Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

I know it’s rude to come here so early, but I wanted to meet Agnes as soon as possible and talk to her.

But Agnes isn’t in the princess’s palace.

Raymond felt disappointed and began to ask more questions.

“Is she going for a walk?”

“…It seems so.”

“She didn’t go alone, right?”

“Well, of course. The chamberlain accompanied her.”

“…Do you know which direction of the imperial castle you are going to?”

“I’m sorry. She isn’t the kind of person who says where she is going and then leaves….”

Raymond’s handsome brow furrowed.

From a young age, Agnes frequently wandered around the castle to explore.

One time, they was upset because they couldn’t find her for half a day.

The attendants and guards searched for her princess, sweating profusely.

Raymond, who was a hide-and-seek tagger, also set out to find the princess who had disappeared with them.

If news reaches the emperor, everyone here will be kicked out.

No matter how young she was, Raymond at the time was annoyed by Agnes’ lack of responsibility.

While Raymond wanted to find Agnes quickly, he also wanted Agnes to disappear and never return.

Strangely enough, it was a moment when I had such feelings.

Raymond was able to find Agnes.

The entrance to a large forest on the grounds of the imperial castle.

Agnes was sleeping peacefully under the shade of the zelkova tree.

He saw her face sleeping without knowing anything, and he was so angry that it boiled over to the end of his head…

Who runs away to the other side of the castle while playing hide and seek?

Raymond hated Agnes a little more that day.

Inconsiderate, selfish, immature…I hated everything about her.

Raymond, who had been lost in old thoughts for a while, returned to reality.

She said she went for a walk, so she must be within the imperial castle.

But he couldn’t help but think of other possibilities.

‘There is no way she would have gone out of the castle at this early hour.’

She wouldn’t even have gone out without an escort.

Princess Agnes didn’t have a separate escort knight.

He wasn’t there to begin with.

Princess Agnes always harassed the knights who served as her guards.

She either rejected them because of their low status, or ignored him because his skills were poor and kicked him out arbitrarily.

It was an action that clearly showed her intention of wanting Raymond Spencer as an escort knight.

But Raymond refused to the end.

Maybe that’s why, at some point, no one wanted to be the princess’s bodyguard.

In any case, Agnes possessed outstanding magical powers, and she rarely left the palace grounds.

The emperor didn’t provide protection to Agnes, who complained of her frustration, and this continued to this day.

Raymond lingered in front of the princess’s palace for a while before moving on.

Since I had no choice, I was thinking of coming back in the afternoon.

While I was walking like that.

Raymond saw that the attendant’s expression changed in a split second.


The attendant was a little relieved that he was leaving the princess’s palace.


Raymond pretended to leave the princess’s palace just in case, and headed to the carriage storage room behind the princess’s palace.

Looking at the servant’s expression, I thought that the princess might have gone out of the castle.

If she had gone out in a carriage, he was planning to go outside the castle and look for it.

Since I was leaving on a mission tomorrow, my only chance was today, and I had plenty of time today.

As expected, his intuition was accurate.

Arriving near the carriage house, Raymond unconsciously stopped his steps and hid his body.

The princess’s palace was far away from other palaces, so it had a separate large carriage house and stables.

But a small voice was coming from the carriage house.

‘Agnes’ voice….’

Raymond silenced his voice and moved closer.

A suspicious-looking person wearing a dark hood came into his field of vision, hiding in a blind spot.

As soon as he saw the silhouette, Raymond was sure who it was.

She was Princess Agnes.

‘Are you just about to leave the imperial castle?’

As expected, what the servant said was a lie.

Seeing as he hasn’t left yet, he must have heard that he was coming.

Nevertheless, Agnes chose to go out of her castle instead of meeting him.

He couldn’t believe it all over again.

Agnes lied to deny her meeting with him…

Perhaps because she had never done anything like that before, he never thought something like this could possibly happen.

There were constant rumors that Agnes had given up on him…Only today did he realize that it was true.

Strangely, his fingertips were trembling.

Raymond bit his lip and concentrated on the conversation he was hearing.

“If you keep secretly going out of the palace like this, you should ask His Majesty for an escort knight… ok?”

A middle-aged woman standing in front of a princess wearing a robe spoke with concern.

She was the chamberlain of the princess’s palace.

Agnes then held her hand and reassured her.

“Chamberlain, do you know how much I rely on you? I have always thought of you as my nanny.”

“Woah, Your Royal Highness….”

“If you had already married and become a noble lady, I would have appointed you as chief maid. That is not the case, so I appointed you as chief maid. Of course, I like it better now.”

“majesty…Since you said so…How thrilled I am… .”

In Raymond’s field of vision, all he could see was Agnes’ back.

The Chamberlain was looking up at Agnes, shedding tears of emotion.

“So don’t worry. huh? I came back quickly last time too. Who the hell are you worried about? I also have a weapon made by a master craftsman.”

“…I understand, Your Majesty. Instead, you must arrive by the time mentioned. Definitely.”

“Uh oh. of course. don’t worry.”

Agnes responded insincerely and then got on the brown horse that the chamberlain had brought out.

Raymond gazed keenly at the path she had taken.

And as soon as the chamberlain left his place, he walked quickly to the stables.

I don’t know where she was going, but it was dangerous to go outside the castle alone.

‘Have you been going in and out like this all this time?’

For some reason, I felt angry.

There was no one guarding the stable, as if the chamberlain had secretly given an order to send the princess out.

‘No matter what, sending the princess away alone….’

Raymond took out a neatly tied horse and skillfully mounted it.

And then he hurriedly tracked down Agnes and caught up with her.

His heart was beating wildly due to his unknown emotions and anger.


Today was Kylo’s birthday, and the last day his birthday cafe was open.

In the morning, she had a birthday party alone, but it wasn’t enough.

Unfortunately, Kylo was away for his mission and couldn’t celebrate his birthday.

Feeling disappointed, Agnes planned to go to the birthday cafe one more time and take a proof photo.

She left her horse at the public stable located near the entrance to the downtown area and started walking.

The weather was nice, perfect for her to go for a walk.

Perhaps because it was early, there weren’t many people in the downtown area.

She said the streets were lined with merchants who started their business early and carriages moving busily.

The billboard where Kylo’s birthday advertisement had recently been posted had an advertisement for the largest trading company on the continent.

It was part of the imperial business, and was currently managed by Damien.

‘There was a reason they didn’t extend the advertisement… .’

Agnes requested an advertisement while hiding her identity.

But the next advertisement was the crown prince’s business….She thought it was a good thing she didn’t be stubborn.

He may have been forcibly dismissed for intruding on the crown prince’s business for no reason.

So Agnes wandered around the downtown area and looked around.

The place where the birthday cafe was held was a famous tea house, and there were still about 30 minutes left until opening time.

Agnes walked down the main street where carriages came and went roughly, wearing a deep black robe.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!!!

  2. Eternity4Ever says:

    let her plan Kylo’s bday in peace

  3. Kyo says:

    Oh yay!!!!! It’s coming!!!!! More Kylo and Agnes togetherness time! Hang in there Agnes! T.T

    Ty for your fast translation sobsss!!!!

  4. Cathe says:

    Oh I seriously hope that:
    1) Nothing bad happens so that he has to save her 😤
    2) He’s NOT the first person to know about her feelings! I’ll be so upset if that happens! 👺 I don’t know why, but I would prefer to anyone to realise that (even Sirius or his mother), BUT Raymond, the saintess and the Gray family! I want them to be least to know 😫

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