Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

They quickly checked Agnes’ condition.

Raymond was in a state of panic the whole time, unable to do anything about his blood-covered hands.

As he looked at the courtiers rushing by with serious faces, he too felt that this situation was real.

Really…Agnes might really die.

Even on the battlefield, he was concerned about the lives of each soldier.

Of course, he never revealed it to the outside, so no one knew about it.

As he held a high position, he had to appear aloof.

Because his own agitation could harm the morale of the knights and soldiers.

It was greedy to have time to be consumed by sadness.

He had to come up with the next move together with his commanders.

Death was always nearby.

The battlefield was that kind of place.

But Raymond couldn’t remain detached from the death of others.

He had always been like that since his mother’s death.

He was greatly disturbed by even the loss of a small animal’s life.

To him, the battlefield was like hell.

Every day we heard news of soldiers dying.

There was a soldier I was talking with yesterday, and there was also a soldier who was showing off a letter his family had sent him.

Every time he heard that they were dead, Raymond’s mind broke a little.

Gradually, he began to isolate himself, not communicating with anyone.

Fortunately, it was easy to hide my agitation.

He had no time to wallow in his sadness, so the answer was to drive himself crazy.

As you stay busy, time flies by without you realizing it.

Just like the time after he lost his mother, when he called Agnes terribly.


In an instant, realization struck me.

Maybe Agnes knew that?

Was she always there to bother him so that his mother’s death would not shake him?

When I realized that fact, a shiver ran down my spine.

I felt like all the body heat was leaving me along with the blood.

It was then.

“Her Highness the Princess!”

“Her Majesty has stopped breathing!”

“It feels like her heart stopped!”

People’s voices pierced my ears like a knife.

The court doctors began administering first aid with pale faces.

Raymond hallucinated the world falling apart before his eyes.


He opened his mouth to make a sound, but no words came out.

Agnes is dead…?

Agnes’ heart…It stopped…..

That couldn’t have been possible.

Agnes was a more obsessive and persistent person than anyone he had ever met in his life.

The only thing Agnes longed for and wanted throughout her life was him.

But there was no way he would leave Agnes here to die.

So vain…..

There was no way she would leave like that, with only hurtful memories from him.

There was no way that Agnes, who was so selfish and persistent, would leave this world with only that in her possession.

She had to.

She shouldn’t have been able to do that.

Now, finally, I decided to apologize…

Raymond couldn’t accept the situation that was unfolding before his eyes.


I felt like my mind was breaking into pieces.

Could it be that I went crazy because I couldn’t sleep at all last night? So maybe I’m seeing a fantasy?

Maybe it was a nightmare i was having as i barely fell asleep from exhaustion.

This isn’t reality.

There is no way Agnes could die in vain like this…

But the pale, limp hands seen among the courtiers…

It was clearly Agnes’s.

The annoying hand that always grabbed the hem of his clothes.

Although it was an absurdly small subject, her grip on me was very strong…

White, dry, selfish hands with no trace of hardship.

Raymond always took that hand away coldly and dispassionately.

There was never a time when I was held this hand affectionately and completely.

The hand, stained with blood, was becoming cold and hardening.

Raymond held Agnes’ hand, not even noticing the tears flowing from his eyes.

It was cold.

It was so cold it gave me goosebumps.

And I didn’t feel any strength.

Always holding the hem of my clothes tightly…

The hand that seemed to be crying out for me to stay by my side, along with the gaze full of regret…

Her limp was like a corpse, without any strength.

I felt hopeless because I couldn’t feel any sign of life.

Raymond couldn’t believe this moment more than any other death he had seen in his life.

This was clearly a dream.

It’s a terrible nightmare.

Agnes must have used a strange spell to show him nightmares to torment him.

Thinking like that made me feel at ease.

Yeah, there’s no way Agnes is going to die.

Agnes, who wanted to hold on to him like this, felt truly cruel and vicious.

It was difficult for him to understand why he was being so cruel.

But on the other hand, i was…I also thought about it.

I wonder if Agnes would have done something like this. It was all his fault.

Now I fully understand Agnes’s feelings.

So, I wanted to put an end to this terrible prank.

I could have gotten down on my knees and prayed.

‘I’ll do everything you tell me to do….’

It didn’t matter now whether I was getting married or anything, or whether I was playing with a doll.

So please be like my mother… I hope you don’t die like my mother… .

Don’t leave me…..

I didn’t want to be alone and live with guilt for the rest of my life.

He had to be different from his father. He had to live differently.

So that…

It was then.

“She can breathe again!”

“Her breath is running again! It’s a miracle!”

As someone said, like a miracle, Agnes began to breathe again.

Raymond trembled, holding on tightly to her increasingly warm hand.

From a distance, the emperor and crown prince could be seen running after hearing the news.

In the meantime, Raymond didn’t leave Agnes’ side.

Warmth began to form in the hand that I had never been able to hold.

Raymond squeezed Agnes’ small hand tightly.

As if he would never let go again, never again.

Now it didn’t matter anything. Everything was fine.

Now that Agnes is back, he will give her anything she wants.

He swore.


The servants guarding the bedroom door glanced at Raymond Spencer, who was standing blankly in the living room.

There was no word from inside to come in, so he had to stand the whole time.

But Raymond’s condition seemed strange.

Raymond Spencer, standing against the wall, seemed to be deep in thought.

His eyes were unfocused and he looked like he was going to collapse at any moment.

‘oh my god? Am i going to keep waiting like that?’

‘Then what? There’s no telling us to come in from the inside.’

The servants murmured quietly, waiting for orders to come from inside.


Meanwhile, the atmosphere inside the princess’s bedroom was still cold.

People glanced at each other and tried to understand the situation.

It was the emperor who broke the long silence.

“Agnes…? Hey. This father doesn’t really know what you’re talking about…”


“If Kylo Gray…Are you talking about Kylo Gray?”

Emperor Alexander asked awkwardly.

Agnes smiled and nodded at him.

“Yes, Lord Gray is the commander of the Black Knights and also my superior. He saved my life several times during his missions.”

“…Is that so?”

“Yes, he is truly brave and just. So please call him right now.”

Agnes spoke clearly again.

Still, there was no change.

In the silence, everyone just rolled their eyes and looked at each other.

‘No, is it really that surprising?’

The biggest reason why everyone here was surprised was that Agnes lost her memories of Raymond Spencer.

But then she bring in Kylo..

The faces of the people who had received great shock twice in a row were stunned.

Of course, there were no rumors that the relationship between the two had worsened after Agnes was assigned to the Black Knights.

But this moment when I died and came back to life.

Everyone was perplexed that the person i was told to bring in right away was Kylo Gray.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    I…. feel…. SLIGHTLY bad for Raymond

    1. lemmeread says:

      I kinda… More than just slightly… Agree with you there

    2. Lexarz says:


  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  3. Kyo says:

    Hmmmm…. Ooooookay so he finally realised Agnes kept clinging onto him so that he wouldn’t have the chance to be lonely or miss his mom too much. But still …. Must U really wait till someone dies for you to truly regret everything? I pity the old Agnes just a slight bit (cos she’s still mean to Kylo!!!!!)

    Aaaaaaaa I can’t wait for kyloooooo!!! Ty for translating!!!!

    1. isis says:

      a antiga Agnes assediava o Raymond, pq ele que tem q se desculpar? 💔

  4. Cathe says:

    Not twice, but everyone actually had 4 shocks in a row…
    I wonder what she’s going to ask/do when Kylo gets there? And I suppose it will take some time, since he volunteered to a mission and isn’t in the capital anymore.
    They said that it was a noble’s carriage that hit her? I think that it was the Gray’s… 😏😈⚰️

  5. Cathe says:

    Oh boy did this chapter HURT!!!! My heart! Poor Raymond! Poor of his mother! Poor original Agnes! I almost seriously cried with this chapter! 🤧 How could we truly hate them? They’re all flawed, but they all had their reasons and were trying their best with their limited knowledge and circumstances. 😭💔💔❤️‍🩹

  6. Raquel says:

    Não sinto nenhum pouco de Lena dessa cara, pq o quanto ele pudesse humilhar ela ele fazia e agora vem com esse papo

  7. Ammy says:

    I really feel sorry for them both, but Raymond just wanted Agnes to live to ease his guilt about the past.The old Agnes, I still blame her for all the harm she did to others but Raymond is not in a favorable position either I understand them both, but Raymond is being incredibly selfish in this chapter, but I can understand his feelings and how

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