Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Raymond Spencer was the Prince’s playmate during his childhood.

Thanks to this, he often visited the palace and naturally got to know Agnes.

He was annoyed by Agnes who clung to him and said she liked him, but there were times when he was happy because he felt like he had a younger sister, as he was always lonely because he was the only child.

Agnes was a tomboy who was unruly and prone to accidents, but she was cute and lovely.

Everything was fine until his mother died.

That day, rain suddenly poured down as if there was a hole in the sky.

Raymond paced around the window with an anxious face, worried about his mother who left for the estate at dawn.

He was told that when it rains, the powers of the demons become stronger. He was anxious that his mother might run into a demon or a monster.

At that time, someone suddenly came from the imperial castle.

He received a call saying that the princess was looking for him very urgently.

Raymond recalled the promise he made with the princess.

It was a childish promise to go to a pond on the outskirts of the capital where frog fairies are said to come out when it rains.

However, Raymond didn’t want to leave until he heard that his mother had safely arrived at the estate.

When he persisted, the servant begged him.

“But the princess told me to bring you, even if it means to kidnapping you. She said that if you don’t keep your promise, you will be severely punished…If I don’t take you with me, she will definitely punish me.”

Seeing the servants fidgeting, Raymond had no choice but to head to the imperial castle.

It was late at night when Raymond returned to the mansion.

What awaited him was the terrible news of his mother’s death.

If Raymond had stayed home that day, he might have at least been able to see his mother die.

Not long after Raymond left for the outskirts of the capital with Agnes, Paval arrived from the estate.

Thanks to Agnes’ selfish demands, he became the only son who never saw the last of his mother.

Raymond had a deep attachment and sympathy for his mother from his childhood.

His mother didn’t receive his father’s love, so she was always lonely and sad.

As I grew up, I naturally got to know that.

His father didn’t marry his mother because he loved her.

Even after getting married, my father couldn’t forget his first love, and whenever he drank, he called her name.

It wasn’t until he was a little older that she learned that the name was the empress’s name.

His mother was a foolish woman who only had one unrequited love for her entire life.

His father didn’t want her to marry, but was ultimately overcome by my mother’s warm affection.

Of course, there was also a reason for that choice because my mother had a similar appearance to the Empress.

She loved my father even though her mother knew it.

She actually considered herself fortunate that her appearance resembled that of the Empress.

My foolish mother didn’t feel miserable about it all.

Instead, the entire misery fell on Raymond.

Raymond Spencer was unable to attend his mother’s deathbed because of ‘Agnes’.

His father didn’t love his mother because of the Empress, his first love and the mother of ‘Agnes’.

The arrows of my irrational heart were all pointing at Agnes.

Of course, Princess Agnes didn’t intentionally prevent her from seeing his mother’s death.

Raymond also recognized that fact well in his head.

How could Agnes have predicted that Raymond’s mother would die that day?

But that didn’t matter to Raymond.

Raymond, who was in confusion, needed someone to blame.

That way, it couldn’t collapse.

So, without the slightest hesitation, Raymond passed all the responsibility onto Agnes.

In this way, Raymond neglected the princess and hurt her ever since his mother died.

He once deliberately made an appointment on her rainy day and made her wait in the rain all day.

Raymond prayed in his warm room, looking out his window.

I hope Agnes catches a cold and gets sick.

That’s why I wanted to escape from the annoying princess for a while.

As he had hoped, Princess Agnes caught a cold, but the immature girl innocently sent a letter asking him to play together once the cold got better.

A feeling of disgust came over him along with a bit of guilt.

He was truly sick of it.

Agnes shook off her cold in one day. It was a breathtakingly short period of freedom for him.

Even after his mother passed away, he had to go in and out of the imperial castle tirelessly.

In fact, Raymond needed time alone to sort out his feelings about his mother and let her go.

He wanted to be alone even for a moment, but he wasn’t allowed even the slightest time to control his own mind.

It was all thanks to the princess who was so obsessed with him that he was suffocating.

He hated the princess so much that his teeth trembled.


Regardless of what rumors circulated in social circles, Agnes was very busy.

A secret studio was set up inside the princess’s palace. It was a magic engineering studio set up by Agnes for full-scale teaching.

In a place as secret as a dark room, Agnes worked hard to create something of her own.

Daisy was standing next to her.

“My brother really doesn’t have an answer. Every day, he chase after the saint…By the way, princess, what on earth are you making?”

Daisy, who returned from the estate, looked at Agnes’ work desk with a questioning look.

Daisy was an illiterate person who had no knowledge of magic engineering, especially when it came to handling machines.

In her eyes, Princess Agnes looked a little like a mad scientist.

Besides, it was her first time seeing the princess so absorbed in something.

“Princess! Can’t you hear me?”

Daisy spoke loudly and Agnes, who had been concentrating, turned her head.

“I hear, your brother Hugo Rodian is ready to give his entire fortune to the saint.”

“That’s right! Is there any way to do something about my brother? My parents are also having a hard time. What if this really happens and the saint and my brother get married?”


That probably won’t happen.

She likes Raymond Spencer. She could tell from the way she made all kinds of pretentious remarks in front of Raymond.

It wasn’t that she was cowardly or bad.

Agnes also acts stoically in front of her favorite lover.

She had no ill feelings toward the saint. She would rather have a crush than she would have.

However, if you touch my favorite like the last time we ran into each other, it’s a different story.

I won’t let anyone touch my favorite.

It was a feeling that every fan should have.

Anyway, it was none of my business to know whether it was the original male lead or the saint.

There was something more important to her than the present and the original work.

It was her own virtue.

She wants to follow Kylo around like a sasaeng fan, but…

Unfortunately, Kylo went off on the mission again a few days ago.

Who on earth came up with this fucking schedule?

The world was ignoring my favorite character.

“Is there any way to make my brother hate the saint?”

At Daisy’s words, Agnes returned to reality and thought for a moment.

Hugo Rodion seemed quite infatuated with the saint.

‘I’m going to be so damn angry, but….’

A bean pod of that size won’t be easily removed. While being managed by a fishery, you have to be properly punished to come to your senses.

No matter how you looked at it, it wasn’t a bean pod that could be easily peeled off.

Hugo Rodian must really be dreaming of marrying a saint.

Although it was a little different, it didn’t mean I couldn’t sympathize with it as a fan.

She was willing to sell her soul if she could marry her favorite character.

“But isn’t it good to marry a saint?”

Agnes, who was thinking quietly, asked.

In fact, the saint’s reputation was growing day by day.

It will probably continue to soar until the crack appears again.

There are even rumors going around recently that it may be the saint’s ability that caused the cracks to disappear.

However, Daisy’s expression turned red at Agnes’ question.

“Good!? She’s a commoner!”

For a country with advanced magical engineering technology, the Empire was a very conservative country.

That was the reason why my favorite Kylo was ignored by everyone.

“Yes, but…Well, she could get a title, right?”

If you became a knight or an official of the imperial castle and made a contribution, you could receive a title regardless of gender.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Cathe says:

    Oh no… that’s so sad. 💔 It’s twisted and complicated, but in a way I agree and sympathise with him, the young boy and teenager he was. And also little Agnes.
    I seriously hope he doesn’t turn into a villain nor is made to suffer greatly…

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