Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Agnes’ eyebrows twitched at those words.

Suddenly Raymond Spencer?

No, I was saying that I didn’t like Raymond Spencer anymore…!

In people’s minds, i’m still seemed to be a fan of Raymond Spencer.

Changing prejudice was not easy either.

‘Ugh, I’m so annoyed.’

uh? But wait a minute.

Maybe this….

Her head rolled quickly.

Now she had survived a carriage accident.

Since it was a major accident that occurred on a busy street in broad daylight, there must have been a huge number of people who witnessed it.

I even stopped breathing and miraculously woke up…!

The servants, maids, and countless courtiers present here.

It was as if everyone was a witness.

By now, everyone would believe me even if she had amnesia.

Of course, things get too complicated when she says she has lost all her memories.

But if i take advantage of this situation just a little…

‘Is there a more perfect timing to get out of the country?’

Agnes thought that now was her chance to completely shake off her image as a ‘Raymond Spencer fanatic.’

Maybe from this moment on, ‘I am a fan of Kylo Gray.’ Even if you cancel it altogether, it may not be a problem.

The person who woke up said that she was dead, but how could everyone stop her?

Agnes said, her eyes shining brightly.


“Huh, yes. Agnes, my daughter…Say anything, whatever this father says is yours…!”

“Who is Raymond Spencer? Why are you asking to bring him?”

“Uh, uh…?”

People began to look at each other at Agnes’ curious tone.

Damian asked, holding her shoulder as if he sensed something was wrong.

“Who is Raymond Spencer? You said you wanted to get married to him so much…!”

“Me? When?”

Damian looked at the court doctor with a cold gaze as he said he had no idea.

“Didn’t you say she was definitely okay?”

“Well, that…She hurt her head, so it might be a temporary problem.”

“I think there’s a problem with Agnes’ memory….”

Damian said in a serious voice.

Agnes smiled at him as if asking what he was talking about.

“Brother, what are you saying? My memory is fine. But I don’t know who he is?”


The surroundings became quiet due to Agnes’ cheerful voice.

In the calm atmosphere, the courtier quickly asked Agnes a few questions.

“Princess, do you remember where you are right now?”

As the questions began, everyone’s eyes turned to Agnes.

Agnes answered confidently.

“Yes, this is my bedroom.”

“Then the princess herself is…”

“Agnes. It’s a precious name given to me by my father.”

“Then today’s date is….”

“I remember exactly. August 2, 332, Imperial Calendar. Is that right? It was like that until morning….”

Today is my favorite’s birthday, but there’s no way I wouldn’t remember it.

“That’s right, then maybe my name is….”

“Harry Boebert. You are the person who has been the chairman of the palace for three generations. I saw your grandchild last year.”

“…..That’s correct!”

For a moment, Harry Boebert was thrilled, not even knowing what the situation was. How could I not be happy that the princess even remembers the birth of my grandchild?

Agnes answered all questions accurately.

Damien pointed at the court doctor with a sharp gaze. He meant to ask the next question.

The court doctor was nervous and asked the next question.

“Well, then do you know who the leader of the White Knights is?”

“Hmm…Who was it, Diana Lennox?”


People’s complexions turned pale. The court doctor quickly asked the next question.

“Then… Um, do you remember His Highness the Crown Prince’s playmate whom you often saw when you were young?”

“Aren’t they Sirius Melville and Diana Lennox?”

“…Well, then Sir Raymond Spencer…”

“I don’t know who it is.”


Everyone exchanged looks and was shocked.

You really don’t remember just Raymond Spencer.

Agnes blinked her innocent eyes as if everyone was asking why.

Damian quickly asked a few more questions. These were questions about Raymond Spencer.

Agnes said she had no idea.

In the end, the court physician who came to a conclusion bowed his head and informed the emperor and crown prince.

“I apologize for informing you, Your Majesty. Her Royal Highness…It seems like only your memory of Lord Spencer has been erased.”

“Huh, really…How could this…! Does that make sense?”

When the emperor asked in astonishment, the court doctor nodded.

“Yes… Occasionally, in some patients…After a head injury, they often erase some painful memories on our own.”

“Some painful memory…!”

Emperor Alexander’s expression changed subtly.

The crown prince’s expression was the same.

Even if he dies, he doesn’t want to have Raymond Spencer as his son-in-law.

And the one who wants to make Raymond Spencer a partner for Agnes.

It was a moment when the joys and sorrows of the two people intersected.

“Oh my…! I wish our Agnes had been hurt by that guy…!”

In the midst of his sadness, Emperor Alexander muttered as if he felt relieved about the matter.

If it weren’t for this situation, I would have wanted to laugh out loud.

However, the emperor’s mood, which was almost filled with joy, was broken by Agnes’s next words.

“Father. Instead of Raymond Spencer, I’d like you to call me Lord Kylo Gray. I want to see him right now!”


Everyone here couldn’t believe their ears and looked around at each other.

The same was true for Emperor Alexander and Damian.

Who should I call now?

While everyone’s expressions hardened, only Agnes, who had no intention of letting go of this lucky opportunity, smiled brightly.

Agnes spoke clearly and with an extremely bright smile.

“Kylo Gray, I want to see him right now!”

Although it was simply a statement that he wanted to see it, it was a statement that left the listener dumbfounded.

The first person the princess wakes up looking for is Kylo Gray?

The Kylo Gray whom the princess despised and loathed so much?

However, there was someone else who was most shocked by those words.

It was Raymond Spencer who hurried over when he heard that Agnes had woken up and was waiting at the door of the parlor.

He was frozen in a daze.

She lost her memory about me? Does that make sense?


Raymond couldn’t come to his senses. He was confused and his head was spinning.


Right after Agnes was hit by a carriage.

Raymond immediately called his person and carried her palace.

As he watched her receiving first aid in the carriage, he held Agnes’ cold hand and muttered the whole time.

He said : she will never die, never die.

Although he had brainwashed himself into believing that she couldn’t possibly die, he was unable to make rational decisions due to his constantly flowing blood.

His own clothes and the floor of the carriage kept getting soaked with Agnes’ blood.

As the red area expanded, he collapsed.

If Agnes dies like this, he…

It was clear that he would collapse from the overwhelming guilt.

At that moment, I realized how pointless and narrow-minded I had been in blaming Agnes for what happened to my mother.

There was a time when I thought I wouldn’t mind if Agnes died.

It was a stupid, absurd idea.

Agnes could not have meant anything to him.

“Agnes, Agnes…”

In all of Raymond’s memories from his childhood, there was never a moment without her.

Although he wanted to deny it, Agnes was one of the closest people in his life.

“Come this way!”

“Move the princess immediately!”

As soon as they arrived at the imperial castle, the court doctors who had heard the news in advance and were waiting came running.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. lemmeread says:

    The amount of updates this got in just a few hours is amazing. Thank you so much for all these 🖤

  2. kiyo says:

    omg i’m so excited for the next chapters. thank you for the translation!! ♥️♥️♥️

  3. tatant says:

    Thank you for your work!

  4. Nobodynobodyma says:

    Thank you soooo much 💕💕😭

  5. Eternity4Ever says:

    KINDA feel bad for him

  6. Kyo says:

    Soooooo happy to read the chapters out so fast!!!! Thank u so much!!!! And Agnes!!! You’re awesome to know what to bargain for! Yayyyyyy! And Mister cray cray Ray…. Good for u! lol! I can’t believe what kinda hardships would u have continued giving Agnes if she hasn’t “changed”. Good riddance and I’m sooooo gleefully thrilled when she requested for Kylo! Hahahaahahahah can’t wait for them to spend time together daily! Kyaaaaaah!!!

  7. ABlossom says:

    Foi uma boa ideia… só que pode dar problema pq se eu fosse o ml eu ia viver sempre com uma pulga atrás da orelha me questionando o que aconteceria se a memória dela voltasse e ela voltasse a gostar do outro la….
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

    1. Cathe says:

      Você tem razão!! 😱😱 Ai não!!! Tomara que ela conte a verdade pro Kylo 😰 toda a verdade, assim ele não vai ficar com dúvidas sobre os sentimentos dela. 😣🙏🏻

  8. Nyx says:

    Lol he deserve that. That’s what happens when u take someone for granted. You want her now because ahe changed lol jokes on u.

  9. Sana says:

    Vai ser convocada pra seleção da Coreia. A gata é atacante nata, nada segura ela!

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