Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Agnes leisurely got up, washed up, and spoke to the maids.

“I’m going to stay in my room and read books all day today. So don’t disturb me.”

At those words, the maids immediately realized Agnes’s intentions.

What I was saying was that I didn’t really want to meet Raymond Spencer.

On weekends, the princess behaved like this, as if it had been decided.

The maids left the princess’s quarters and announced her intention to the waiting servants.

“The princess said she would read a book in her living room today, so please don’t disturb her.”

At those words, the chamberlain nodded his head, saying she understood.

Raymond Spencer, standing in front of the door, suddenly entered the field of vision of Emma and Lois.

Although they felt a pity…The maids also had no choice.

As Agnes said, she didn’t take a single step from her home that day.

But I couldn’t do that the next day.

It was because Damien came to visit.

Agnes’ expression was astonished as she sat across from the crown prince, who had been visiting since early morning.

It was because I felt like I knew why Damian had come.

‘I guess you came because of Raymond.’

Sure enough, Damian suggested with an unusually bright face.

“Agnes, wouldn’t you like to go on a picnic with your brother after a long time?”


How old are you when you go on a picnic?

Agnes resisted the urge to say that to his face.

Then Damian smiled and continued.

“I happened to be free today, so I came to play with you as your brother. When you were young, you chased me to play with you, but now you don’t like me?”

Damian speaking as if he was disappointed was abominable, but it was difficult for me to say no out loud.

Agnes glanced out the window and excused herself.

“…The weather isn’t very nice, is it?”

In fact, the weather was gloomy. What kind of picnic is this when it’s full of dark clouds?

“So we have to go further. What if you stay in your room because the weather is gloomy? Hurry up and get ready. hurry.”

At the urging, Agnes had no choice but to get up.

If Damien did this and there were rumors that Agnes ignored him, it would not be good for her reputation.

Besides, it wasn’t really good to be caught blatantly discriminating against Raymond and Kylo.

Because Raymond’s followers won’t stay still.

It might have been better to dismiss such rumors today as an excuse.

Agnes changed her clothes with the help of her maids and came out the door of her residence in one day.

Raymond Spencer, who was standing in front of her door with a stern expression on his face, bowed his head towards her.

Wearing the same uniform as Kylo, he was as beautiful as a well-crafted statue.

But now it was a beauty that left no impression on Agnes.

“Come on, let’s go.”

Damien, who was waiting for her as well as Raymond, said.

Damian’s servants were carrying picnic bags as if they were really going on a picnic.

Agnes reluctantly followed them.

However, Agnes’ expression crumpled when she saw the carriage waiting in front of the building.

“Are we going by carriage?”

I thought it was just happening in the Imperial Garden…

Damian was afraid that Agnes would refuse, so he quickly urged Agnes on.

“Just ride it first, it’s not far.”


Agnes got into the carriage and looked dissatisfied.

But then, when Raymond got into the carriage, her face became even darker.

Damien confirmed that the carriage door was closed and headed to the carriage next to her with a bright expression.

Agnes deliberately looked out the window so as not to notice Raymond sitting across from her.


On the other hand, Raymond looked at Agnes with a persistent gaze.

It seemed like the first time I had sat this close to Agnes since the accident.

In the past, Agnes had been very rude and trespassed into my radius without permission.

She might pop out and link arms, whisper, or insist that we walk side by side.

Those things were very annoying, but I was used to it…

Seeing Agnes sitting far away gave me a strange feeling.

Agnes doesn’t remember me.

Agnes shows a strange interest in Kylo Gray.

These were all adjectives that were difficult to associate with Agnes.

Moreover, Agnes now seemed to dislike me.

As if her past self hated him.


He discovered his past self in Agnes’ cold attitude, deliberately avoiding eye contact.

My heart tightened.

Did Agnes feel this way too?

Is this what it felt like to be ignored and not receive attention?

I felt strangely anxious.

It was a feeling I had always had over the past few days.

Where did Agnes go and what did she do with Kylo Gray? As he received all the reports, he felt unusually anxious.

He was so annoying and unpleasant. Now I felt like I would go crazy if I didn’t see Agnes.

Feeling his throat burn, he swallowed and looked into Agnes’ eyes.

Her eyes weren’t on me but on the meaningless things outside the window.

He had an urge to grab Agnes’ face and keep her eyes fixed on me.



When he called out nervously, Agnes reluctantly looked at him.

The moment our eyes met. Raymond felt an inexplicable thrill.

Finally, her eyes landed on me.

However, there was no emotion in the light purple eyes.

Unlike before, deep desire, longing, love and hate. It was difficult to find any such messy feelings.

It was unfamiliar to him and gave him a strange sense of fear.

“Speak when called, Sir Spencer.”

Agnes said coldly.

Raymond looked at her with a shocked expression on his face and then opened her mouth.

“What book did you read yesterday?”

“… Should I report that?”

“I was just curious so I asked.”

“It seems like a personal question.”

“It’s a question you can ask as a prospective fiancé.”

“Are you a prospective fiancé?”

Agnes asked as if it were absurd.

Agnes looked out his window again without replying, as if she had just heard nonsense.

Raymond was angry.

prospective fiancé. That word was Agnes’ favorite word.

She always forced himself…

Whenever she mentioned that word, he would get angry and push her away.

But why?

Why did you want to hear the word engagement out of my mouth so much?

Why are you here now…

Raymond clenched his fists violently.

He couldn’t be angry at Agnes for not remembering him.

He didn’t have anything to say to her anyway.

Why come now?

Because those words will turn into arrows and come back to me.


The place we arrived was a large forest on the outskirts of the capital.

There was a large lake near the forest, and it was also a place where nobles often came for picnics.

However, the place where the carriage stopped was not in front of a large lake, but in front of a small pond nearby.

Agnes got off the carriage and realized that this was a familiar place.

It was a place where I often came to play with Raymond when I was young.

Agnes sighed and looked around.

The sky was overcast, and the wind blew as if it was going to rain at any moment.

“Agnes! Come here!”

Damien, who arrived first, gestured.

A large cloth was spread in front of the pond, and Damian was sitting on it.

Agnes sighed softly as she looked at the beautifully prepared dessert.

‘I never thought you would come for a real picnic.’

The surroundings were empty.

There was no way anyone would come for a picnic in this weather.

Agnes sat next to Damien with a worried look on her face.

“Do you remember? When we were kids, we used to come here often to play.”


“Raymond was also there, but you don’t remember that?”

“Yes, it doesn’t come out.”

When Agnes spoke stiffly, Damian clicked his tongue slightly.

“Lord Spencer! Hurry and come this way.”

Damian tried to have Raymond sit  to Agnes.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    PLS F**K OFF

  2. Kyo says:

    Sighhhhh….. I’m so glad we have cray Ray’s pov! Lololol to show how flabbergasted and at LEAST HE KNOWS AGNES IS SICK OF HIM AND HAS ZERO INTEREST/emotions for him! In YOUR face for taking her affections for granted! And Damian is just like a pesky housefly’ sighhhhh!

  3. Chungmyung says:

    I hate hate hate Damian right now

  4. Chungmyung says:

    I hate hate hate Damian right now… stop trying to pair up your sister with someone who had insulted her and hurt her so bad in the past

  5. tatant says:

    Thank you!

  6. Ms.Perfect says:

    Novel dünyasının sevilmeyen abileri çöplüğünde kaybol Damian 🙄 Kaybol ve bir daha geri dönme ☺️

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