Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

When Kylo arrived in the capital, Princess Agnes’ funeral had already ended.

Her body was never found, but her death was confirmed.

The emperor collapsed and the crown prince had to take charge of government affairs in his stead.

At the temple, they found Princess Agnes’ last appearance in a photo sent by the magic golem and reported it.

With this, it became official that Princess Agnes had eliminated the source of the rift and died.

The incident caused a big stir.

The people commemorated Agnes’ death and called her a hero, but her death was in vain, as if it were fair to everyone.

The will the princess left at the castle was brief.

It was all about apologizing to those who cared about her, including her father.

It was a concise and cold-hearted suicide note to the point of being scathing.

The princess’s palace wasn’t closed even after her funeral.

Emperor Alexander couldn’t accept his daughter’s death.

Without sleeping pills he couldn’t sleep, and he often rambled, calling Agnes’ name.

The court doctor said it would be a temporary symptom, but the subjects were anxious.

Damian was also not normal. Even while working on behalf of the emperor, he often stared blankly into space.

Other than taking on my father’s work, my daily life hasn’t changed much.

So Damian couldn’t believe the reality.

His sister disappeared out of nowhere. She’s dead…Without even leaving a body behind.

However, Damien witnessed with his own eyes the doll Agnes left behind turned into powder and disappeared.

In addition, didn’t i see a photo of Agnes captured at the top of a snowy mountain?

Still, Damian found it difficult to believe in reality.

“His Royal Highness Crown Prince.”

The servant who had sent the errand approached and called several times before Damien turned his head.

The servant spoke in a sad voice.

“They say Lord Spencer has just woken up.”

“…Is that so?”

Damian muttered in fascination.

Raymond, who also witnessed Agnes disappearing, was somehow very calm at that moment.

However, it was only later that he realized that his behavior was a result of his inability to accept reality.

Raymond collapsed as he left the princess’s palace. Even after waking up for the first time in a few days, he blacked out again.

Damian blinked as he heard the news that he had woken up again.

It was a similar symptom experienced by many who witnessed Agnes’ death that day.

The servant looked at the dazed prince for a long time and then left the office.

Many people in imperial palace needed time to recover from the shock.


Kylo, who returned to the imperial castle, went straight to the princess’s palace.

The princess’s palace was sealed off and guarded by guards.

Kylo recklessly pushed past the guards and went inside.

‘Sir Raymond Spencer said that yesterday…’

The guards clicked their tongues as if they had no choice. But they couldn’t help but stop him.

Kylo went inside and saw that the bedroom, living room, and everywhere else were empty.

The guards barely managed to lead him, who was in a daze, out of the princess’s quarters.

“The princess….”

“…I guess you heard the news late. I heard that the chamberlain keeps the photo of the princess’s last appearance.”

The friendly guard looked at him pitifully and explained.

Kylo Gray was someone who was highly trusted by the princess.

So the feeling of loss must have been very great.

I don’t know why you came so late.

Hearing the guard’s words, Kylo frantically went to find the chamberlain.

Speaking of the last appearance, then really…

The chamberlain, who was gathering and organizing Agnes’ belongings separately, was startled by Kylo who suddenly barged in.

“Ah, Lord Gray is here….”

He hadn’t been seen for a while, but I didn’t have the presence of mind to take care of him.

The chamberlain’s eyes became moist once again as she looked at Kylo, who was seemingly out of his mind.

Kylo stammered through his bloodshot eyes.

“The guard said…If i go to the Chamberlain, i can see the picture and the princess….”

“Oh, you mean that picture.”

The Chamberlain nodded and took something out of his arms.

It was a photo given by the temple, and although it was blurry, it clearly showed the appearance of Princess Agnes.

After hearing this, Kylo looked down at the photo blankly.

It was the same scene he had seen.

A huge stone statue and snow around it. Even the sight of Princess Agnes approaching.

The picture was blurry, but it was clearly visible.

It was true that Princess Agnes went up there and removed the source of the crack.

In that case, it was clear that the necklace and letter he picked up belonged to the princess.

Kylo sat down on the spot.

He thought it wasn’t real. He continued to deny it.

But now I had no choice but to admit it.

This photo was really the only proof that Agnes had died in his place.

It wasn’t an illusion or a lie of his own making.

His breath caught. His eyes were dark and he couldn’t see anything.

The Chamberlain sat down on the spot and quietly stared at the man who was collapsing miserably.

She could offer no comfort.


After removing the source of the crack.

Agnes’ soul was quickly transported somewhere.

And she met a familiar man again.


The man who faced her soul blinked his eyes.

Greetings…Should I do it? While she was thinking, the man sitting at her reception desk suddenly stood up.

“Well, you’re in the wrong place…Are you in the wrong place? There was a mistake again this time…There is…!”

Perhaps because he was afraid of being grabbed by the collar again, the man took a defensive stance but was unable to speak.

She said, scratching her head, feeling a little embarrassed.

“I’m really dead this time.”

“…What? Well, but…Well, wait a minute…!”

The man quickly checked the list. He said, while he was thumbing through a long sheet of paper and fiddling with his glasses.

“Well, I guess there was a mistake….”

“No, uncle. I’m saying it’s true that I’m dead this time?”

As she started to get irritated, the man’s complexion turned pale.

“…Oh, I understand…uh! It’s here, it’s here! Agnes Saint, is that right?”

The man who finally found the name wiped away his sweat. She nodded.

From then on she was just fine.

Is it because this death wasn’t heaven’s mistake? Unlike her previous two experiences, she didn’t have to wait.

She followed the numerous souls to somewhere else, and after several procedures, she entered heaven.

[Easy Heaven, Firstage Noblesse Sky View, Building 1301, Room 305]

Esraa : My religion competes with these things. I feel like I’m doing something bad translating this crap H.E.L.P🐤

She checked and rechecked the apartment key that had fallen to her.

‘And… Are you giving me an apartment for free? It’s worth going to heaven.’

She had no idea she would be living in an apartment, but she was very satisfied. The interior was perfectly decorated and comfortable.

There were also some nice things.

‘My goods!’

She cheered after checking out the goods perfectly arranged in the room.

The goods she had collected over two lives were gathered in one place.

I never thought they would even provide this kind of service…

I was truly moved.

‘Uh? for a moment.’

It was then.

Agnes found something in the gap.

She held the object in her hand, her eyes shining fearfully.

It was the cell phone that she held in her hand and never let go of throughout her difficult life.

‘…The screen went out.’

It seemed as if the screen had been blown off due to an accident involving being hit by a car.

She immediately turned on her cell phone and decided to check what she was most curious about.

‘Let’s look at the comments on Season 2.’

As I entered the familiar app, I saw that Season 2 was in full swing.

She huffed and checked the comments on Season 2 Episode 1.

just as expected. The comment window was a mess..

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  2. Kyo says:

    Wow… Raymond in a coma… even bro Damian was at a loss….. but pooor Kylo! Living a life thinking he was unloved, and finding out he’s TRULY LOVED to the point she was willing to die for him LITERALLY ONLY when she’s already DEAD! So so sad!!!!!!

  3. Kyo says:

    Bahahahahahaha not her continuing to fangirl even after death 🤣 😝

  4. D says:

    Boo to Damien, Agnes carried the show can’t believe this dude going to rule the empire LMAO

  5. Namiii says:

    Agnes died, but Damian is more concerned about Raymond? How fvcked up of a brother he is.

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