Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

The man in front of me was wearing a fancy uniform worn only by servants who served the imperial family.

“There you are! Fortunately, the…! You have to go to the princess’s palace right now!”

“…The princess’s palace?”

Kylo’s eyebrows twitched.

In a short moment, fifty thousand thoughts passed through his mind.

Did the princess finally remember what happened that day?

So she called me to punish me?

The attendant explained the situation to Kylo, who had a slightly dumbfounded expression.

“You said you just returned from a mission? Of course, you still don’t know the news….”

“What news are you talking about?”

“Well, the princess had a serious accident this morning and just woke up…!”

“What do you mean, an accident?”

“First of all, first of all…Can i explain when we are on our way? She told me to bring you there urgently…!”

The servant waved his hand as if urging him on.

Kylo then went back in and began to change into his new uniform.

After a while, Kylo came out wearing his uniform and the attendant quickly guided him.

Kylo asked, buttoning his sleeves.

“Now tell me. What kind of accident happened?”

“That is… The princess went outside the castle alone in the morning and got into a carriage accident. Fortunately, Lord Spencer found it and brought her to us.”


“But didn’t she suddenly stop breathing and come back? She died and came back to life. Anyway, she just woke up.”

Kylo’s complexion darkened as the situation was more serious than expected.

He said the princess almost died.

No, she died and came back to life? What on earth happened?

But after hearing the explanation of the situation, I was even more puzzled.

Why did the servant come looking for me, leaving the princess who had just woken up?

The attendant seemed to have noticed Kylo’s doubts, and immediately continued speaking.

“But as soon as the princess woke up, she immediately went looking for Lord Gray.”


Could it be that the servant had some kind of misunderstanding?

Of all the things Kylo had ever heard in his life, the most absurd thing he could pick was what he had just heard.

It Didn’t make sense.

The first person the princess comes back from after wandering around the world of death is him.

Did she hit her head??

Kylo arrived in front of the princess’s palace in a state of bewilderment.

This was his second time going inside the princess’s palace.

The first day was the day when the Emperor’s Ball was held, and the day I dropped off the princess who kissed me while drunk.

Thinking back on that day, Kylo’s mind became complicated again.

That was when he came into the living room.

Kylo found Raymond Spencer standing blankly near the bedroom door.

‘Why is that kid doing that?’

Raymond Spencer was standing with his hands against the wall with a dumbfounded look on his face.

It was my first time seeing Raymond Spencer with that expression.

They say he found Princess Agnes at the time of the accident and brought her to her palace.

So, are you still mesmerized?

He knocks.

“Lord Kylo Gray has arrived.”

The attendant who was waiting in front of the bedroom door knocked on the door and said.

Then the emperor’s voice was heard from inside, telling him to come in immediately.

Kylo was first surprised by the emperor’s voice, and was surprised again the moment the door opened and he entered.

In the bedroom, Princess Agnes was sitting on the bed covered with a blanket, along with the emperor and the crown prince.

Kylo immediately bent one knee and bowed his head to show respect to the Emperor.

“Meet Your Majesty the Emperor.”

“There’s nothing to be polite about, so get up.”

When Kylo raised his head, the court physician pointed directly to the chair next to the bed and invited him to sit down.

“Come this way.”


Even though Kylo was dazed, he followed the court doctor’s words.

As I sat down on the simple chair right next to the bed, my eyes naturally turned to the princess.

I made direct eye contact with Princess Agnes, who was sitting on the bed.

Although Princess Agnes was dressed simply, she looked fine on the outside.

Of course they would have done all the treatment, but she didn’t show any scars.

Is it because his expression is so bright?

She died and woke up in no way believed that she was the just wake up.

Could it be that the attendant did something wrong?

There is no way a person who died and woke up could smile so brightly.

And that’s by looking at me, not at others.

“Lord Gray.”

The princess called him.

Kylo’s eyes wavered.

A voice so sweet that I couldn’t believe it was calling me came from the lips of no one else but Princess Agnes.

Princess Agnes even stretched out her hand and pulled Kylo’s hand.

Kylo was so embarrassed that he froze.

A palm so soft that it gave goosebumps brushed the back of his hand, which was rough with calluses.

“Ah, Agnes…There is no need to hold hands….”

The Emperor, who was sitting across from Kylo on the bed, tried to stop her, but Agnes didn’t care.

“Lord Grey. Thank you for saving me last time.”


Kylo couldn’t understand this situation and glanced around.

But it seemed to be the same for everyone else.

The courtiers, the crown prince, and even the emperor were looking at Agnes with bewildered expressions.

Meanwhile, Agnes, who was the only one who was calm, smiled brightly.

The smile was so sweet and beautiful that it almost blinded those who saw it.

The emperor was especially shocked.

The daughter I cherish so much… She gave that guy a smile that she never gave me.

I don’t know if it’s Raymond Spencer who was making such a fuss about being so good… .

Isn’t Kylo Gray the person Agnes herself looked down on, saying he was of lowly status?

A moment when everyone is at a loss because they can’t find anything to say.

It was Agnes who broke the silence.

Agnes spoke in the same sweet and gentle voice as before.

“Lord Gray. They say that before you die, you see your life flashing before your eyes, right? Surprisingly, that happened to me too.”


“But isn’t the most memorable moment of all of them the moment when Lord saved me?”

“Do you mean me?”

“Yes, sir, kill the monsters that are charging at me! You separated and saved me. And during the mission we went on together, he saved me from stepping on a land mine.”


“So as soon as I opened my eyes, the first thing I wanted to do was say thank you, sir.”

Damian, who was watching this, let out a small laugh.

Agnes clearly had a serious head injury.

Was Agnes the kind of girl who could speak in such a pretentiously sweet voice?

The contrived and unreasonably friendly tone of her words somehow made me feel sick to my stomach.

And there was something else that was most absurd.

‘Raymond was the first to discover the collapse and move her to the castle… Isn’t it right to say thank you to Raymond first?’

But suddenly it’s Kylo Gray?

Damian really didn’t like this situation.

He glared at the courtier who was standing there with a dumbfounded expression and scolded him.

“Doctor. I think it would be better to do a few more detailed inspections…You can’t say that Agnes’s condition is normal.”

“Yeah, that’s true, but…”

“Are you sure it’s simply a problem with some memories? It doesn’t seem like it to me.”

“Well, that’s….”

As the court doctor hesitated, Damian turned his arrow towards the emperor.

“Father, please speak for yourself. Does Agnes’ condition seem normal now?”

When Damian asked, Emperor Alexander only twitched his lips as if he couldn’t deny it.

It was then.

Agnes suddenly frowned and crossed her eyes.

“Agnes! Are you okay?”

As the emperor approached in surprise, Agnes narrowed her eyes at him and said,

“Hah…My brother’s voice is so sharp. My head hurts, as if my nerves were being stabbed.”


It’s Time For the second Cover!

Princess Who Hides Her Fandom Cover 2

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    bye Damian~

  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  3. Kyo says:

    Hahahahahahaha actress of the year award Agnes!!! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 Good job! Now get our Kylo bodyguard! Hahaahahah

  4. Cathe says:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 GIRL!!!!!!!!

  5. Cathe says:

    I think Raymond lost some brain cells… he truly went for a rollercoaster 🎢

  6. Cathe says:

    Poor Kylo and Emperor Alexander! 😅 They’re so lost right now!

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