Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

The Four Knights Templar, a group of young knights, was a natural channel through which to gain friendship with great nobles.

Hearing that only one member of the family could join, the Viscount tried to get one of his sons into the Order at all costs.

However, even if he tried to put in kickbacks, he couldn’t do anything that he couldn’t do.

Benjamin and Bradley weren’t equipped to become knights.

He resented his poor sons and the Viscountess.

As time passed, Viscount Gray became more anxious.

The 4th Order of Knights could belong to a higher class with just that title.

Rumor has it that there is even a private social gathering between the noble parents of knights belonging to the Four Great Knights.

It was a story told by a nobleman in the court who thought he was inferior to him.

The nobleman became acquainted with great nobles overnight thanks to his son joining the Red Knights.

Hearing that story, Austin Gray became even more anxious and had a sense of inferiority.

If one of his children were to join the Four Great Knights, he would also be able to confidently and naturally form relationships with great nobles.

However, Colin, the third son, and Molly, the youngest daughter, were too young to enter the Order.

Meanwhile, I heard that Kylo, who had become a mercenary, had joined the Black Knights.

The Black Knights were a group of people who committed trouble but were essential in the war.

To be precise, he was stuck in the 4th Order of Knights, but strictly speaking, he belonged within its boundaries.

Austin Gray immediately called Kylo over.

He had no shame whatsoever. He was kind to Kylo, whom he met after a long time, as if nothing had happened in the past.

He comforted Kylo gently by asking him if he had been discriminated against due to his unclear status, and allowed Kylo to use Gray’s last name.

Although it can’t be legally recognized, it at least makes him half-noble.

Austin thought Kylo would be grateful to him. So he had to get reward from Kylo.

He was a child who was thrown away like trash, but isn’t it his property anyway?

Although it wasn’t an honorable knighthood that there were many people who were anxious to join it.

The Black Knights were a bunch of bad guys, so it was difficult to expect social gatherings for noble parents like other knights.

Still, Viscount Gray held on and held on.

I believe that one day the moment will come when I can properly use Kylo Gray.

So time passed and the time came.

At the moment, sweet rumors were circulating in the capital among nobles who had sons.

There were rumors that Princess Agnes had given up on her marriage to Raymond Spencer.

In that case, anyone could have the opportunity to become the emperor’s son-in-law.

While everyone was anxious to connect with Princess Agnes, Viscount Gray felt that his chance had finally come.

Princess Agnes currently belonged to the Black Knights and was my son’s subordinate.

Didn’t the emperor give orders specifically to his son?

Recently, some court nobles started asking him various questions.

“Hmm, Viscount. Did you say your son was the leader of the Black Knights? Then, can you connect with the princess?”

“I envy even the Black Knights. My children need to be reborn to become knights.”

Their jealous tone of voice and eyes were proof that Viscount Gray had an opportunity.

The Viscount wanted to somehow attract the princess’s attention to his first son, Benjamin, or his second son, Bradley.

Either one was good.

“Why is there no answer? After all, she’s your direct subordinate, so you can’t even handle that?”

At the Viscount’s urging, Kylo lifted his lowered gaze.

When Kylo’s eyes met his, the Viscount flinched for a moment.

Perhaps because he lived a rough life as a mercenary and spent a long time on the battlefield, Kylo often exuded an indescribable evil energy.

Viscount Gray knew best how infamous he was during the war.

Because he was the one who deliberately made the rumor bigger.

The nobles criticized Kylo as being vulgar, but as his notoriety spread, they couldn’t treat Viscount Gray carelessly.

The Viscount used Kylo like a fox standing behind a tiger.

“Hmm, if you have something to say, say it.”

The Viscount said, holding on to his weight so as not to show that he was scared.

Kylo asked, not understanding.

“I don’t understand why you want the princess to greet my brothers.”

“You don’t have to understand, just follow what I say!”


Kylo was offended by the way he was treated like a servant, but he didn’t show it on the outside.

Be as humble and quiet as possible.

Kylo was forced to duck until he was able to crush Viscount Gray with all his might.


Viscount Gray said angrily and cleared his throat.

It had been a while since I had seen him, and he seemed to be too confident in Kylo, who rushed to him as soon as he completed his mission.

He preferred to be gentle with Kylo until he got what he wanted.

“I don’t know, since you’ve been away from the capital for a while. There are rumors that Princess Agnes has given up on marrying Raymond Spencer.”


“I wish to make one of your brothers the emperor’s son-in-law.”

Only then did Kylo understand the Viscount’s true intentions.

He almost laughed.

The Viscount didn’t know much about Princess Agnes.

Princess Agnes wasn’t a woman who would give up on Raymond Spencer so easily.

Everyone seemed to have mistakenly thought that the princess had shamed Raymond in front of others just once.

Instead of pointing that out, Kylo nodded obediently.

“All right.”

And no matter how much Princess Agnes gave up on Raymond Spencer, there was no way my brothers would lose sight of her.

This dream is so big too.

Princess Agnes was a woman who had never had anything other than the best ever since she was born.

My half-brothers, Benjamin and Bradley, were terrible things.

These guys have no human charm, let alone male charm.

It was clear that the Viscount was unable to view his sons objectively.

“Is there anything else you want me to do?”

Kylo asked.

I was annoyed that I came all the way here with my tired body just to listen to such useless bullshit.

I wanted to hurry up and sleep like I was dead.

However, the Viscount spoke as if he was being generous.

“While you’re here, go have a meal with your family. It’s time for dinner.”

“……All right.”

Although I wanted to eat and sleep and then go back to sleep, Kylo once again answered obediently.

If we were to eat together, the Viscountess and her children would all be together.

Kylo knew very well that his very presence was causing great stress to them.

Kylo held back his fatigue and got up.

It’s a meal I eat while watching the faces of the people who harassed me get crumpled…

It will be a very enjoyable meal.


Dinner was as good as Kylo expected.

As soon as the Viscountess saw Kylo appearing out of nowhere, her face hardened.

‘How dare you…!’

In her heart, she wanted to make a fuss and ask where she was coming from, but the Viscountess held back and was patient.

Without Viscount Gray’s permission, there was no way he could have come and gone inside the house.

She hasn’t been able to say a word since her husband started helping her parents, who had become poor.

The Viscountess simply lowered her eyes and sat quietly at her table.

The Viscount’s children, who came down later, furrowed their brows as they looked at Kylo.


“What are you doing? Without sitting down!”

As the Viscount spoke in a stern tone, they sat quietly at the table.

And so the uncomfortable meal began.

The Viscountess completely ignored Kylo, as if she hadn’t seen him. She didn’t even look in the direction of Kylo, who was sitting across from her.

That apparent disregard got on Viscount Gray’s nerves.

Normally, Viscount Gray would have tolerated his wife’s attitude, but the situation was different now.

‘This person…’

Perhaps, thanks to Kylo, she could become the Emperor’s in-law.

‘She should be looking at the forest and not the trees, but she seems like a foolish and narrow-minded woman.’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Cathe says:

    The problem of them getting together is that his horrible “family” would get advantages undeserving, but if he turns his back to them or get revenge he would be considered and called ungrateful or a horrible son… 😒

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