Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Princess Agnes’ personal space was extremely luxurious.

When you open the large, thick central door and enter, a spacious reception room that looks like a living room unfolds. From there, if you pass through the hallway on the right, you will find the bedroom and study room, and after passing through the hallway on the left, you will find the bathroom and dressing room.

As the golden jade leaf was said to be Emperor Alexander’s most precious jewel, the decorations, wallpaper, and furniture were all of the highest quality.

Agnes was completely lazy in such a luxurious space.

Next to her, stretched out on the soft sofa, there was a pile of invitations made of expensive paper.

Originally, Princess Agnes was a social queen who never missed a party.

But she recently got suspended for speaking out at a prom and hasn’t participated in it even once.

Thanks to this, she had not yet been able to properly see the faces of the main characters except Cleo.

‘The face remains vaguely in my memory, but….’

In the first place, Princess Agnes was not interested in the appearance of others, except for Raymond.

Maybe that’s why other people’s facial features only came to mind in a blur.

In Agnes’ eyes, everyone except Raymond seemed like squid.

Of course, she could attend balls and tea parties to see the main characters, but Agnes knew very well what the nobles were talking about.

Because Daisy passed on their words every day.

‘Lady Harper says there is a rumor going around that the princess cried so much that her face was so swollen. Her eyes have become tiny, and her nose has become the size of a fist. Shall I go and explain?’

‘The princess, yesterday you were crying and there was a rumor going around that she was on a hunger strike? Princess, you finished off her steak just a moment ago! Shall I go and explain?’

Daisy, who had no clue, seemed to have a sense of duty to tell everything she had heard, so she relayed every little detail.

That’s why I didn’t participate in the party.

It was already on the rise and fall of the nobles, so there was no need to go out and provide more prey.

And the most important reason is… This was because even if I went to such a place, I wouldn’t be able to meet Cleo.

Cleo Gray never attended social gatherings.

He secretly envies nobles, but he never shows it.

He had to feel miserable every time he felt the subtle disregard in the nobles’ eyes.

Being an illegitimate child mixed with the blood of a low-class citizen was Cleo’s trauma and weakness.

So he tended to dislike social gatherings and such.

What’s worse, he didn’t even attend the ball commemorating the end of the war.

‘Shocking. Why are they ignoring Cleo?’

It was not the sort of thing a person who had been at the forefront of ignoring Cleo and slapping him in the face a few days ago would say.

‘Now that things have changed….’

Anyway, I wanted to meet the rest of the main characters quickly.

Raymond is honestly…I didn’t really want to see him because his face was so clearly etched in my memory.

There were many descriptions of him being handsome to begin with…

But the original hostess, Hazel Devon, was curious.

Hazel was an innocent, beautiful girl with light brown hair and green eyes.

Her warm and gentle atmosphere is impressive…Could it be said to be an image of the feeling of first love itself?

She has a twin brother who is sick, and they told he is also incredibly handsome.

So i really wanted to see her once.

‘The saint was also very pretty.’

The saint with black hair, black eyes, and an exotic image was a commoner who was a character like an angel herself.

Although Agnes is set to be the most beautiful woman in the world, readers preferred Hazel, who is synonymous with innocence, and the saint who boasts fairy beauty.

‘But who did Raymond end up with in Part 2? Hazel? Or a saint?’

The reason Hazel is called the original female lead is because, in fact, she gave off the vibes of the female lead from the beginning of the novel.

However, because the saint appeared in the mid to late period, the whereabouts of her love line became ambiguous.

In the first place, Princess Agnes wasn’t even considered a rival to the original female lead.

In the original work, it was a saintly woman character who had a confrontation between the female lead and the male lead.

So, the original fans were divided into the Hazel faction and the Saint faction, each supporting the coupling.

In particular, since most of the scenes in which the saint appeared were with Raymond, the majority opinion was that the two were the final couple.

Anyway, it was the love line of the original, and more important than that was Agnes’ ending.

‘What happened in the end?’

First off, she didn’t die.

Even after returning from a period of confinement outside the capital, it seemed like she had attracted aggro with bullshit a few more times.

So there were a few scenes where Raymond was really sick of the princess.

Raymond was a political partner of the crown prince, and the crown prince regarded his younger sister, the princess, as a burden.

I don’t know because the princess doesn’t appear well in the latter part of part 1, but she may have died in the end in part 2.

The crown prince didn’t forgive anyone who became an obstacle in his path.

The biggest obstacle in his otherwise solid life was Agnes.

As the support of nobles and commoners for the imperial family made the imperial power stronger, he wouldn’t have let Agnes tarnish its reputation.

Anyway, she seemed to be alive and well until the end of Part 1, so there is nothing to worry about for my life right now.

The important thing is…I will meet my favorite again.

‘I hope it’s as soon as next week.’

Starting next week, Agnes will begin carrying out her duties as an official knight of the Black Knights.

Finally, i can meet Cleo again.

‘Let’s do really well this time….’

I remembered the day when I went to apologize for slapping him and behaved like an idiot.

It was so hectic back then, but now it’s different.

‘I can do well.’

At least they won’t slap him in the face.

‘I wouldn’t know if I kissed that cheek.’

So Agnes waited for the day to meet her favorite again.

It might have been frustrating for her to be stuck in his house and kill time, but Agnes had no time to be bored.

As it is a worldview with a bit of steampunk, there were many unique magic tools mixed with machines and magic.

Princess Agnes wasn’t at all curious about her own healing ability, but she was quite interested in her magic engineering.

To begin with, the royal family had exceptional talent in magical engineering.

Magic engineering was the result of combining the mysterious power of magic and cutting-edge science.

It was also the source of the empire’s enormous power on the continent and the only weapon that could fight the devil.

And that power flowed from the purple magic stone planted in the land of the empire.

The first emperor used his special magic power to create a new ore by combining it with the magic stone, which everyone thought was just a stone.

The ore became the basic material for magical engineering. The continent’s best was the starting point where the foundation of a wealthy and powerful nation was established.

Therefore, people had no doubt that the special magical power possessed only by the royal family maintained the power of the magic stone.

In addition, the first emperor used the magic stone he created to lead the sluggish war against demons to victory.

It was as if he had been awakened by a magic stone.

He must have truly had tremendous magical power to seal all the demons underground with just one light.

However, thousands of years later, demons began to appear again, and the people of the empire believed that one day a royal family would be born who would be able to use the abilities of the first emperor again.

Of course, it was a story from so long ago that it only appeared in fairy tales read by children.

However, it was true that members of the royal family had superior magical powers than others.

In any case, due to the story of the first emperor deeply embedded in people’s consciousness, all the people of the empire respected, and liked the imperial family.

As a result, the empire’s level of magical engineering development was quite high.

Thanks to this, Agnes wasn’t bored playing with the amazing magic tools in the study.

I found a lot of things that could be used for New Life activities.


There was just one day left until I met my favorite again.

Prince Damian suddenly came to the princess’s palace.

Agnes was lying on the sofa in the living room reading a book about imperial culture in order to adapt more quickly.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. ABlossom says:

    “Se a menos a engenharia magica fosse arruinada” kskskskskks (“A Strange But Effective Villainess Life”)
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

    1. Usurpadora says:

      Kkkkkkkkkk isso me fez lembrar da novel dela, tenho que terminar de ler

  2. Agos says:

    I hope agnes does get her own bussiness beyond her crush

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