Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Viscountess Gray was holding the Marchioness as if holding on to a rope.

“Well, the Marchioness probably knows how I feel, right? Everyone may not know this, but you know it, Marchioness, right? Oh, how sad and bitter…Really, all illegitimate children….”

“I can’t listen to you anymore!”

The Marchioness of Melville, who had not heard, got up from her seat.

The Marchioness’s face was pale.

She was a Marchioness, and she was a noble lady with nobler pride than anyone else.

It was my first time being humiliated like this in front of so many people.

Everyone knew about the Marquis’ illegitimate son.

But no one brought up the story in front of the Marchioness.

In social circles, it was forbidden to carelessly reveal other people’s secrets.

It was basic courtesy among basics.

Even those whom she openly regarded as her archenemies never brought it up openly in front of the Marchioness.

Even if they subtly criticized and mocked her, saying it out loud was like advertising that you were a rude person.

But how could something like this happen at my own party?

The Marchioness of Melville’s head boiled at the tremendous humiliation and insult.

“Get out of my party right now!”

“Wha what? What is that…Huh, Marchioness!”

The Marchioness immediately called the butler and had him evict Viscountess Gray, her daughter, and Mrs Ross, who came with a hump.

The party that day ended in a chaotic atmosphere.


After everyone left, the Marchioness went into her bedroom and cried for a long time.

It was a party where not only noble ladies were invited, but even Princess Agnes was invited.

It was terrible that such a party could be ruined like this.

Since becoming a Marchioness, she has held countless parties, but this was the first time she had ruined one like this.

I wonder how much noble ladies I have a bad relationship with will laugh at me when they hear this news…

This was all because of my husband.

If only the Marquess of Melville hadn’t committed infidelity, if she hadn’t invited a woman named Madame Ross to treat her…

Even if that hadn’t happened, something as shameful as today wouldn’t have happened.

The Marchioness of Melville was saddened by her situation and cried for a long time.

She was in the middle of it.


The Marchioness barely stopped crying when she heard her butler knocking on the door.

After turning around and sitting down, I ordered him to come in, and the butler came in cautiously.

“What’s going on? I said I wanted to be alone!”

The Marchioness said coldly.

But she knew, too.

Even though she had asked him to do so, she realized that the reason the butler knocked was because he had something really important to do.

No matter how upset she was, she felt responsible. As the owner of this mansion, she had to do her job.

But the butler carefully placed something on the table and said,

“I’m sorry. However, Her Royal Highness told me to deliver this to my lady right now….”

After saying that, the butler quietly left the room.

At the sound of the door closing, the Marchioness, whose back was turned, slowly turned her head.

What was lying on the table was a yellow rose, a yellow ribbon, and a postcard.

‘This ribbon string…’

It was the ribbon that Princess Agnes had braided and decorated with her hair earlier.

And the yellow rose…

Tears welled up in the marquise’s eyes at Princess Agnes’ gift of comfort.

It was a social tradition.

The young lady who took her debutante presents a yellow rose along with her first debutante’s headdress to her mother, who has raised her safely so far.

The flower language of yellow roses was ‘unchanging love.’

It was also a way to repay her mother for always showing her unwavering love.

Finally, tears from the corners of the Marchioness’s eyes finally flowed down as she read a postcard with the princess’s handwriting.

[I was deeply impressed when I saw the Marchioness’s garden today. No one can ignore the hard work the Marchioness has put in.

I am sending you a gift for your hard work.]


The Marquis held the yellow rose in her arms and cried sadly.

It was the first time someone said something like this.

Even my husband never once acknowledged my contribution.

With the help of her parents and her own management skills, he achieved great fame and then cheated on her.

That’s why she couldn’t stand it anymore and sent her husband away to her territory.

She even tried to take her own life after learning that her husband had made her illegitimate son his nephew.

But she couldn’t throw away everything she had built.

This mansion, which she inherited from her parents, and the reputation she built upon becoming a Marchioness.

Even my lovely son.

Even though it was so hard that she wanted to die, she never showed it to anyone.

Naturally, there was no one who could comfort her as she showed no signs of expression.

It was the first comfort she received. This letter.


Princess Agnes safely returned to the castle after the tea party.

Now that she had won the heart of the Marchioness of Melville, a magnate of the capital’s society, her reputation was no longer a concern.

Although she was proud that her tea party had gone well, a part of her was worried about the Marchioness.

The Marchioness seemed to have been greatly hurt by Viscountess Gray’s slip of the tongue.

Viscountess Gray was dumber than she thought.

‘I can’t believe a person like that harassed my favorite…’

But the Marchioness will be fine.

He took good follow-up measures to prevent rumors about him from spreading…

Above all, the Marchioness was a strong-willed person. It will be brushed off soon.

That wasn’t the urgent problem right now.

Agnes was lost in thought with a serious expression.

A little while ago, as soon as she returned from the tea party, the maids came to visit Agnes.

It looks like she came to have a quick chat with the ladies of her age at the imperial greenhouse…

This was the most important topic of conversation at today’s gathering.

‘National Foundation Commemorative Ball’

The maids asked Agnes who she would partner with.

Agnes’ eyes darkened before him.

She sent the maids away under the pretext of having a headache, and was left alone to think.

‘Why did I forget that?’

The founding celebration ball was one of the biggest events of the empire.

Festivals took place throughout the capital, and the imperial castle held dances all week long.

And in the original…

Agnes took Raymond Spencer as her partner.

‘There, I was begging Raymond to dance with me…After hearing something, he cried and went out.’

In the original work, the prom was not a very important event, but starting from that period, the plot of confrontation between the saint and Hazel Devon was formed.

‘Hmm…What should I do with my partner?’

I had absolutely no desire to partner with Raymond Spencer like in the original.

Of course, if you feel the same way…

‘I want to go with Kylo.’

But Kylo Gray will never attend the prom.

Agnes actually didn’t want to go to a place where Kylo wasn’t around, but… .

She was a princess.

As the princess, she couldn’t help but participate in the founding ceremony, and she had to go in order to solidify her reputation, which had risen unlike before.

‘Is there anyone who would take chicken instead of pheasant?’

No matter how much she thought about it, the only answer she could find was her family mate.

In fact, Damian was the easiest person for her.

‘I don’t have a guidance partner anyway.’

In this case, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for family members to help each other.

Agnes quickly put her thoughts to rest. Her deep anguish didn’t fit her personality.

But regret is so…It was something that was not easily shaken off.

The next day, Agnes put on her uniform and stood in front of the Black Knights’ leader’s office.

Just in case, I was thinking of trying her luck with kylo.

And on top of all thay, she hadn’t seen Kylo for so long that her eyes felt like they were bleeding.

Kylo returned from his long mission alone two days ago.

‘Actually, I wanted to rush over and see you right then….’

There was no time, i was prepared for the Marchioness’s tea party.

Agnes adjusted his clothes and knocked lightly.

Since she came alone without any attendant, the hallway was quiet.

Before long, she heard a voice from inside telling her to come in.

Agnes hurriedly opened the door and entered.

Kylo, who was sitting at his desk, looked towards the door.

After reporting the mission and taking a break, his brow furrowed.

It was Princess Agnes who came to visit me.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Yen says:

    Thanks you. Please update❤️❤️

  2. faranak says:

    Thank you so much.pleeeease update❤️

  3. Apeksha says:

    Thank you for continuing this novel! I am looking forward to reading more chapters soon.

  4. Dilch says:

    Thank you so much for the translation!

  5. Eternity4Ever says:


  6. Yanny says:

    Thank you so much for the translation! Hoping for more updates🥹

  7. ABlossom says:

    Thanks for the updates 🇧🇷 😸 🥰 🇧🇷

  8. Rosali says:


  9. penelopiii says:

    Merci pour ce travail, une très bonne traduction merci encore

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