Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Agnes sighed softly.

If everyone turned out like this, there was no way.

Agnes shouted irritably at his servants.

“Can’t you hear me? How many more times do I have to tell you to call him right away?”

When she let out her frustration loudly, the emperor seemed to come to her senses and said,

“Yes, yes! Call him right now, right now! First of all, stability is important! Please call him immediately to ensure Agnes’ safety!”

After the emperor’s order, the servants quickly left the bedroom.

When Agnes was still fuming, the court doctor said:

“As His Majesty said, the princess must rest at all costs. It would be better for her to leave with only the minimum number of people left.”

Thus, only the minimum number of people remained in the bedroom.

They were Emperor Alexander, Damian, and the three chief courtiers.

“Palace, is this really possible?”

As if he thought it was strange, Damian began to ask the court doctor various questions.

The court doctor answered his barrage of questions while sweating profusely.

Meanwhile, the emperor wiped away tears as he stroked the back of Agnes’ hand.

“Agnes, thank you for coming back alive. How surprised this father was…Why on earth did you go outside the palace, huh? And that too alone…! If it weren’t for Sir Spencer, he’d be right there on the street….”

“Lord Spencer?”

Agnes asked, as if asking what that meant.

Then, Damian, who was talking with the court doctor, suddenly joined the conversation.

“Yes, Agnes. Lord Spencer found you and brought you in. If it weren’t for Lord Spencer, you would be dead.”

At those words, Agnes made a shocked expression.

What are you talking about…

No, Raymond found me? how? At that time?

Agnes’s brow furrowed.

Only then did I belatedly remember what happened this morning.

Suddenly, a servant announced the arrival of a guest.

“Princess, S… Sir Raymond Spencer is now in front of the princess’s palace.”

“What? At this time? why?”

“He said he have something to tell the princess… What should I do?”

You’re funny, why are you here so early?

“Say I went out for a walk.”

Agnes said roughly and waved his hand.

Then, after changing her clothes, she and the chamberlain secretly went through the back door to the stables.

‘Could it be that he followed my footsteps?’

What, aren’t you a gloomy guy? Why are you following me?

In fact, even in the original work, there were a few times when she felt that Raymond was a little gloomy.

But when she wrote such things in the comments, she would be brutally beaten.

In the original, when Raymond became suspicious of his fellow knight and followed him.

I made this comment:

[no; It’s far… Are you following your coworker because you think it’s suspicious? Isn’t that a bit gloomy? ㅜㅜ]

[└Ah, why are you talking about being so gloomy? It’s really just Raymond. The gloomy thing is that people who leave comments like you are even gloomierㅜㅜ]

[└Isn’t this person Akgae who always praised Kyle? You change your nickname all the time haha. Are you a fan of Kylo because you don’t have any?]

[└You should go and talk about it, don’t get hit on in the comments section haha]

[└Since Raymond is the main character, the only fans here are Raymond’s fans… Don’t drag yourself around for no reason, just get out of here]

Of course, she was lying if she didn’t add a little bit of exaggeration to her comment.

But Raymond certainly had a persistent personality.

And that’s it, but Damian’s words were also absurd.

‘If it weren’t for Raymond, i would have died?’

Even if i had just been left on the street, i would have survived.

The reason I stopped breathing was because it was a small mistake that happened in heaven. Of course I can’t explain it to others…

At that time, Damian asked the court doctor in a strong tone.

“For a moment. Don’t you think Agnes’s memories might come back if she meets Raymond?”

“Yeah…? Well, of course that could be the case, but…”

“Raymond Spencer will be outside. If she meet him right now, she will remember…!”

“For a moment!”

The emperor shouted loudly.

Damian, who was about to call Raymond, stopped.

Emperor Alexander looked disapprovingly at his son and asked the court physician:

“Didn’t you say it yourself, courtier? It is highly likely that Agnes erased her painful memories on her own.”

“Yes, yes. you’re right. your majesty….”

“Then wouldn’t Agnes’ condition possibly get worse after meeting Raymond Spencer?”

The court doctor responded to the emperor’s guess by looking at the prince and the emperor alternately.

“I see….maybe….”

When the court doctor answered, the emperor looked at Damian with a disapproving gaze.

“What pain must it have been for your sister that she would have erased her memory of that bastard? Why are you trying to reveal that? There is no need to bring back those memories.”

“Father, but…!”

“Don’t think of your own desires, but think of Agnes!”

“I did it because I was thinking of Agnes! Don’t you know how much Agnes loved Raymond Spencer!”

“It must have been that painful!”

“Are you saying that after seeing for yourself how surprised Raymond was earlier?”

“There is no need to talk about things that have nothing to do with Agnes’ condition!”

“Why doesn’t it matter!”

Watching the father and son fight, Agnes looked away as if she was not interested.

‘It was a good idea to lie about losing my memories of Raymond.’

No matter how I thought about it, I was proud of myself for making good use of a good opportunity.

‘Now let’s get closer to Kylo.’

Wasn’t this the worst situation where Kylo had been avoiding me for a long time?

It was a golden opportunity for her to change Kylo’s mind of hating her.


Meanwhile, at the same time.

Kylo Gray had just returned from his mission.

He was about to wash up and lie down on his bed to relieve his fatigue when an uninvited guest came.

“Are you there? Lord Gray! Are you there?!”

Kylo’s brow furrowed at the sound of a knock on his bedroom door.

It seemed that Viscount Gray’s servant had come to visit again.

Even without looking at it, it was obvious how anxious Viscount Gray was.

Without his own help, Viscount Gray would never be able to greet Bradley and Benjamin to the Princess.

But Kylo was somehow reluctant.

In fact, throughout his mission, he tried to clear his head, but every chance he got, Princess Agnes came to mind.

To be exact, that kiss was like an accident.

In fact, the princess wouldn’t even remember that incident…

If the princess had remembered what happened that day, she would have called him and punished him the next day or the day after.

The princess was so drunk at the time that she must have forgotten what happened.

Kylo thought that was a good thing, but… On the one hand, it was unfair.

He was the one who suffered, so why is it only vivid in his memory?

He tried his best not to think of Agnes, the princess. He continued to cast spells, telling himself that she was a cunning and mean woman.

But no matter how much I brainwashed, it didn’t work.

The only thing that came to his mind was Princess Agnes’ lips.


Kylo shook his head.

There was no end to thinking like this.

As he had been doing for the past few days, he would end up thinking about Princess Agnes all day long.

It seemed like it would be better for him to fall asleep quickly due to hiz fatigue.

Kylo ignored his calls and tried to sleep like that.

“Lo…! Lord Gray…!”

But when he closed his eyes and listened, the voice coming from outside was a bit different from the one she usually heard from the Gray family servant.

“Lord Gray…Are you not there?! Lord Gray…!”

Unlike the arrogant voice of the Gray family servant, the voice I heard now was somehow sad.

Feeling ominous, Kylo put on her robe, opened the door, and went out.

As expected, the person standing outside the bed wasn’t a servant of the Gray family.


‘Isn’t this the attire of an imperial servant?’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:


  2. tatant says:

    Thank you!!!

  3. Kyo says:


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