Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

But her expression was very different from what I imagined.

“What on earth is this doing?”

The words spoken from those pretty lips were also sharp and cold-hearted, contrary to imagination.

Agnes asked, waving the marriage proposal.


Raymond lifted his body up and walked in front of her.

His leather gloved hand took the marriage proposal she held out to him.

“As you can see, this is a marriage proposal.”

“… Did you lose your memory in the accident? There’s no way you wouldn’t know about the rumor that I’m marrying Kylo.”

“…Are you really planning on marrying him?”


Do you call that a question?

Agnes frowned and looked at his expression.

He looked like he was genuinely asking a question.

“If i really don’t plan on getting married, why wouldn’t I correct the rumors?”

“…There’s no need to go this far, right?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You went to this length to punish me.. .”

Raymond took a deep breath and chewed his lips.

Agnes had a hard time understanding what he was saying.

“…Wasn’t it a lie that you lost your memory of me? But why….”


“Court me again like before. I can grant you anything you want now…therefore…”

“Raymond Spencer, come to your senses.”


He blinked slowly at Agnes’ cold voice.

He didn’t want to admit it. He couldn’t admit it.

Now that I know how I feel, I’m finally ready to receive her full affection… why…

“Only once…Can you give me just one chance?”

Raymond said in a terribly cracked voice.

His leather gloved hand roamed her wrist.

“I am… I was wrong. Meantime… Ignoring the princess’s feelings… and hurt her…I did everything wrong….”

Raymond was hanging on.

It was difficult for Agnes to understand Raymond’s somewhat desperate appearance.

What did he do that suddenly? Why the original male lead looks like this?

Agnes thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and spoke calmly.

“Lord Spencer, I apologized last time. I’m sorry for bothering you…So, it’s not necessary….”

“Please give it back, if you feel sorry for me, you can give it back to me!”


What are you asking for back, you crazy guy…

Agnes took a step away from him, who seemed to have a strange look in his eyes.

His eyes looked like a crazy person.

She had come to ask, but it seemed she had come to the wrong place. I should just ignore it…!

“That heart is mine, isn’t it? It was meant to be given to me, so I’m asking you to give it back. Back to me…!”

Raymond Spencer grabbed her wrist violently.

Agnes was startled and tried to push him away. But hus strong grip didn’t let her go.

“…What is this?”

Then Raymond’s eyes shook as he noticed something.

Agnes realized that what caught his eye was the ring on her hand.

“Surely you already shared a ring with that dirty bastard? Is that so?”

“No, let go of this! Let go!”

At the princess’s screams, the chamberlain who was waiting at the door eventually followed her in.

The Chamberlain looked surprised and pushed Raymond Spencer away from Agnes.

“Lord Spencer! What is this! How dare you touch the princess…!”

Even the chamberlain stepped forward and pushed him, and Raymond fell off helplessly. His eyes were bloodshot and bright red.

“…Sir Spencer, anyway, I’ll just assume I never received this document. I hope you come to your senses quickly.”

Agnes said with a sour expression and left the director’s office.

At that time.

Someone who was walking quickly in the opposite hallway stopped when he saw the princess’s back.

It was Kylo Gray.

During the audience with the emperor, a servant suddenly delivered a document that had arrived urgently to the emperor.

“Is this bastard crazy…? He spat out an expletive in an unexpected way.”

Of course, he cleared his throat loudly when he realized that Kylo was in front of him.

The Emperor then showed the document to Kylo.

Kylo, who quickly checked the contents, was dumbfounded.

It was a marriage proposal from Raymond Spencer.

He wants to marry Agnes, so he asks the emperor’s permission…

In an instant, Kylo’s eyes widened and the Emperor sent him away, telling him to go away.

This is where Kylo ran straight to after leaving the throne room.

But it seemed like the princess had already come and gone.

Kylo’s clenched fist twitched and trembled. Thick veins sprouted and writhed on his thick forearms.

What on earth were they talking about?

Princess Agnes was obsessed with and courted Raymond Spencer in the past.

Every time he remembered that fact, Kylo felt as if all the blood in his body was draining through his toes.

Of course, it was just the past.

But if that bastard tries to seduce the princess again with sweet talk…

Kylo chewed his lip hard.

He walked without hesitation and entered the White Knights’ leader’s office.


Raymond Spencer was sitting at his desk, staring into space.

Kylo walked up to him, grabbed him by the collar, and slammed his fist into his cold face.

Raymond’s body fell to the floor with a dull sound.


Raymond spat out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth.

He collapsed on the floor and looked up at Kylo, smiling.

“You despicable bastard, have you been this low? I didn’t know you would go so far as to manipulate someone else’s woman.”

“… Hahaha, someone else’s woman?”

Raymond Spencer laughed in astonishment.

Someone else’s woman? Is Princess Agnes someone else’s woman?

Even to someone like you?

Raymond Spencer laughed like a madman with blood in his mouth.

Then he spoke in a voice filled with laughter.

“That’s really funny, do you deserve this? you haven’t even married the princess yet.”


“Someone else’s woman… If it weren’t for you, the princess would have become my wife long ago. Then it would have been you, not me, who was obsessed with someone else’s woman.”

Kylo also laughed at Raymond’s words.

“…You are living in a delusion.”

“…How dare you…!”

Raymond glared at him with disdain.

When Kylo looked at those eyes, he felt like his whole body’s blood was pumping faster.

Yeah, those eyes.

Those eyes that looked at him like he was no better than a bug.

Kylo leaned forward, feeling his skin crawl.

He bent his knees and made eye contact with Raymond, who was sitting on the floor.

For the first time, Kylo felt happy and realized that his status had been raised thanks to the princess.

The man in front of me was Raymond Spencer.

A noble, dazzling nobleman.

How heartbreaking it must be to see that the illegitimate child who thought he was nothing has become a nobleman just like me.

As if that wasn’t enough, the illegitimate son was now going to become the princess’s man.

There was a reason why Raymond Spencer’s eyes turned like this.

Kylo said, laughing at Raymond.

“Why are tou so jealous?”


“It’s something to be envious of…Princess Agnes cares about me to the point where it’s burdensome.”

Kylo grinned and showed the back of his hand at him.

On the fourth finger was a token of love given by Agnes.

Raymond realized what it was.

It was the same ring I saw when I grabbed Agnes’ wrist earlier.


Raymond took a deep breath and his body began to tremble.

Kylo leisurely looked down at him and stood up.

I felt childish for behaving like this towards this crazy person, but… It was true that I felt refreshed.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Kyo says:

    Lmaoooooo I love that they both had engagement rings on already! Kyaaaaaaah a symbol of love weeeeeeee!!!!! Still can’t believe Ray though! So glad Agnes didn’t go alone! Who knows what he would have done to her!!!!!? Violate her? Eeeeeps 😱😱😱 okay let’s not go that direction…. We’re gonna enjoy some Agnes comforting Kylo next chapter for sure! Can’t wait!!!!! Yayyyyyy

    1. Archi says:

      Yes, thank goodness. The moment he grabbed her wrist, my heart was beating like crazy, thinking that he would do something so despicable to her. 😭🙆

  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  3. pyonpyon says:

    Even the Emperoro who neutral towards for Kylos i dont think he will his daughter to marry Raymond not to mention the drama did of Duke spencer during their wedding vow with the late Empress.

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