Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

This may simply be due to his moral shortcoming of not wanting to be just like his father.

He was right about that.

Now Raymond had been thinking about the possibility of Agnes leaving the capital for about two weeks while he was away on a mission.

Emperor Alexander would have done just that.

But Princess Agnes…

If she were the former princess, she would never break her stubbornness, saying she would never go, but the current princess couldn’t be sure.

Perhaps she would like to leave the busy capital and rest in a peaceful place.

Unlike before, She don’t enjoy parties, and there’s no reason to insist on the capital to be by my side.

Moreover, because the crown prince was making a fuss, the foolish emperor must have felt nervous.

As her crown prince said, the emperor didn’t want to Agnes to get married so quickly.

So, while he was away on a mission, the probability of Agnes leaving the capital was…

Sure, it was pretty high.

Raymond ran his dry palm down her face.

Then he might not be able to see Agnes for a while.

Maybe for a very long time.


‘Before it’s too late….’

before it’s too late. What do you want to do?

Raymond tried to find an answer in the midst of confusion.

There was only one answer he managed to find.


I felt like I should at least apologize to Agnes to put my mind at ease.

Apologize for ignoring her feelings and hurting her.

Because his father didn’t do even the bare minimum for his mother.

If he does that, the illusion of himself overlapping with his father will decrease.

Even so, Raymond wanted to let go of his resentment toward his father and his sense of debt to his mother.

But for some reason, I was convinced that uncomfortable feelings would come even after I apologized.

Still, I had to do it.

Only then will I be able to accept the feelings after that.

Whatever it is.


Next day.

Those who came to the imperial castle early in the morning had something in common.

It was all a waste of money.

“You bastard! Without even reporting to me… !”

First, it was Viscount Gray who came to visit Kylo Gray.

The Viscount huffed in indignation when he heard that Kylo had left on a mission.

He even brought Benjamin and Bradley with him early in the morning…!

In fact, from the beginning, Kylo didn’t report to the Viscount every time he left on a mission.

There were times when he left on missions in a hurry, and Viscount Gray wasn’t that interested in his illegitimate son either.

Nevertheless, Viscount Gray’s anger rose to the top of his head when he was caught off guard.

“Father, then what about the princess? Can’t we go see it on our own?”

“We came this far…Can’t we just go near the princess’s palace and hang around?”

Viscount Gray touched his forehead at the words of the foolish children who knew nothing.

The princess’s palace wasn’t a place that anyone could enter.

Moreover, a low-level noble who didn’t know the princess had no chance at all.

“I even put on a massage pack in the morning…”

“I also wore new clothes….”

Benjamin and Bradley continued to grumble.

Viscount Gray glared at his sons dressed up like peacocks, then turned around and stood upright.

“You guys just go back home.”

”Yes? Just like this? but…”

“Please let me go at least near the princess’s palace, father!”

Viscount Gray, who had been holding back, finally exploded.

“You idiots! Do you think His Majesty will let you live if there is even a rumor that you were hanging around near the princess’s palace?”

Even as he shouted, Viscount Gray looked around to see if anyone would see their lack of culture.

The two sons finally silenced their father’s loud voice.

With that, Viscount Gray huffed and went off to attend to court business, while Benjamin and Bradley returned home empty-handed.


After the Foundation Ball, Kylo desperately tried to avoid Princess Agnes.

As soon as she heard that she had come to the order’s building, he took off immediately, and when he heard the princess’s voice at the door to her office, he fled through the window.

For several days, he had been avoiding the princess like he was a spy.

Kylo eventually volunteered and left for the urgent mission.

It was as if he had run away.

He was afraid that the princess would remember what happened that day and bring up the story.

Actually…However, he had no reason to run away.

He didn’t force the princess to kiss him, but rather she was the one who did it.

But… Strangely, he didn’t have the confidence to face the princess’s face.

In the first place, what happened that day was an accident.

This is probably because the princess, who was drunk, mistook himself for Raymond Spencer and committed suicide.

That fact was unbearably painful.

I was miserable because I felt like I had become a substitute for the guy I hated the most, and I hated myself for the way my face got hot whenever I thought about what happened that day.

Princess Agnes was truly a terrible woman.

Why on earth does she keep being so defenseless towards someone she has no interest in?

Even on the mission he left with, she was so defenseless.

Even if she never saw him as a man, she wouldn’t lean in or get close to him like that…

Of course, the two were trapped in a narrow space due to an unfortunate accident.

But isn’t such close contact originally possible only between those who have promised to marry?

Unlike him, who tried to stay as far away as possible, the princess leaned against his body without hesitation.

As if he were her fiancé.


Now Kylo’s ears have gotten hot just thinking about Agnes’ face.

This was all her fault.

So he could never meet her face.

If someone discovers a change in me, there will definitely be unnecessary misunderstandings.

It was obvious what kind of misunderstanding it was.

‘How dare you have different feelings for the princess, despite being a lowly illegitimate child?’

I could hear the criticism coming at me at any moment like an auditory hallucination.

If i hear something like that, i will completely deny it.

It is absurd for him to have different feelings for the princess.

There’s no way he could have liked a girl like Raymond Spencer in the first place, right?


…Can i really deny it?

Now, whenever Kylo thinks of the princess, his ears get hot and hus heart beats violently.

He said it was because of her fucking kiss.

What this change means…

No matter how ignorant he was of reason, he knew.

He felt that Princess Agnes was an opposite sex.

He had to block Princess Agnes from around him before his rational curiosity turned into liking.

So he left the mission as if he was running away.

Even though he was a humble person with no pride, he still had at least some pride.

Still, he didn’t want to lose everything to the disgusting Raymond Spencer.

How miserable would he be if the woman he loved was taken away by a guy he hated so much.

When he imagined Raymond’s face laughing at him, his blood seemed to rush.

So he had to get as far away from Princess Agnes as possible.

Make sure this damn curiosity turns into an uncontrollable mind.

‘Come to your senses, she is a cunning and mean woman.’

He didn’t forget to brainwash himself as if he were casting a spell.

‘She really is an annoying woman. Maybe it’s a ploy to plunge me into the abyss.’

That’s why the princess ignored and despised him.

He kept trying to brainwash himself, but somehow he felt like he was getting away with it.

Kylo pursed his lips and spoke roughly.


Another person who, like Viscount Gray, was fooled a second time…

It was Raymond Spencer.

“It’s this early, and the princess isn’t there?”

“…Yes. sorry. Lord Spencer.”

The servant of the princess’s palace looked at him and carefully apologized.

Raymond Spencer sighed briefly.


He stayed up all night and rushed to the princess’s palace as soon as morning came.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. tatant says:

    Thank you!!!

  2. Kyo says:

    Kylo Kylo…………. kyaaaaah you’re falling slowly…. and we love it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

    Mr cray cray Ray, jus pls stay away…………………!

    tyvm for the translationsssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3

  3. Eternity4Ever says:


  4. Curt says:

    Why are these ppl so dense bruh this is why I hate reading romance like you don’t know how to act 🙄😹

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