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PWHHF | Chapter 86

The emperor retorted in an uncertain voice.

“But how can the leader of the White Knights, who is in charge of protecting you….”

“Is there anything more important than Agnes’ safety right now?”

The emperor’s mouth was tightly shut.

Agnes was dumbfounded.

‘What? Since when did you consider my safety a top priority?’

Agnes wanted to say something right away, but she decided to hold back until her turn came.

The emperor sighed heavily.

Agnes, who had been called in as reinforcements, kept her mouth shut, so he had no choice but to step forward.

“…But doesn’t Agnes still want Raymond Spencer as her escort?”

“Regardless of heart, ability and status, there is no one more qualified for the job.”

“No matter how you look at it, I think Sir Clifford is the right person…”

“Are you referring to Lord Clifford of the Golden Knights who guards father?”

“Yes, Sir Clifford! Nothing is left out, be it skill or status!”

As the emperor spoke confidently, Damian snorted.

“Father. Even if we appointed Sir Clifford as Agnes’ guard, he wouldn’t last a day.”

“Why? How loyal and patient Sir Clifford is…!”

“Will Agnes stay still? It is obvious that she will insult Sir Clifford by calling him an old man.”


Damian glanced at Agnes, who was sitting quietly, and then appealed to the emperor.

“Father, I also care about Agnes. It’s late, but is this brother’s heart bad for wanting to grant Agnes’ wish so desperately?”

Am I that bad?

Damien appealed to his emotions.

“Yeah…That’s not it….”

At those words, the emperor also seemed to have weakened his heart a little and his voice became quiet.

This was because I knew very well how much Agnes was shouting about Raymond Spencer at the time.

But even at that time, the emperor was fiercely opposed to it, saying that he would never be allowed to do so.

In the end, Agnes rejected everyone, so the princess had no escort for a while.

Agnes herself was very frustrated, so the emperor felt that he had no choice and left her alone.

But now I could never do that.

Now that a major accident had occurred, Agnes’ guard had to be even more thorough.

The Emperor glanced at Damian.

‘What should I do…?’

Damian had a point.

It would definitely be meaningful to make that wish come true even now.

But…No matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t want to make Spencer Agnes’ knight.

That obnoxious guy…The son of the Duke of Spencer and the man who hurt my daughter so much…!

It was luck that Agnes lost her memories of him.

But what if they put the two together again and Agnes regains her memories or falls in love with him again…

‘This is not possible.’

The emperor steeled himself again and opened his mouth.

“But didn’t Raymond Spencer also not want to be Agnes’ knight at the time?”

He seems like a cocky guy…Even thinking about it again, I found it embarrassing.

Then Damian smiled and said not to worry about that.

“You don’t need to worry. If it were now, Raymond would accept it right away without hesitation.”


“Raymond must have been very surprised by Agnes’ accident. Now he will be kind to Agnes and do whatever she wants.”


Then isn’t it a bigger deal?

The emperor glanced at Agnes with shaking pupils.

Damien patted the back of Agnes’ hand with a happy expression.

As if there was nothing to worry about anymore.

Agnes, who had been silent the entire time, smiled slightly.

For a moment, Damian felt chills from that smile.

“Can I speak now?”

Agnes finally opened her mouth.

“Yeah, yeah. Agnes. You say it. Isn’t your opinion actually the most important?”

The emperor looked desperate and motioned for me to speak quickly.

Damian had a relaxed attitude, as if i could accept anything he said.

Agnes said firmly.

“I would rather not step out of my quarters than appoint Raymond Spencer as my guard.”


Agnes was a well-known party animal.

Of course, she didn’t enjoy parties recently, but she still tended to attend tea parties.

Is that all?

Agnes had a lively nature.

From a young age, she didn’t know how to sit still.

After her recent accident, she couldn’t sit still even while recuperating, so she went for walks and picnics.

But why would Agnes say something like that?

The emperor blinked in surprise.

“I don’t know what I thought of Sir Raymond Spencer before, but now I find it so unpleasant that I don’t even want to see his face.”


“My head hurts…My chest hurts so much that it’s hard to breathe…So, rather than going with Lord Spencer, I’d rather stay in bed all day.”

The emperor and crown prince were speechless due to Agnes’s firm words.

“And I don’t like Sir Clifford either. Just as my brother said, Sir Clifford is stubborn and it is obvious that he will nag me no matter what I do. If that’s the case, I’ll just be confined to my place.”


“If either of them becomes my escort, from tomorrow onwards I will live without taking a single step outside my residence. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to just go to a monastery.”

“…A, a monastery?”

The two people’s eyes were shaken by Agnes’ extreme words.

A monastery. That couldn’t be possible.

The monastery was a place where religious nuns gathered and was completely cut off from the outside world.

The emperor was horrified to think that he would never see his beloved daughter for the rest of his life.

The crown prince was also in a position to use Agnes’ marriage politically.

It was difficult for the monastery to have to amputate itself.

Agnes said after watching the reactions of the two greatly shaken people.

Unlike before, when she was as firm as a sword, her voice appealed to emotions.

“Father, do you remember? When I turned down all escort knights in the past. You said that later, if you find someone you want, you will appoint him as a knight.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Your Majesty said he would allow me to name anyone but Sir Raymond Spencer.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“The person I want is…”

When Agnes spoke cautiously, the emperor and crown prince flinched.

‘No way….’

‘No way… !’

The two people remembered the same person.

Recently, the person Agnes has been calling to her residence every day to meet.

A person whose reputation in social circles has recently improved to a strange degree.

At some point, it was rumored that he was Princess Agnes’ favorite talent…

“Please appoint Lord Kylo Gray as my guard.”

There is no negotiation.

When Agnes spoke firmly, the two people’s expressions became distorted.

“Agnes, I can’t believe it…No way… Him, I mean…In that way…your heart to him…huh? It’s not like that, is it?”

The emperor asked, trembling.

Agnes frowned as if wondering what that meant.

“Is that possible, father? I just want to repay the favor I received from him.”

Agnes looked with a straight face as if she had heard something truly strange.

Seeing her incredible expression, the emperor and crown prince thought to themselves, ‘No way…’

Agnes continued his words stiffly, as if she were a more level-headed person than anyone else.

“Everyone knows that Lord Gray has saved my life many times. Maybe he should be given a title, but if he does that, there will be people who will feel resistance.”

That was correct.

There was a high possibility that overuse of titles would incur opposition from nobles.

“Only at the level of my escort will people think that Lord Gray has been rewarded by the royal family.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  2. Eternity4Ever says:


  3. Kyo says:

    Hahaahahaha monastery! GOOOOD JOB GIRL!!!!

  4. Eleisa says:

    I’m so pissed at Damian, he’s such a user. He says he cares but i think he only cares on how her actions will affect him.

  5. YudiSkys says:

    If it were me, I would pick diana just to piss of damian.

  6. moraeseong says:

    i’ve been wanting to say this but held back just in case he changes for the better soon but damian is so annoying holy shit

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