Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Anyway, that’s true. If you bring your face close to me with that innocent expression…

Suddenly, it occurred to me that Princess Agnes was not only doing this to me, but that she might also be doing this to other people.

She was definitely dangerous.

Especially if something like this happens with Raymond Spencer…

It was obvious that the despicable bastard was feeling nervous as she lost her memory.

If he was that kind of bastard, he would have done anything.

If i think about it carefully, Raymond Spencer might have thought that it was a good thing.

The fact that all of the princess’s memories have been erased also means that there is a chance to start from scratch with her again.

As I thought about that, a sudden feeling of discomfort came over me.

If the person sitting in front of the princess at that moment was not him but Raymond Spencer…

That cowardly bastard might have dared to steal Princess Agnes’ lips.

Perhaps it would be better to warn her.

Kylo glanced at Agnes through his anxious eyes.


It was a sight to behold.

When their eyes met, Princess Agnes smiled brightly.

I didn’t even know there was cream on her lips again…

As Kylo’s brow furrowed, Princess Agnes blinked and asked.

“Is there cream on it again?”

“… Yes.”

“Then I’m sorry…Sir, can you clean it for me again?”

The tone of voice was not sorry at all.

Kylo couldn’t help but lift his handkerchief again.

Princess Agnes once again thrust her face in, blinking her eyes like she was a doll.


Kylo cursed under his breath and wiped off the cream as selflessly as possible.

As I said to Raymond Spencer earlier, I felt like I had gotten a job as the princess’s nanny.

The karma he said came back exactly as it was.


It wasn’t that bad.

It was a long-awaited leisurely time.

The sun was warm, and the breeze under the shade was cool.

It was my first time having a picnic, but I felt like I knew why nobles had this kind of time.

It was then.

Agnes suddenly called her servants and ordered them to put away the teacups and cakes.

Are you thinking of going back now?

But Agnes seemed to have no intention of getting up. Agnes said once the surroundings were neatly tidied up.

“Lord Gray, I’m sorry, but may I lean back and take a nap for a moment? I want to take a nap in the shade.”

“…I will leave.”

“No, you don’t need to. I have to borrow the bridge from lord.”


Agnes smiled slightly and came closer to him.

And then, without any hesitation, she leans down and rests her head on his thigh.

Kylo had to remain frozen with his long legs stretched out.

The situation happened so quickly that there was no time to refuse.

No, he didn’t even have the power to refuse in the first place.

Agnes lay down looking at the sky with her head on his hard thigh.

‘Do you really intend to sleep like this?’

Kylo looked around in disbelief at this situation.

He wondered if the princess was doing this and her servants and maids should at least stop her.

However, the servants and maids waiting in the distance just stood there with their heads bowed.

Kylo lowered his head with a puzzled look on his face.

Then, the face of Princess Agnes, who was sleeping with her eyes closed, came into view.

‘I’m going crazy…’

I couldn’t figure out why this ordeal had happened to me.

My legs didn’t hurt or go numb.

Princess Agnes’s head was so light that he could barely feel its weight.

What confused him was the face of Princess Agnes.

When he lowered her head, there was a small face immediately visible.

It was difficult to take my eyes off her because she was so beautiful, like a masterpiece created by a sculptor over a lifetime.

Despite her vicious personality, I could see why the nobles praised the princess’s looks.

Her rich and flowing eyelashes, her sharp nose, and even the red lips underneath…

Kylo’s gaze lingered on her plump lips for a long time.

Princess Agnes’ lips that touched mine that day were very soft.

Unlike my rough lips, they were so soft that I couldn’t believe they were of this world.

Plus, it had a nice scent.

Kylo wondered if Princess Agnes’ lips were still as soft as they were then.

But just because he was curious didn’t mean he wanted to touch it.

He had a talent for patience.

There was nothing in his life that he couldn’t endure.

Bullying, neglect and contempt, loneliness, exhaustion, torture, never-ending battle.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t difficult to endure.

Because he was familiar with it from a young age, it was also the thing he was most confident in.

But this was different.

It was easier for him to endure pain in his body and mind, like torture.

The princess’s attitude was perplexing.

A smile as sweet as cotton candy, a warm and friendly tone of voice, and a warm gaze.

Those things were harder to bear than torture.

A warm wind blew gently towards them.

Kylo stared blankly at Princess Agnes’ hair fluttering.

He couldn’t take her eyes off him.

Pretty lips that you already know the touch of, a thin neckline, and even the white skin exposed underneath.

I knew I should stop looking, but my gaze didn’t move.

If the princess woke up and made eye contact with me, she would definitely feel uncomfortable.


Kylo looked at her as if it was a waste even to close his eyes.

He felt her heart beating loudly.

It was difficult to his heart to respond to Princess Agnes, let alone anyone else.

If there was someone he should never have a romantic interest in, it would be Princess Agnes.

Even though I knew that, my heart raced.

I tried my best to keep my distance for fear of developing unideal feelings…

At this moment, everything has become useless.

This was entirely Princess Agnes’ fault.

He was clearly trying to avoid, to run away…

In any case, his heart was of no value to Princess Agnes.

It was clear that it would be thrown away like trash without even being delivered.

So he had to be stopped.

To avoid being thrown away like trash like he was abandoned by his parents…

If i don’t stop her, i will definitely collapse.

He didn’t want to break down.

He had to stubbornly survive until the end and take revenge on those who laughed at him.

I couldn’t ruin everything just because of one small crush.

That’s how it should be…

At that time, a ray of sunlight came down through the shaded leaves.

The ironic sunlight was aimed at Princess Agnes’ face.

Kylo raised his large palm to block the sunlight and create shade.

It was my first time feeling like this.

So I couldn’t figure it out.

How do I calm this mind?

How to deal with the feeling of going back and forth between heaven and hell.

Kylo never wanted to admit it.

He was in love.


As perplexed as Kylo was, so were the servants and maids.

It was a profane thing they could not bear to say out loud, but they could have bet all they had that the princess was crazy.

That’s how strange the princess’s behavior was.

Of course, even before her accident, it was true that the princess had become relatively calm and kind recently.

But she wasn’t this gentle.


‘Why on earth are you doing that in front of Kylo Gray?’

In particular, the princess’s maids, Emma and Chloe, were on the verge of mental collapse.

The two people came running after hearing the news of the princess’s accident, as they were returning from a festival at a local estate.

The two were able to accept that the princess had lost her memories of Raymond Spencer and that she had become gentler than before.

But Kylo Gray…!

He was a notoriously rude man in social circles.

Since he had never interacted with anyone, it was obvious that he wouldn’t know how to treat a lady.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:


  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  3. Kyo says:

    WOW WOW WOW Ch75 and he’s admitted he’s in love! Due to the kiss, her beauty and her constant smiles and advances towards him! BAHHAHAAHHAHAHAAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! but our Dear Agnes is too much in her fangirl world to realise BAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHA

  4. Cathe says:

    Awn he covered her from the sun rays 🥺💘 He’s so cute and afraid, poor kitten 🐈‍⬛ he doesn’t want to be abandoned again, afraid of even experiencing the good feelings, because it would be much more painful when losing it. ❤️‍🩹
    Agnes, I understand you, but slow down girl! You don’t need to have it all in one meeting. Let the man enjoy his first picnic and get used to you a little bit!

  5. Yudiskys says:

    Ahh kylo how precious you are 🤏🏼😔♥️

  6. vênussss says:


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