Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

It was Mrs. Ross.

“Marchioness, thank you for the invitation. Please understand that we are late due to a carriage accident.”

“Oh my, that’s what happened.”

The Marchioness wanted to show only the best appearance possible in front of her princess.

So she didn’t point out to Mrs. Ross that she came with a bump, but she just smiled sweetly.

“Oh, by the way, this is…This is Viscountess Gray, who is a close friend of mine.”

She was kind enough to introduce her sweet little bump.

The Marchioness greeted her with a smile.

“Nice to meet you. Viscountess Gray.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Marchioness.”

Viscountess Gray greeted me with a very nervous expression.

The protruding cheekbones were red to the point where it was pitiful.

However, even though the greetings were over, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Gray didn’t leave.

They just stared at the princess.

The Marchioness, who had no intention of introducing the couple to the princess, was embarrassed.

If everyone found out that she had invited so many rude people to her party, she would feel embarrassed.

So the Marchioness had no choice but to greet them to the princess.

“Princess, this is Mrs. Ross and Mrs Gray. Viscount Ross gave us convenience regarding our territory this time.”


Agnes turned her gaze from her teacup and looked at the two people.

“Nice to meet you.”

“It’s an honor to meet you. Princess.”

“It’s an honor, princess….”

The two people bowed with frozen expressions.

The young girl standing next to them also looked very nervous.

The Marchioness of Melville looked at them in awe.

‘I told you to say hello, so it’s okay now.’

Just as I was about to tell them to go back to their seats and enjoy the party, Viscountess Gray suddenly spoke.

“Well, if you don’t mind, can I sit next to you for a moment?”

Viscountess Gray’s voice trembled, as if she had displayed great courage.

Agnes nodded, putting on a generous expression.

I wondered what on earth she was trying to say.

‘You certainly wouldn’t bring up Kylo without conscience.’

But Viscountess Gray, who was sitting in her empty seat, immediately mentioned his name.

“Uh…Kylo Gray, the leader of the Black Knights to which the princess belongs…My husband’s…Uh, well, I mean….”

She did mention the name, but the Viscountess didn’t know how to describe the illegitimate child.

Suddenly her mind went blank.

She wasn’t very talkative to begin with, but she was so excited and embarrassed to meet the princess that she couldn’t even speak properly.

“Therefore…that is….”

Viscountess Gray continued to stutter her words and was unable to tie her tail.

Her Marchioness looked pitifully at Viscountess Gray.

The Marchioness also knew full well that Kylo Gray was Viscount Gray’s illegitimate son.

But you brought up the story of the illegitimate child in front of others without any pride…It was unthinkable for her as a Marchioness.

“Ah, anyway… Soon, my sons will be greeting the princess through Kylo Gray. Benjamin and Bradley are really great young men.”

Viscountess Gray began praising her sons without any hesitation.

The Marchioness’s face crumpled at her words, which seemed blatant in their intent.

Mrs Ross also looked embarrassed and poked Viscountess Gray in the side.

But Viscountess Gray didn’t even notice.

She was quite excited and very excited.

In reality, the princess who saw her up close was much more beautiful than she was rumored to be.

Moreover, contrary to the story that she was vicious, she was very kind and gentle.

The thought that a princess so beautiful and looked up to by others might marry one of her sons made her heart burst.

From the day Kylo Gray, that filthy bastard, stopped by her house, her husband had been talking to her like nails were pounding into her ears.

‘Benjamin or Bradley, it doesn’t matter which one. Surely one might end up marrying Princess Agnes! We will become in-laws with the emperor! So, be kind to Kylo! How long are you going to stretch yourself like that?’

Although she had no intention of doing well to the illegitimate son, the thought that one of her sons, whom she bore as her own, might end up marrying the princess, made her intoxicated.

Every night, Viscountess Gray imagined her own rosy future.

Just imagining was sweet.

If that happened, this miserable life would be over.

She would no longer have to worry about her poor family or worry about her husband.

So she continued speaking in an excited tone.

“Our Benjamin is a pure and clear young man. He love taking care of my flowers! He and Bradley are very active young men! He’s tall…and…”

The Marchioness, inferior to her, was about to interrupt her.

It was Princess Agnes who spoke first.

“What about Lord Kylo Gray?”


“Lord Gray is also my superior. I wonder if that’s why. What about Lord Gray?”

Viscountess Gray opened her mouth in embarrassment.

‘Why…Why are you suddenly asking about that illegitimate child?’

There’s no way you wouldn’t know that that dirty bastard is an illegitimate child…

Viscountess Gray was very confused.


She doesn’t think the princess is trying to insult her, so why is she asking this question…..

Princess Agnes smiled slightly and continued her words again.

“There were many things I misunderstood about Lord Gray in the past.”

Everyone knew that Agnes despised the illegitimate son, Kylo.

However, Princess Agnes was admitting her own mistake with her own words.

“Shamefully, in the past, I made a lot of verbal mistakes due to my limited insight. Nevertheless, Lord Gray treated me without discrimination.”

Before she knew it, noble ladies were gathered around the table where Princess Agnes was sitting, listening to her story.

The Marchioness opened her eyes wide as if she was surprised.

She was surprised that the princess would say something like this…It was a story that even shattered the prejudice that thought Kylo Gray was an eccentric person.

To be honest, as a man with such notoriety, I thought he might have had a desire for revenge on the princess who became his subordinate…

The noble ladies surrounding her couldn’t hide their surprise as they seemed to have the same thoughts as the Marchioness.

Agnes looked at Viscountess Gray once again and spoke in a clear voice.

“So I personally feel very grateful to Lord Kylo Gray.”


When Viscountess Gray came to her senses, she found herself embarrassed by the number of people around her.

The noble ladies were looking at her.

Moreover, Princess Agnes praised the illegitimate child in front of everyone.

How could this happen…..

I heard that Princess Agnes despises Kylo very much.

So, how glad I was as soon as I saw the princess…Why is this situation…

Viscountess Gray was perplexed, as if her brain had stopped.

Because of that, I started talking without even knowing what I was saying.

“Well, that…It’s a shame… Kylo Gray, that child was born through my husband’s infidelity…It’s a child. so… Bullying my children since they were young, and stealing things…so…”

The Viscountess’s eyes wandered in the air.

She was afraid to make eye contact with Princess Agnes.

At that moment, I made eye contact with the Marchioness.

Viscountess Gray recalled that her Marchioness had also suffered because of illegitimacy.

How relieved I was when I first heard the news!

It made her feel like she had a comrade, and she found it funny that even the Marchioness, so high-ranking as she was, was having the same problem as her.

Even the Marchioness of Melville was a cut above her own husband.

The Marquis placed his illegitimate child on the family register of his own brother. His sin had become her relative.

When Viscountess Gray heard the news, she sympathized with her marquis.

So, wouldn’t the Marchioness understand my feelings?

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:


  2. More like tactless!!!

  3. aRatMouse says:

    God the second hand embarrassment

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