Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

“Do I have an obligation to answer your question?”

“I would like you to do it.”

Agnes quietly looked into Hazel’s eyes as she answered boldly.

The light green eyes felt darker than before. It was a dark atmosphere, completely different from the usual warm sunlight.

‘Why are you doing this, huh?’

I honestly wondered what she would say.

I rarely bumped into Hazel Devon, so it was my first time talking to her like this…

‘Because she is the original female lead.’

In fact, when i was a reader, if i was to be specific, she was the one rooting for the original heroine rather than the saint.

“What question?”

When Agnes asked in a compassionate voice, Hazel Devon opened her mouth without hesitation.

“Are you really giving up on Raymond Spencer?”


It’s really boring.

That damn Raymond, Raymond Spencer…

Agnes sighed deeply, feeling bored.

If you feel like it…You just have to take it yourself without having to ask me instead.

but… Agnes decided to think about her image, which she had barely managed to improve.

Agnes said, her expression changing in an instant.

“Yes, I’m really tired of being hurt now….”

As Agnes said that, she looked lonely, as if she was somehow aloof from everything.

Actually, it was just annoying.


Hazel stared at the princess with slightly shaking eyes. It was as if this was her first time seeing something like this.

Agnes thought it was over and warned Hazel.

“If you block my way again, your head will be blown off.”

I tried to act strong for fear of bothering me again, but luckily it seemed to work.

Hazel Devon quietly moved out of the way.

Agnes passed by her as if she had been waiting.

At that time, I heard Hazel Devon’s low voice from behind me.

“Well thought out. Raymond Spencer really hates the princess.”


What? She just stick a knife in the back of someone who wants to leave…

What on earth are you saying…?

Unlike in her previous life, Agnes wanted to support the saint rather than Hazel.

But I didn’t feel like talking any more, so I walked quickly.

I already knows how much Raymond hates me.

So what? It’s none of my business.

The fact that my favorite character hates me is a sad fact that makes me want to cry, but what about Raymond now…I have no interest in it or not.

What will i do if he hates me?

So Agnes walked quickly.

Thanks to that, she didn’t know.

The fact that Hazel’s eyes stayed behind her for a long time.

Also, those eyes were somehow sad.


The place Agnes headed without hesitation was where the Knights Templar building was located.

She was on a bad mood when she started arguing with Hazel.

She felt like she had to quickly cleanse her face with her favorite face.

But strangely, the faster I walked, the shorter I became out of breath and the hotter my body became.

‘Am i feeling drunk now…?’

In fact, the champagne i drank had a fairly high alcohol content.

In addition, I tend to get very drunk very late, so there were many instances where I drank a lot without realizing I was drunk and the film cut out.

Agnes drank several glasses in succession without even knowing it.

Agnes, who was starting to feel quite drunk, slowly leaned against the wall.

I seemed to get drunk faster, perhaps because I was out of breath after walking so quickly.

‘Oh, I’m dying…Why am I so dizzy?’

In the meantime, Agnes walked unsteadily along the wall, determined to see her favorite.

At that time, a training sound that sounded like a wooden sword being wielded was heard from somewhere.

The first day of the National founding ceremony.

There was only one person in the empire who would be training alone on a day like this.

A loner who is not invited by anyone.

My favorite…

Agnes walked quickly, remembering her favorite being alone like Cinderella.

The place we arrived at was the garden behind the Black Knights’ training ground.


Meanwhile, inside Crystal Hall, a fun party was still in full swing.

The Crown Prince, Damian, looked at the people dancing gracefully to the music of the orchestra.

His rapidly moving gaze seemed to be searching for someone.

“Hey, Diana.”

Damian, unable to find the person he was looking for, eventually called his partner who was standing next to him.

Diana Lennox, who was beautifully dressed today, flinched and looked at him.

Damien motioned for me to come closer, as if he had something to say.

Diana, who was secretly developing her unrequited love for him, approached nervously.

Damien asked into her ear.

“Sirius, where is he? I can’t even see Agnes.”

At those words, Diana’s eyes quickly scanned the hall.

The fact that Princess Agnes brought Sirius as her partner today surprised many.

Damien, the Crown Prince and Agnes’s only brother, was also surprised.

No, I wasn’t surprised.

So I was glancing at the two people throughout the party, but while I was talking to other people for a moment, the two people disappeared.

‘You couldn’t have gone out with that Sirius guy, right?’

I couldn’t understand why the two suddenly became partners.

Sirius Melville was one of the Crown Prince’s old close friends.

He was also a huge flirt.

At that time, Diana pointed to one side and said.

“Sirius is over there, Your Majesty.”


When I turned my gaze to those words, I saw a man standing alone in a corner of the party.

He looked so stylish today, he was radiant from head to toe.

‘Why is your expression like that?’

Sirius was staring blankly into space, as if he was drunk.

He had a hazy face, as if he was walking somewhere in a dream.

“This is my first time seeing him standing alone at a party.”

“I know, right. He never came off the stage….”

Diana also muttered in confusion.

Damian observed Sirius with a serious face.

Sirius, who was standing blankly, coldly shook his head whenever women approached him and pretended to know him.

Women who were denied something turned bright red and turned away with an unpleasant look on their faces.

If one were to choose the man with the best manners in Imperial social circles, it would be Sirius Melville.

But that guy has that kind of attitude…

“Diana, why did Agnes suddenly become a partner with that guy?”

“well…I don’t know either….”

Damian narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

Even though he was busy recently, he was looking for a marriage partner for Agnes.

The Marquess of Melville was one of the subjects I had never considered.

That’s right, the marquis herself isn’t bad for a married…This was because Sirius Melville was such a playboy.

‘He wasn’t close to Agnes to begin with….’

The only man Agnes was close to was Raymond anyway…

No, it was difficult to say that Raymond was friendly either.

It was then.

“What are you thinking?”

Raymond Spencer, who came next to me, asked curiously.

Because there was no reason for Damian to look this serious at the party.

When Raymond approached him wondering if something was wrong, Diana shrugged her shoulders and said she didn’t know.

Damian, still lost in thought, asked his two childhood friends.

“What do you guys think of Sirius Melville?”


Diana blinked her eyes at the unexpected question.

“How about Sirius as a husband for our Agnes?”

Damian asked a more explicit question.

Diana’s face crumpled cruelly at those words.

On the other hand, Raymond Spencer’s expression didn’t change at all.

“Are you serious, Your Majesty?”

When Diana asked with a worried expression, Damian nodded.

“Seeing as they suddenly brought him in as a partner, doesn’t that mean there’s something between them?”

“…What do you get if they come together as partners?”

Raymond Spencer asked coldly.

By that logic, he should have been lovers with Hazel Devon, and the Prince should have been lovers with Diana.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:


    1. Kyo says:

      She is the orange hair girl, a childhood fren of Damian, the crown prince. She and Sirius helped to defend the princess when the saintess and her follower were gossiping about the princess. She defended partly cos she felt uncomfortable hearing the gossip of her childhood fren’s sister. She’s part of the white knights too.

  2. dennlaure says:

    Haaaa, why those transmigrated girls always think they kept their alcool tolerance from their previous life when they don’t have the same body at all?

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