Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Kylo was confused.

Does Princess Agnes really like me?

Otherwise, she couldn’t have the emperor himself saying something like that to him…

Of course, in his head, he thought that couldn’t be possible.

However, when he actually encountered Princess Agnes, he fell into a deep delusion.

Do you really like me?

Why are you looking at me like that?

Beyond that illusion, I was even worried about Princess Agnes.

The princess had to feel a little more risky.

He knew that if he let his mind wander and tried to take advantage of this situation…The princess will be dragged in helplessly.

Princess Agnes looked at him with eyes full of favor, perhaps even affection.

Actually, if I think about it, there was something else that was puzzling.

The night of the Founding party.

Why did Princess Agnes suddenly come to see me?

She even ran up to me and kissed me on the lips.

At first, she thought it was a mistake that Princess Agnes had made by mistaking me for Raymond.

But if she doesn’t…?

His memories of that day made him even more deluded.

Kylo was confused, like a person suffering from prince’s disease.

However, the only moment of illusion was the time he spent with Princess Agnes.

When he returned to his dorm and was alone, he was able to calm down again.

There was absolutely no way that Princess Agnes would like me.

So what is the reason for that action?

When I thought about it calmly and calmly, I was able to make a reasonable inference.

Princess Agnes is now trying to use me.

It may be false that she lost her memory.

What she wants…

‘It must be Raymond Spencer.’

It was clear that Raymond Spencer was taking advantage of the person he despised and ignored so much.

If so, it was rather easy.
If the princess uses him, he can use her too.

But even if I tried to come to that conclusion, it didn’t make sense.

And no matter what conclusion I reached, it was meaningless.

When I stood in front of the princess again, all my thoughts went to waste and became cloudy.

His heart was pounding frantically, his breathing became heavy, and his neck and ears turned red.

Every time she smiled sweetly or spoke in a voice as soft as cotton candy, he was overcome by impulse.

He wanted to ask her.

‘Why did you kiss me then?’

But I didn’t want to hear her answer.

I just wanted to hold people accountable for their actions.

Princess Agnes took responsibility for letting him fall into his illusion.


It was then.

A visitor came to Kylo, who was sitting alone in front of his desk in his office, lost in thought.

It was the servant of the princess’s palace who always came at this time.

“Lord Grey, good afternoon. The princess is looking for you…She asked if it was possible to schedule an appointment from now on and politely told me to bring it.”

It was the same pattern every day.

However, the servant’s attitude toward me became more polite as the days passed.

That wasn’t all.

Everyone he encountered in the imperial castle was polite to him, unlike before.

The dismissive gaze that I often felt disappeared like a lie.

I had the illusion that it might all have been what Princess Agnes intended.

Kylo immediately put on his uniform jacket and followed his attendant out.

The road leading to the princess’s palace was difficult for me to get used to. Even though it was a road I had been walking every day for some time, it felt unfamiliar.

It was clear that Princess Agnes would make me fall into her illusion again today.

I felt tense at the fact that I had to face such a princess again.

Can I be calm today?

It was possible until yesterday, but I wasn’t sure if it would be possible today.

Maybe it was because I had a private meeting with the emperor this morning, but somehow I felt more tense than yesterday.

That was when we arrived at the princess’s palace.

The servant standing in front of the princess’s residence spoke in a very apologetic manner.

“I’m sorry, Lord Gray. The Lord is supposed to visit the Princess today, there was a sudden guest…”


Kylo was glad to have some time to let go of his tension.

However, his complexion hardened as he heard the attendant’s next words.

“Yes, Sir Spencer is visiting. I’m sorry, but could you please wait in another living room for a moment?”


Raymond Spencer came to visit?

Strength naturally entered my closed jaw. His jaw muscles twitched menacingly.

The servant, trembling in embarrassment, led him to another drawing room.

He even served hot tea and dessert…

Kylo could hardly sit still and wait.


Raymond Spencer.

Why on earth did that shameless bastard come here?

Besides, at this hour.

No matter how you look at it, the intention was clear.

It was clear that Raymond Spencer had come at this time on purpose.

There was no way he didn’t know that this was the time the princess called him every day.

‘You despicable child….’

It was shocking, but also funny.

So he treats me as insignificant and ignores me, but now that the princess is close to me, does he become a check?

The inside was clearly visible.

Kylo paced the living room nervously.

Somehow, along with the feeling of being chased, mean thoughts came flooding back to me.

Princess Agnes was clearly friendly to him.

She may actually be feeling a romantic interest.

If that’s true…

It might be easy to seduce Princess Agnes if i put my mind to it.

From Raymond Spencer, who is now showing interest in the princess… What if the princess is taken away from him?

There is nothing more refreshing than that.

I will take the princess into my hands and take revenge on those who ignored me.

If he becomes the emperor’s son-in-law, no one will ever be able to despise him again.

But that thought only briefly passed by.

Kylo knew his status.

Even though Princess Agnes felt a romantic interest in him, there was no way she would ever want to marry him.

Once the aftereffects of the accident get better, Princess Agnes will return to normal as before.

She was such a noble woman that he wouldn’t even dare to make eye contact with her, even though he was an illegitimate child.

There was no way the princess of the most noble birth in the empire would have chosen him.

Raymond Spencer would know that very well too.


It was painful, as if someone was grabbing my heart.

Kylo fell into the hole of inferiority he had dug for himself.


Kylo’s prediction was somewhat correct.

Raymond Spencer deliberately took advantage of this time to visit the princess’s palace.

“Please tell the princess that I have come.”

The servant hesitated and spoke at Raymond’s request.

“Ah…a, but Sir Spencer…The princess sent someone to bring Lord Gray.”


“That is…Lord Gray will be arriving soon…”

“It doesn’t matter. Please tell the princess that i will stand here and wait until she meets me.”

Raymond spoke firmly, as if he had no intention of backing down.

The servant was dumbfounded.

Since he had been working at the princess’s palace, he had counted on one hand the number of times Raymond Spencer had visited here.

‘Why are you doing something you shouldn’t do…?!’

Why is he coming to visit now that the princess doesn’t even remember who is he?

The attendant was afraid that the princess would rain down fire on him.

‘It’s already thin ice….’

The princess smiles every day…! Without even knowing how great a fear it is!

The servant was resentful of Raymond Spencer.

But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t keep Raymond Spencer standing like this.

In the end, the attendant had no choice but to enter the princess’s living quarters and spoke carefully.

“Uh…Princess, outside…Sir, Sir Raymond Spencer has come to visit.”

“Eh? Not Lord Gray?”

Agnes, who had a gentle expression on her face, twitched her eyebrows.

The attendant answered nervously.

“Yes…This is Sir Raymond Spencer.”

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Kyo says:

    Grrrrr go away delulu Ray! How dare you choose this timing!!!!!!! Interrupting our Kylo Agnes time!!!!!!

  2. Eternity4Ever says:


  3. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  4. Leeluscious says:

    “She was such a noble woman..” the cute agnes is a pervert, kylo HAHAHAHAHA

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