Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Viscountess Gray spoke apologetically.

“I would arrange for Mrs. Ross to come with me soon…”

Mrs. Ross was the only noblewoman who was friendly with the Viscountess.

She was also the wife of a court nobleman without a manor, but she was more sociable than Viscountess Gray.

Her Viscount Gray’s face turned red and blue.

“Anyway… ! Do it right, do it right! What would I do if I were the only one in this family who worked hard?”

Viscount Gray, as usual, suddenly shouted and irritated her.

The table became quiet due to the sudden burst of fire.

Although the Viscount’s children watched him with eyes filled with dissatisfaction, none of them protested.

Kylo leisurely looked at the table.

Viscount Gray, who suddenly became irritated, quickly cooled down again and sighed.

He cleared his throat in embarrassment and then changed the topic.

“Anyway, there are rumors going around in social circles that the princess has changed…Unlike before, she has become very kind. The nobles I met at the court said that.”

“…..Is it so?”

When the Viscountess asked back, Viscount Gray’s expression crumpled again.

“Yes! Viscount Middleton said so! His wife, who went to a tea party, told him that! It’s normal for you to know this kind of news before I do!”


When her husband suddenly lost his temper again, the Viscountess squeezed her eyes shut.

He continued as if the Viscount was angry no matter what she thought.

“What the hell! Do I have to run in and out because you can’t get the ladies’ hearts in order? I’m doing everything you need to do! What on earth is doing it right? Raise your children properly and help your parents!”


“How many jewels did I give you to give to noble ladies? Even after giving all those expensive gifts, you couldn’t even get a proper tea party invitation!”

cried the Viscount, pounding the table.

The Viscountess’s face burned with shame.

‘No matter what, I can’t believe you’re disparaging me like this in front of that bastard…!’

Moreover, although her husband said it was an expensive gift, the jewels she gave to noble women as bribes were all small.

There was no way such an insignificant jewel would be noticed by noble ladies.

The Viscountess had a lot to say, but she just kept her mouth shut.

It was all because of Kylo, that dirty bastard.

The Viscountess glared at Kylo as if she were going to tear him to death, as if this shame was all the fault of that illegitimate son.

As her eyes met, Kylo leisurely took a sip of water.

Not only did the Viscountess feel shame for the rat-like illegitimate son here, but she also felt bad for even taking a sip of the water in this house.

When Kylo was young, the Viscountess locked him in a small warehouse for several days.

The reason was that he called her son “boy” and didn’t bow his head to him.

The Viscountess locked Kylo in the dark without giving him food or water to drink.

Kylo’s mother, the maid, was a heartless mother. She didn’t care whether her son starved to death or not.

Unlike me, she was a shallow woman with no maternal love.

He is an illegitimate child born to such a mother. How obscene she is.

When the warehouse door was opened for the first time in a few days, young Kylo cried and prayed with a dirty look on his face.

“Ma’am, I was wrong…I was wrong….”

As the child begged for water because he had done something wrong, the Viscountess had her servants pour dirty water on his dry body.

The illegitimate child who was so weak and dirty, no better than a mouse, was now sitting in front of me.

Kylo took a sip of water from the clean glass and stared straight at her.


His blue eyes were like well-forged blades, unlike her husband’s dull eyes.

She was shocked for a moment when he remembered that he had been called a murderer on the battlefield, but the Viscountess didn’t avoid the illegitimate child.

The one who broke the sharp atmosphere was Viscount Gray, who had calmed down again.

“Anyway, the princess has become calmer, so this is an opportunity. Benjamin. Bradley. Don’t disappoint me this time. You will naturally get a chance to say hello, so act like a gentleman.”

“Yes, father.”


“You should pay more attention to how they look and what they wear!”

“…Yes, honey.”

Dinner ended like that, and Kylo left the mansion without hesitation and headed toward the castle.

As he rode back to his lodgings, the Viscountess’s eyes glaring at him remained in his mind.

The Viscountess had bullied him since he was very young.

While she pretended to be lenient in front of Viscount Gray, she punished him harshly whenever he was away.

She fed them food that the servants would throw away for livestock, beat him until his veins burst, and thoroughly trampled on his character so that they wouldn’t dare to take their place.

Thanks to that, Kylo no longer has any pride left to be trampled on.

He was ready to bow down at any time for his success.

It was a result of learning from his childhood.


Kylo finally lay down on his bed in the dorm like he wanted, but he couldn’t fall asleep easily.

It was strange that her body was so heavy that he couldn’t sleep.

One thing remained uneasy in his mind.

That was what the former Viscount Gray said earlier.

“Anyway, there are rumors going around in social circles that the princess has changed…I mean, she’s become much kinder than before. The nobles I met at the court said that.”

It seems that something strange happened while he was leaving the capital.

The word ‘kind’ and Princess Agnes were the most incompatible combination in the world.

Kylo internally laughed at the rumor.

There was no chance of the woman being kind.

Of course, she has become a little calmer than before…She’s kind.

In fact, it was difficult for Kylo to properly understand the word gentle itself.

He, Kylo, had never once in her life met someone who was kind to him, and he had never been kind and gentle to anyone.


He forced himself to close his eyes and saw the images of his brothers, whom he hated so much, and Princess Agnes, side by side.

Viscount Gray wanted to connect the princess with her Bradley or Benjamin.

In my imagination, they stood side by side and didn’t fit together at all.

No matter how nasty Princess Agnes was, she wasn’t in a position to hang out with such people.

Princess Agnes was a cunning woman.

She knew her beauty and her position very well.

That’s why she chose Raymond Spencer.

There was no need to imagine Raymond Spencer and Princess Agnes standing side by side.

They will fit together very well, as if painted by a famous artist.

A royal family that has been noble and noble since birth.

Unlike himself, who is an illegitimate child, everything about Raymond Spencer is perfect…

There was a time when Kylo looked down on nobles.

It was around this time that I joined the Black Knights while making a name for myself as a mercenary.

All the nobles looked weak.

It seemed pitiful that those who were weaker than him were knights and wielded swords.

However, Raymond Spencer was different from other nobles.

Raymond Spencer was a man to whom the term master of a noble family was aptly suited.

Raymond, who shines just by his presence, had a nobility that Kylo could never overcome.

Just by meeting his eyes, Kylo felt defeated and inferior, and the halo he gave off made Kylo feel even more shabby.

Standing in front of Raymond, he had to feel like a miserable bug.

The reason why he felt so miserable was simple.

Those eyes.

Those eyes that look at me as if looking at something ugly.

The texture was different from the disregard sent by Princess Agnes.

Raymond’s eyes showed contempt for Kylo’s very existence and personality.

He seemed to see an ugly criminal, a filth that contaminates everything that is clean.

Raymond Spencer was generally kind to everyone around him, but he only showed contempt for Kyle.

Of course it wasn’t the only one.

Even when fighting demons on the battlefield, Raymond Spencer had the same look in his eyes as he did when he looked at Kylo.

Raymond Spencer meant that he saw him as a human being on the same level as the devil.

So when he stood in front of Raymond, he felt like his soul had become ugly beyond his body.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:


    1. Eternity4Ever says:

      But the Raymond from “The Tyrant Wants To Live Honestly” is and ANGEL 😇

      1. Cathe says:

        True 🥰🥰 He’s a cutie pie! Too sweet and kind for a human being.

    2. Asha says:

      Raymond’s eyes will turn into jealousy soon😌

      1. Soberana says:

        Louca para ver isso kkkk

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