Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

At some point, it became natural for him to think of his mother and Agnes at the same time.

The two definitely look alike.

So it’s unpleasant.

He didn’t want Agnes to end up in an unhappy marriage like his mother.

I know it’s ridiculous to think like this now.

Also, Agnes’s marriage has nothing to do with him, but still…

At least as much as Agnes.

I never wanted her to become unhappy like my mother.

However, Damian opened his mouth as if nothing had happened.

“But that can’t be guaranteed. I think Sirius will become a very family man after he gets married.”


It was a comfortable sound.

Raymond sighed internally, but he couldn’t even point it out.

Damian, who was looking at Raymond closely, spoke with the intention of provoking him.

“Honestly, Raymond Spencer, isn’t Sirius better than a blunt man like you? You seem to be blunt with his wife even after you get married…”

Raymond’s brows furrowed at the teasing tone.

He seemed strangely upset.

Damian smiled and continued, whether he knew it or not.

“But I still have feelings for you, Raymond. If Agnes and you get married, you won’t have such a reliable ally.”


At those words, Raymond’s neck twitched.

In the past, it was such a disgusting thing to hear that it was annoying.


Strangely, I didn’t feel as rejected as I used to.

Now, to the point where I wonder how my mind has changed so much.

Because Agnes doesn’t bother him as much as before?

Or because he realized that his mother and Agnes looked alike?

It didn’t matter what the reason was.

What was certain was that it was not unpleasant to be associated with her anymore.

“But you’ll still be a horrible brother in law for me.”


“I have no intention of forcing you. But I have no intention of connecting Sirius Melville and Agnes any time soon.”

Raymond looked at the crown prince after hearing those words.

He showed an attitude as if he would connect that playboy with Agnes right away…

Has there been a change of heart?

Are you trying to force me to connect you with Princess Agnes again?

The thought that this might be the case somehow made Raymond feel a little better.

Damian quickly noticed that Raymond’s expression was slightly brightening and said with a smile.

“I agreed to a truce with His Majesty. He won’t be involved in my marriage for the time being, so there’s no need for me to interfere with Agnes’s engagement.”

“…Thank goodness.”

“Yes, but we’ll have to wait and see about Sirius Melville. It seems like you and Agnes get along quite well.”


“Good job, bye.”

“All right.”

Raymond answered neatly and stood up from his seat.

Damian observed his back until just before he left the door, then spoke hastily, pretending to have just thought of something.

“By the way, you said you were leaving on a mission in two days, right? Then why don’t you tell Agnes about it tomorrow?”


Raymond turned around and stood up after hearing words whose intentions were difficult to guess.

“This mission is quite a long one. I think Agnes might leave the capital in the meantime. You have to say your final goodbye.”

Damian spoke very lightly, as if there was no particular reason.

As if talking about the weather.

But one word offended Raymond.

“…Is this the last time?”

“I found out while talking with His Majesty today…It seemed like my father was thinking of sending Agnes away from the capital to a distant territory for a few years.”

“Why all of a sudden…”

Unlike before, when she always got into trouble, Agnes recently had a very good reputation in social circles.

So much so that he couldn’t even believe it when he heard it.

But why suddenly?

Damian lightly shrugged his shoulders.

“I can’t know His Majesty’s intentions. He must be feeling anxious because I keep trying to rush Agnes’s engagement. He probably want to give Agnes freedom.”


“His Majesty doesn’t want Agnes to get married quickly.”


“So, I’m telling you to say your final goodbyes and leave. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“…I will do that if possible.”

With those words, Raymond saluted and left.

After a while.

Damien, who was left alone, let out a loud laugh that she had been suppressing all along.

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”

He laughed wildly for a long time.

By the time the laughter died down, questions came to mind.

Aside from the fact that this situation was enjoyable, I wondered why Raymond’s attitude had changed.

“ha ha ha… I mean, he’s a very cute guy. But why are you doing that all of a sudden?”

What kind of change of heart occurred?

It was Damian who had seen Raymond Spencer for a longer and closer time than anyone else.

Because of this, he was able to notice subtle changes in Raymond.

Raymond Spencer didn’t hate his sister like he used to.

The reason was unknown.

But there were many reasons to speculate.

First of all, Agnes is no longer as clingy to Raymond as before.

Perhaps as she grew older, her personality was very different from before, and her reputation in social circles was improving day by day.

And above all, there was a possibility of marrying another man.

I don’t know what on earth provoked Raymond Spencer…

‘It’s a very good thing for me…’

Damian thought that Agnes still had feelings for Raymond Spencer.

‘Agnes is using her brain smarter than before.’

He was so stupid that I doubted whether she was my younger sister, but now I see that she was definitely my younger sister.

As long as the two of them are doing well, there is no more reliable ally for him.

As for Agnes, she was my younger sister who shared the same blood as me, and Raymond was my subordinate who I cared about that much.

‘Agnes, thank me.’

Since he has done a good job as her older brother, Agnes will also be a good younger sister to him.

Damien had no doubt that she believed his thoughts.

He hummed his tune and looked out the window.

It was very nice because the weather was cool.

It seemed like something very pleasant was about to happen.


That night, Raymond Spencer couldn’t fall asleep until late at night.

It was so sudden.

My throat strangely burned as I thought that maybe tomorrow would be the last time I would see Princess Agnes for the next few years.

‘Am i nervous? But there’s no reason to be nervous, so why…’

Although he didn’t think he was nervous in his head, his actions definitely seemed like those of someone who was nervous.

Behaviors such as biting one’s lip, pacing around unable to sit still, or bothering one’s fingernails.

Raymond was convinced that he couldn’t sleep like this.

Due to his nature, he will only be able to close his eyes once he has sorted out his complex thoughts.

He sat down on the bed with his elbows on his knees.

And he thought of Agnes and asked himself a question.

Do I still hate Agnes?

Thinking back to Agnes from the past, who stubbornly looked at me, the answer wasn’t difficult.

He still hated Agnes.

But when I think back to the most recent prom I saw…The answer is a little different.

Rather than Agnes, I found Sirius, who appeared with a shiny face and shamelessly holding her hand, to be more unsightly and unpleasant.

The reason his mind changed may be because Agnes changed.

Agnes has definitely changed differently than before.

Is that why? Is that why he doesn’t feel as disliked as before?

Raymond found it difficult to convince himself of his feelings.

He was just confused.

It’s not like I have regrets for Agnes now.


All I could think of were the actions and harsh words I had deliberately used to hurt Agnes.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Kyo says:

    gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! so much of Ray…. i can’t stand mr cray cray Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kylo and Agnessssss come bacccccccccccccccck!!!

    TY for the translations!!!!

  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  3. Eternity4Ever says:

    i get that he also cares, but i feel like his first priority is to stall his own wedding, which PISSES ME OFF

    1. Kyla says:

      Yea he’s definitely not a good brother at all. What he knows is that his sister is no longer interested in Ray and in fact was even allegedly hurt by him yet he pushes Ray onto Agnes so much. Dude is extremely selfish and it’s concerning someone like him will be the next emperor. He seems too self-serving to be make a successful emperor.

  4. ABlossom says:

    Engraçado, o motivo que ele odeia ela é o mesmo motivo pelo qual ele gosta dela (a mãe dele)… tipo alô psicólogos, temos um jovem com mom issues aqui 👀
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

    1. Cathe says:

      Eita… pior que é. 😅😬 Isso é triste e engraçado ao mesmo tempo.

  5. Cathe says:

    Well, yeah, forget my comment on the previous chapter… 🫠
    I agree with Damien, that was an amusing moment and I also like to tease my friends 😏😅 but I can’t wait for the moment he realises how wrong he actually is!! 🤣 Even better if Agnes gives him hell for making her life more difficult 😜

  6. yudiskys says:

    seeing damian still obsessed with making reymond his BIL after all the shit he did kindda making me nervous for future kylo , and OMG THE EMPEROR!! kylo already have low self esteem I can’t watch these two coming for his throat.

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