Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

And a few hours later.

At the temple, they hurried to visit the imperial castle, saying something amazing like a miracle had happened.

They said that the wavelength emitted by the source of the crack suddenly disappeared, and that it was a blessing from God.

But despite this good news, no one smiled.

The priest who brought the news thought it was a very strange situation.

Until he heard the news of Agnes’ death.


For reference, fan is invincible.

If I tell you how far I can go for my favorite, most people will think this way.

“Eh… ? Isn’t that too much of an overstatement?”

However, among my Twitter friends, there are countless people who can do even worse things.

So I’m going to die now.


What I didn’t expect was that the road to death would be more difficult than dying.

‘How many days have passed….’

If things continued like this, i might encounter an unfortunate incident at the top with Kylo, who would start much later than me.

Agnes once again cast a warming spell on his frozen feet.

Even though she was wearing layers of clothes, like a fat cat, she felt bitterly cold.

It was truly an arduous march.

‘It’s cold, it’s cold.’

For her, who had never climbed a mountain before, climbing a snow-covered mountain was extremely difficult.

But she had her own cheats.

It’s her magical power, and her magic staff that she got from the Imperial palace blacksmith.

In fact, she had a light heart that if she had this, she would be invincible.

But she was no pushover.

She used all kinds of miscellaneous skills, including thermal magic, to get this far, but she still had a long way to go.

However, if you think positively, the high point is just around the corner.

Agnes started walking again, trying not to look behind him.

‘How on earth did Kylo feel as he walked down this path?’

I could feel the pain he must have felt with each step.

Kylo was a person in this world who had no one to trust or rely on.

He is a person who has nowhere to lean on and no place to rest.

Since he had been lonely all his life, he must have felt fine at the moment he climbed this road.

Perhaps he felt that there was nothing wrong with him because he was used to loneliness.

Otherwise, he must have felt a loneliness even more severe than the loneliness he had ever felt in his life.

He must have felt the cold sensation digging into his skin.

But somehow, it seems like the mental pain was greater than the physical pain.

Still, he must have walked and walked.

Because he is that kind of person.

Agnes found it difficult to breathe as his heart pounded with every step she took.

It may not be because he has increased altitude. Because it was a problem that had already been solved with magic power.

Rather, her heart continued to swell because of her feelings for Kylo.

Just a little faster.

She wanted to climb faster.

So She wanted to get everything done before Kylo even left here.

Then Kylo will never climb this path in this life.

I had to hurry so he wouldn’t have to feel this loneliness.

Jump and jump.

Small footprints continued to be left in places where no one had ever walked.

And the footprints were covered with snow again and disappeared in an instant.

Agnes took a deep breath as she felt her mind taking over her body.

‘Shit…There should have been a scene where Kylo climbs this mountain.’

In the original work, only the results were shown without the process. It was truly deplorable.

Kylo’s sacrifice would have shined even brighter if everyone had seen this process.

But I also thought I knew why.

I myself swore hundreds of times while climbing here.

If there was a scene where he was out of breath and repeating the words, ‘It’s so fucking hard’… I don’t think people would have liked it very much.

Although it was difficult for her, she never felt bad about treading the path that her favorite had taken.

In this life, she was happy to walk this path instead.

Is it because she spurred on with the passion of a geek?

Before long, Agnes was able to arrive in front of the huge statue.

A huge snow mountain with legends about ancient gods.

It was the first time in thousands of years that human feet touched the mountain, also known as the Mountain of Death.


Agnes first lay down and panted for a while.

It was only after I managed to hold my breath that I was able to leisurely look around.

It wasn’t a scenery that made the hard climb worthwhile.

The sky was dark, and the snow continued to fall, making the surroundings appear hazy.

However, there was no snow in the area around the large stone statue.

Maybe that’s why the cold disappeared completely when she got to the top.

Agnes took off the overcoat she had been wearing.

As my body became lighter, my tired shoulders became more and more comfortable.

After resting for a while, Agnes got up again.

Then she approached the unusual-looking statue and the strange crack floating in the air and took a closer look.

‘Something is disgusting….’

Fat black cracks widened as if the space had been torn apart.

It was pitch black inside.

Agnes looked at it with mischievous eyes and then looked around.

Then she noticed something strange.

“What is this can?”

There was a suspicious-looking object, so I cleared away the snow and a small-sized magic golem appeared.

The camera in the center blinked with a red light.

Seeing that it had a temple pattern on it, it seemed like it was for their research.

‘Thanks to this, the existence of the source of the crack was announced in the original work.’

Agnes looked at the magic golem quietly and knocked it to the side.

It had a camera so she didn’t know if her death would be filmed.

I didn’t want to show it to anyone because I didn’t think it would be a nice death.

Agnes approached the statue of the ancient god again and raised her head.

The stone statue of an ancient god dressed in long robes had the face of a dog with a long snout, not the face of a human.

Agnes took out the pendant she had worn around her neck, treating it like a treasure.

Readers of the original work assumed that this relic had the ability to summon the ancient gods.

It felt like the puzzle was falling into place.

I became convinced that I could unconditionally eliminate the source of this big crack.

After hesitating for a moment, Agnes picked up the paper and pen she had brought in her arms.

Her hands were frozen and it was difficult for her to write, but she wrote without a hitch.

She had a lot of things shr wanted to say on her way up here.

As if she were writing her memoirs, Agnes recorded the end of her life.

There was so much I wanted to say…When I actually wrote it down, it wasn’t that long.

Agnes folded the letter and stood up.

Now there was no time or reason to hesitate.

She stood in front of the rift, holding her magic wand, clutching her pendant in her hand.

She didn’t know how, but she knew she had to destroy it.

Even though she was taking deep breaths, her heart was pounding wildly.

It made her feel as if she had been reborn for this moment.

Like a flash, events from the past flowed through her mind.

The memories flowed in an instant and came back to the moment when I wrote my will before leaving here.

In the will Agnes left at the imperial castle, she didn’t mention Kylo.

It was a decision sje made because she didn’t want to burden his heart, but somehow she regretted it.

It was the first will I ever wrote.

In my previous life, I didn’t even have time to write a will. Because it was an unexpected death.

Agnes put the second will she had written a while ago back into her arms.

This time, it was a letter written entirely for Kylo.

But this probably won’t be revealed to the world.

As soon as she die, it will be sealed along with the source of the crack.

Even if I couldn’t show him, I wanted to record my feelings one last time.

It was only later that I felt some regret.

I wonder if Kylo will be disappointed because his name is not in the first will…

But she was glad she didn’t use it.

She didn’t want to be special to him.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  2. Kyo says:

    Sobs no girl! You ARE special to him!! You just don’t know it! Sobsssssss!!!!

  3. Shara says:

    This gurl is truly a dedicated fan🥲

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