Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

For reference, Stans is invincible.

If she tells you how far she will go for her favorite, most people will think:

“Eh… ? Isn’t that too much of an overstatement?”

However, among her social media friends, there are countless people who can do even worse.

‘That’s why I can’t leave the capital now.’

never. never.

“Agnes, stay out of the capital for a while until your reputation calms down.”

15th day after the end-of-war commemoration ball.

The emperor finally summoned Agnes and gave his orders.

“I don’t like it.”

Agnes answered with her characteristic stubborn expression.

The emperor touched his forehead at the answer that didn’t change at all from what was expected.

The emperor, with a long white beard, was a dignified old man who made it possible to guess how handsome he had been when he was young.

But the wrinkles between his eyebrows were deep.

He was a trace of agony accumulated over many years. The cause of his agony was mostly his accident-prone daughter.

Agnes… The precious daughter.

A lovely daughter who looks just like his late wife.

but…A daughter who is too difficult to handle.

In the comments section of the original novel, comments like this would appear every time the Emperor and Princess Agnes appeared.

[Ghost on]

[Oh man, please raise your child properly!]

[What would you do if you were the most beautiful woman in the world? It’s the best gold in the world… ]

[What is that hell… ?]

[But usually, when a child acts like that, it’s largely the parents’ fault, but in this family, it doesn’t seem like even parenting experts can say much to the parents… Agnes was truly possessed by an evil spirit… ]

[└ He raised his child too carelessly for that to be the case. That’s the problem. I agree that it is a demon.]

[But sometimes, when I see it, she just seems like a joke, so I don’t just hate her. She is a strange character]

[└ Have a daughter like that later.]

[└└What kind of bullshit is that?]

[Agnes seems to be just an aggro character.]

The emperor sighed deeply. I guess he raised his daughter too much.

The decision to send Agnes out of the capital for the time being was also an act of harming Agnes.

To temporarily escape the gaze and criticism of the nobles….

I used the excuse that she was in so much pain that she was on the brink of death, but it was difficult to drag this out for long.

Of course, the emperor himself knew that it was wrong to always cover up his child’s faults like this.

Then how do you do it? Disciplining her now would be of no use.

This method was the only best way.

But Agnes actually refuses this offer.

In that case, the only method left was what the Chamberlain suggested.

To be honest, I didn’t feel like it, but it was a perfect plan if only Agnes accepted it.


The emperor looked at Agnes with a stern expression and said.

“Agnes, if you don’t follow this decision, I will have to make another decision. Is that okay?”

“Everything is fine as long as i don’t go outside the capital. I will never, ever leave this capital.”

Because that way i can see Cleo.

Dhe spoke resolutely, as if Agnes could never give in.

In her memories, the emperor was a very affectionate father.

It’s so loud that it’s a problem.

So she knew that if she came out this firmly, he would never be able to force her.

The emperor looked at his daughter with a conflicted expression, then made a firm decision and opened his mouth.

“Then, I will appoint you as a mage belonging to the ‘Black Knights.’”

Agnes’ eyes widened at the unexpected words.

The emperor was able to anticipate his daughter’s reaction.

She will cry and scream and make a fuss, asking how he could do this to her.

The emperor was nervous.

I didn’t know that Agnes might lie down on the floor, kicking and crying like last time. It was fortunate that he had sent his attendants out in advance.

It was a big deal for his subjects to see the princess still lying down like a child and being stubborn.

This time, even the emperor couldn’t retreat.

It was definitely an effective way to calm public opinion.

The emperor waited nervously for Agnes’ reaction.

‘The Black Knights…?’

Contrary to the emperor’s expectations, Agnes didn’t lie down on the floor and scream.

Instead, light purple eyes sparkled.

‘What kind of rice cake is this?’

The leader of the Black Knights was none other than her favorite, Cleo.

In the empire, there were four imperial knight orders that trained young knights.

The White Knights, the Blue Knights, the Red Knights, and the Black Knights.

The White Knights are a place where people of outstanding ability and status belong, and great nobles and imperial families belong to this order.

It was truly an elite group, and Raymond, the male protagonist of the novel, was the leader of this group.

Of course, the current Agnes also belonged here.

‘I didn’t even participate in the war, let alone a proper mission… .’

In any case, the White Knights were able to undertake one of their most glorious missions: guarding the Crown Prince.

and the Blue Knights.

This was a knightly order comprised mainly of sword-wielding knights, and there was also a mix of nobles and non-nobles.

And the red knights, but they were mainly composed of mages.

No matter how outstanding your skills were, unless you were from a prominent family, you could not belong to the White Knights.

‘The opposite is also true.’

Even if you are the son of a great noble, if your skills aren’t up to par, you won’t be able to join the White Knights.

Members of the royal family, or simply put, the brothers of the crown prince, could unconditionally join the White Knights, but most of them also had sufficient skills.

Agnes also had outstanding magic skills. She just doesn’t have the will to use it.

And finally…..

Black Knights.

This place, with Cleo as the leader, was literally a gathering place for troublemakers.

The skill itself is outstanding, but… Like an untamed wild horse, there were guys who didn’t know where to run.

Originally, it was a non-existent knighthood, but it was a group created to somehow gather them in one place, control and use them.

In fact, they just gave it a fancy name, but in people’s eyes, it was nothing more than a gathering place for idiots.

But they are useful in war.

In short, they were treated like hunting dogs or meat shields.

In fact, it was the Black Knights who fought at the forefront of the war against demons.

However, because there were as many accidents , they weren’t recognized for the credit.

The Black Knights were so strange that no one could dare say that their treatment was unfair.

In fact, even though the war was over, most of the Knights were in prison.

Not long ago, the group that Princess Agnes called parasites at a banquet also included the Black Knights.

But what if Agnes was transferred to the Black Knights?

Everyone will be shocked.

Until now, the royal family had never belonged to anything other than the White Knights.

It was a very unusual thing.

From Princess Agnes’s perspective, it was an even more humiliating thing.

Moreover, during the banquet that day, Princess Agnes behaved badly and was subdued by Cleo Gray.

It wasn’t enough that she was subdued by a low-class knight due to her noble pride, and she ended up under that knight’s command?

The social aristocrats will expect Agnes to be frustrated and crying, saying that this time the emperor has made up his mind.

If so, the nobles who were angry with Agnes might ease up a little.

The emperor expected so.

“If it’s the Black Knights…..”

“Yes, the ‘Black Knights’. It can’t be tolerated, right? So, stay out of the capital for a while….”

“Okay, Dad!”

Agnes answered with sparkling light purple eyes.

Normally, Agnes would have to go out of the capital for a while, but… .

Original? what is that. What are you going to do?

So what. probability? deployment?

‘What does that have to do with me?’

I can’t believe I can belong to the same knighthood as my favorite character.

That means i have an excuse to watch him every day.

“Please change my affiliation right away, I will definitely go!”

Please send it to me!

Emperor Alexander’s expression became perplexed at Agnes’ seemingly earnest response.

‘No…Where is she in pain?’

Uncharacteristically, I thought something was strange when she stayed quietly in her place for a while…

The emperor looked at Agnes with bewildered eyes and immediately shouted.

“Chamberlain! Chamberlain!”

Hearing the emperor’s urgent voice, the chamberlain outside the throne room hurried in.

The emperor quickly gave orders.

The order he gave was to call the palace doctor immediately.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. akerue says:

    She’s so weird😭

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