Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

“…that is… .”

Hazel gave a vague answer.

Agnes blinked her eyes and studied her.

Her last memory of Hazel Devon was meeting her at the prom.

Hazel even bothered her that day, asking if she had really given up on Raymond.

‘Did you come because of Raymond?’

Then it wasn’t something I couldn’t understand.

At that time, Hazel’s lips opened.

Instead of answering Agnes’ question, Hazel asked a puzzling question.

“I heard that her memory of Raymond Spencer has been erased. Is that true?”

“…There’s no reason for me to lie like that, right?”

Of course it was a lie, but Agnes answered naturally.

Then Hazel Devon’s expression brightened.

“I’m glad, really…really…I’m so glad.”


Agnes felt like she was being filmed by a hidden camera.

What…? What on earth is it?

“Anyway, I’m really glad you recovered without any problems.”


“Then…I’ll see you again next time.”

With those words, Hazel Devon bowed her head.

‘This is ridiculous….’

Agnes was confused, but he didn’t have time to think about it.

Because it was soon time for Kylo to come.

But that was then.

Suddenly, the chamberlain hurried in with a knock.

“Princess! We’re in big trouble…!”

“Is it a big deal?”

Agnes looked at the chamberlain with an anxious expression.

“That’s it, huh, huh…!”

“What! Say it quickly!”

I wondered if something had happened to Kylo and urged her to tell me quickly, and the chamberlain took a deep breath and spoke.

“Well, Her Majesty…From now on, the princess will have to move accompanied by a guard knight….”


“That… they said that when you leaves the house, you do so unconditionally.”

Agnes’s brows furrowed at the sudden sound.

The princess currently had no bodyguard.

In the past, Agnes was so mean about that issue…The position was currently vacant.

‘I think I know why my father is like that, but…’

From the perspective of the emperor who cared for his daughter, the last carriage accident must have been a terrible nightmare.

And he must have pointed out that the princess didn’t have an escort knight as the reason.

‘I don’t like being stuffy…’

I don’t go out of the house often anyway. but…

‘Do you really mean to say that he follows me around on missions?’

I absolutely hated that.

In fact, now that Agnes was free, she waited for the day to go on another mission.

To be exact, the chance that Kylo and I might get trapped in a mine again.

If we had to carry around an escort driver, the three of us might end up trapped in that space.

‘If three people were trapped, they wouldn’t be able to breathe….’

It was terrible just to think about it.

However, the Chamberlain made a fuss and said as if that wasn’t a problem.

“There is a bigger problem than that, Princess…! Well, about the escort Knight….”


“His Royal Highness Prince Damian was there…and said he will be Sir Raymond Spencer… l.”


Agnes jumped up from her seat.

The chamberlain was restless, saying she knew this would happen.

After Raymond Spencer and Kylo Gray got into a fight.

The chamberlain thought that the situation was taking an unusual turn.

But in this situation, if Raymond Spencer becomes the princess’s knight…

‘He will meet Lord Gray every day…!’

Her escort knights will have to guard the front of the princess’s residence at all times, at least during the day. Because there are dedicated guard knights at night.

So it was natural that the two would meet.

The chamberlain didn’t want to witness a scene like that again.

So, as soon as she heard the news, she immediately ran to the princess.

“No, who cares?”

Agnes couldn’t stay still.

No, no matter how much he is the crown prince, he decides these matters arbitrarily?

When Agnes looked ready to run away, her chamberlain stopped her and said,

“That’s why His Majesty the Emperor said that it was absolutely not possible…they two are arguing.”


After all, father…!

Indeed…The sun of the great empire was different.

Emperor Alexander was a wise monarch and a respected father to the people of the empire.

‘I have to go find it right away.’

Agnes couldn’t sit idle like this.

She had to go and defeat Damien Cub himself along with her father.

As she left the house, Agnes grabbed one of the attendants and said,

“Go to Lord Gray and tell him he doesn’t have to come to the princess’s palace today. Something urgent happened to me.”

“All right.”

The servant who picked Kylo up every day nodded.

Agnes went straight to the emperor.


Agnes had just arrived at the emperor’s throne room.

Inside, a debate was going on.

‘Omg… !’

The servant stopped when he noticed Princess Agnes walking from afar.

The facial expression of the princess, who was called a walking time bomb, was unusual.

The attendant went straight inside and spoke to the emperor.

“Well, Your Majesty! Her Royal Highness has arrived.”

The Emperor and crown prince, who had been arguing for a while, fell silent at those words.

Damian paused for a moment and looked at the emperor with a look of betrayal.

“No… ! father! Did Father call Agnes? How could such a cowardly act…!”

When Damian spoke as if he was angry, the Emperor irritatedly denied it.

“I never did that! That, and… It’s a matter of Agnes’ escort, so we can’t ignore Agnes’ opinion!”


Damian frowned and sighed.

Because it was obvious how much of a fuss Agnes would make.

The Emperor spoke to his attendant with a much more relaxed complexion than before.

“What is it? If Agnes is here, tell her to come in.”

“Yes, I understand. your majesty.”

Soon after the servant left, Princess Agnes came in.

Emperor Alexander’s expression brightened upon discovering his daughter.

The support force is like a thousand soldiers!

The emperor asked Agnes affectionately.

“Yes, Agnes. Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, Father.”

When Agnes answered, Damian asked quietly.

“Isn’t it too much to walk around like this yet?”

“No, not at all.”

Damian slightly avoided her eyes in response to her coldly firm answer.

The emperor looked at Damian with an expression that said, ‘You’re in big trouble now.’

“Then please continue the conversation you were having.”

Agnes calmly recommended.

When I said this with the intention of hearing it, the emperor and crown prince cleared their throats loudly.

The first to break the silence was the emperor, who had a relatively confident stance.

“Greatness… So, what I’m trying to say is…Does it really need to be Raymond Spencer?”

After hearing the emperor’s words, Damien took a look at his sister’s thoughts and opened his mouth with the feeling that he had no idea what was going on.

“Father, don’t you remember? The reason Agnes kept rejecting escort drivers in the past.”


“Agnes threw out the knights by making random accusations, saying that they were of low status or that their skills were poor. You remember, right?”


The emperor reluctantly nodded his head.

It was an unforgettable incident.

Damian glanced at Agnes and continued speaking.

“That’s why no one wanted to be Agnes’ Knight.”


It was an obvious fact.

The emperor couldn’t bear to deny it.

Damian, who became confident, continued his words with his chin raised.

“Why did Agnes do that? Because in the end, the person she wanted was Raymond Spencer. Not even father can deny this.”

“That’s right, but…”

“That’s why i say Raymond Spencer is the right person.”

“But he must be busy with the White Knights….”

“No need to worry. Because we have a great vice-captain, Sir Diana Lennox.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  2. Eternity4Ever says:


  3. Kyo says:

    Whaaaaaaaat staaaaaaphhhhh it Damian!!!!!!! Stop trying to promote your damn “fren”! Both of you are crazeeees!!!

  4. Curt says:

    Bruh I’m so fking mad rn 😹😹😹 boy take you yo ass back to yo room plss 🙏🏿😒

  5. Kylo kitty says:


  6. Cathe says:

    I want to strangle Damian… have I said that before?
    By the way, wasn’t Raymond supposed to go on a mission the day after Agnes’s accident? It would take weeks, right? So…???? Did he go?! No, right?! Then GOOOO!!!!

  7. Shara says:

    Damian, you jerk. How could you still pushing your friend to your little sister? You don’t remember how cold he was to her? You don’t remember how bad he treats your sister? Fck damian.

  8. Namiii says:

    Wanna punch Damian so hard

  9. Sayuri says:

    Isn’t it strange Damian that you care more about the Asshole who emotionally neglected and tourtured your sister than YOUR SISTER????

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