Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

From a young age, Raymond Spencer had a personality that was easy on anything.

So much so that he didn’t even say a word of complaint to Agnes, who bothered to follow him around so much.

Of course, his dislike was evident.

Anyway, maybe it’s because he has something he’s always seen.

Damian thought that his friend Raymond had a narrower emotional range than most people.

It was the same on the battlefield.

Raymond was always rational and did not show emotional agitation.

Of course, there were times when he seemed difficult, but Raymond was always aloof and cool-headed in any situation.

This was also the reason why so many knights respected him.

But as soon as Agnes stopped breathing, what Raymond saw…

Damian swears he’s never seen Raymond so agitated.

He never thought he could make a face like that.

‘I thought there were no tears… .’

Damian even sometimes jokingly said this.

‘Raymond, you won’t shed a single tear even if I die. A cold-hearted guy.’

Every time that happened, Raymond dismissed it as nonsense, but Damian was sincere.

But why is Raymond so shaken by Agnes’ death? .

Damian looked at the current Raymond, recalling his previous appearance.

Raymond, sitting on the sofa, had his head down with his face buried in his palms.

“Hey, Raymond.”


“Agnes is fine. So, why don’t you take a break too?”

“Agnes… I have to see the princess….”

Raymond stammered, his voice cracked and hoarse.

Damian sighed deeply.

“Raymond Spencer, come to your senses. Agnes will be fine.”

“…Isn’t it possible that she might stop breathing again during the night?”

Raymond raised his head and asked.

Damian once again realized that he wasn’t normal yet due to the somewhat sinister look in his eyes.

“The court physicians will take turns waiting at the princess’s palace. The maids will also be by her side.”


Raymond seemed to feel tight in his chest and took deep breaths in and out repeatedly.

His eyes were red and bloodshot, as if he still hadn’t recovered from the shock.

Damian spoke as if to comfort him.

“For now, it would be best for you to go back and rest. Agnes’ condition will get better tomorrow. huh?”


“You will be able to meet Agnes tomorrow.”

“…All right.”

Damian sent Raymond away with his servant just in case.

Left alone, he sighed and stared out his window.

Recently, Damian could feel subtle changes in Raymond.

He could be sure that Raymond’s feelings toward Agnes were changing little by little.

In such a situation, is what happened today really a benefit or a loss?

Perhaps today’s incident made Raymond aware of his feelings for Agnes.

That’s actually not a bad thing…

‘Why, now that Agnes has lost her memory of Raymond…’’

The court doctor said:

After a major accident, there are cases where patients erase painful memories on their own.

It’s quite possible.

But Damian wasn’t easily believed.

It was Agnes and no one else.

That Agnes erased Raymond Spencer from her memory?

Agnes…Was it that difficult?

Raymond treated Agnes particularly coldly, but still…

If Agnes hadn’t lost her memory, this accident would have been an opportunity for the two to get along smoothly.

Damian bit his lip in frustration.

However, the possibility that Agnes’ memories would return couldn’t be ruled out.

No, it will definitely come back.

Now that things were like this, he had no choice but to come forward and help Raymond himself.

In the process of organizing his thoughts, Damian never once thought of the possibility of ‘Kylo Gray’ being a variable.

He could only dismiss it as Agnes, who had injured her head, acting on a temporary whim.

It was a big mistake.


The next morning.


From early in the morning, a knock was heard on the door of the Black Knights’ leader’s office.

Kylo came to work early in the morning and was working on paperwork that had been delayed during the mission.

“Hello, Lord Gray.”

The person who entered the director’s office when asked to come in was an attendant from the princess’s palace.

He was a different person than the servant who came to visit Kylo yesterday.

However, since he had met him at the princess’s palace yesterday, he was able to immediately recognize him as the princess’ palace servant.

Only after seeing the servant’s face did Kylo realize that yesterday’s events hadn’t been a dream.

“Lord Gray, the princess is looking for you. She asked if it was possible to schedule an appointment from now on and politely told me to bring you.”


Politely. hah…..

It was one of the words that didn’t suit Princess Agnes at all.

Kylo, with a dazed look on his face, signed the last of her papers and then stood up.

He had completed the paperwork that had been delayed all morning, so he had some free time on his schedule from now on.

“I just finished the paperwork. I can go right away.”

“Really? phew…Fortunately.”

The attendant was greatly relieved to hear that he could go right away.

Kylo immediately put on his uniform jacket and went out dressed neatly.

So he was on his way to the princess’s palace with her attendant.

Kylo keenly observed the servant’s eyes.

‘Yesterday, the crown prince said that there was definitely a problem with some of the princess’s memories.’

But if you remember what happened during the mission… He didn’t think the princess had lost all of her memories.

Since he couldn’t ask her, Kylo decided to wait for her.

Kylo asked in a calm tone.

“I heard that the princess is having trouble with her memory. What specifically is the problem?”

“What? ah… Well, that….”

When the attendant hesitated, Kylo reassured him and continued.

“I’m asking because I think I need to know in advance so I don’t make a mistake in front of the princess.”

At those words, the attendant glanced around and answered in a low voice.

“That’s right… That’s actually… Hasn’t her admired Raymond Spencer for a long time?”


“But after yesterday’s accident, it is true that the princess has completely forgotten her memories of him.”

Kylo’s brows narrowed.

He now wonders if he heard right?

“Are you saying she don’t remember Raymond Spencer?”

“Yes, yes…Maybe so. I don’t know the details either…They say there are cases like that.”

“…Is that possible?”

“I guess so. The court doctor said that, but in reality, such cases often happen…I was also really surprised.”


“But it seems like even jer personality has changed…we have been on thin ice since yesterday because we don’t know when a spark will fly.”

The servant trembled as if he was afraid just thinking about it.

Kylo asked with a serious expression in response to the unusual reaction.

“Has she become more violent than before?”

“No, quite the opposite. She keep smiling…We’re even more scared of that….”


Kylo silenced.

Yesterday, she also experienced it, but the princess who was definitely smiling brightly…She was much more scary than she looked angry.

She lost her memories of Raymond Spencer by the way…

It didn’t sound impossible at all. He had seen similar cases on the battlefield.

One of the soldiers who almost died on the battlefield but survived lost his memory.

The soldier erased all memories of the terrible war itself.

He suddenly had flashbacks to when he was fifteen and was told he was still receiving treatment.

So it wasn’t that surprising, but the princess’s case was a bit unusual.

The memories of just one person are erased.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    aldo, Damian is a *****
    even in this situation, he is thinking abt postponing his own wedding, like WOW

    1. Eternity4Ever says:


    2. Esraa says:

      He is a piece of sh*t really!!! His sister almost died and all he could think about was that she lost her memories of Raymond????? The real villain of the story is her brother 🤣🤣🤣

      1. Kyo says:

        I thought the same thing!!!!! Damien doesn’t even seem to care about his sister!!!! God help this man! Smh and why does he have to look hot too (from the manhwa lol) 😢 and yesssss KYLOOOOO.I CANT WAIT FOR AGNES TO SHOWER U WITH WARMTH AND AFFECTION SOON. AAAAAAAAAA


        1. Esraa says:

          Thank you for your support🥰🥰🥰

  2. deesan says:

    I hope Kylo treats her more kindly soon.
    Waiting for the ship to finally sail. 🚢
    Thank you for the translation! 💞

  3. N says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful update💙

  4. tatant says:


  5. Ana Julia says:

    This story is quite immersive and interesting.Thank you for the translation/(•^•)/S2

  6. Nobodynobodyma says:

    I am so excited for new chapterss. Thank uu ❤️

  7. Sane says:

    Thank you dear Esraa for the translation♥️
    I just wanna ask you guys if theirs any specific timing for the chapters updates? and thank you!💞


    This Demian bastard wtf? You sister is dying and the only thing you think about is that Raymond? And how make them together???? Reallyyyyy?????? I hope that you’ll comeback to your sense and erase this idea of your head and become a good brother… But I don’t think you’ll do so.. 🙂

    1. Esraa says:

      There is no specific time. when I finish translating five chapters every day, I publish them

  8. Sleepytiny says:

    I have to say that I kinda feel bad for Raymond. Thought he is mean it wasn’t over the top and to be fair it is really annoying if someone klingt to you and forces you to spend time together even though you don’t want to.

    1. Cathe says:

      I feel the same… from the very beginning. 😓😥
      I want her and Kylo to be together, but I’m really pitying Raymond, a lot.

    2. chakitty_ says:

      Ify, she’s going too far by setting Raymond up.

  9. Cathe says:

    Damian cares more about his friend than his sister…
    And I’m really annoyed that he keeps thinking about them as “benefit or loss”. 🤯🤬😤

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