Agnes, and i will not STAND FOR THAT

  2. Suellen says:

    Obrigada pela tradução 🥰🥰

  3. Kyo says:

    Thankyuuuu for the translations!!!! And sigh another worm has appeared, so hard for Agnes to catch a break…. She just wants time with her Kylo before the “end” 😭

    Looking forward to read more BUT I hope u have time to catch a break too!

  4. Lica says:

    CP is extremely disgusting! Take care your own life!

  5. Kzagsss says:

    Eww isn’t he an old man?

  6. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  7. Prettysnowball10 says:

    NOOOOOO why make him have green hair?? So few male characters have green hair, and you had to make him a problem :(((

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