Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Kylo got up, looking tired.

He had trouble sleeping for two days after visiting the Viscount’s mansion.

This was because events from his childhood reappeared as nightmares and tormented him.

And he was worried about how to accommodate Viscount Gray’s request.

He naturally has to introduce his half-brothers to Princess Agnes…He didn’t have the chance to do that.

In the first place, for the time being, Princess Agnes couldn’t be included in the mission due to the founding system.

And… Kylo didn’t want to introduce his brothers to the princess.

It may never happen, but just in case. If one of the older brothers really gets married to Princess Agnes…

“It’s been a while since I saw you. Did you have a good time on your mission?”

Agnes’ clear voice woke him from his thoughts.

Princess Agnes left him dazed and took a seat on the wide sofa.

Kylo sighed softly and went to sit across from her.

“I have nothing to treat you with.”

He didn’t have a taste for drinking tea in a classy manner like other nobles.

But Agnes smiled as if it didn’t matter at all.

Kylo paused as the corner of her mouth naturally rose.

Suddenly, a rumor I heard from Viscount Gray came to mind.

Princess Agnes has become kinder…

“I came here because I was wondering if there was a next mission. When I looked at the schedule, I wasn’t included in any of the missions.”

Agnes also wanted to go on a mission with Kylo.

If possible, go to a place full of landmines like last time.

But Kylo’s answer was firm.

“There will be no missions given to you for the time being.”

“Is it because of the founding of the country?”

Kylo nodded his head.

Although she belongs to the Black Knights, before that she was a princess.

It was impossible to send her out of the capital to a big event like the National Foundation Festival.

Agnes was inwardly delighted as the topic naturally turned to that direction.

Then she asked, acting innocent.

“Isn’t the leader participating in the founding International Ball?”


Kylo’s eyebrows twitched in displeasure.

Agnes had the urge to take out the mini camera she had packed in her pocket and take pictures of him.

She was just a pictorial no matter what expression he made.

Plus, the twitching eyes looked like a cute cat, and I just wanted to hug her.

“…..I have never attended a prom.”

However, a cold answer came back from Kylo.

‘The reason is because of you.’

Kylo seemed to want to say that.

Agnes recalled the foolish remarks she had made in the past.

Did you say that commoners and illegitimate children should be banned from the ball?

Kylo also spoke in a mocking tone, probably remembering what happened back then.

“I don’t know what your intention is with this question.”


“If the princess needs someone to criticize her as a dirty bastard at the ball, I will gladly attend as a subject.”

Kylo’s face was extremely cold.

His sarcastic tone was full of thorns.

Agnes sobbed inside.

She seemed hateful to Kylo for saying unnecessary things.

“That’s not my intention…therefore….”

Agnes’s mind went blank as she didn’t know how to answer.

After her last mission, she thought she had grown a little closer to Kylo in her own way…

It seemed like it was just his own illusion.

The corners of Agnes’ eyes drooped sullenly.

“If you don’t have anything more to say, I want you to leave.”


Kylo said in a cold voice.

He didn’t seem to be in a very good mood.

I guess it’s because I brought up the prom…Kylo was jealous of nobles, but he didn’t show it.

It was natural that the prom story was unpleasant.

Agnes said in a regretful voice.

“Then…Once the founding ceremony is over, i can be included in the mission again, right?”


Kylo almost burst into laughter.

Perhaps this immature princess thought of the mission as a journey to escape the stuffy imperial castle.

The last trip may not have been so comfortable.

It seemed like the princess, who was noble in her own way, was having some frustrating troubles.

Kylo didn’t want to think deeply about her problems living in a different world than him.

“Maybe so.”

“If possible, I would like the leader to be included in all my missions. Is that possible?”


Kylo felt like he finally knew Agnes’ intentions.

Princess Agnes is looking for an opportunity.

She gives him the opportunity to try to hold her accountable by covering up her mistakes.

Only then will she be able to escape the Black Knights.

It wasn’t difficult for Kylo since they were both uncomfortable.

Anyway, isn’t there a rumor going around in social circles that Princess Agnes hasn’t only become kinder, but has also grown up?

Perhaps not through his own credit, the emperor might have thought so. As a result, this is what happened after the Black Knights were appointed.

Kylo also wanted to relieve himself of his troublesome burden quickly.

“I’ll make sure to do that.”

Agnes’ expression brightened at the firm tone.

Now that I had everything to say, it was time to leave.

Kylo glared at her with a cold glare telling her to get out quickly.

Agnes walked out of the director’s office with a face full of regret.

‘When will my relationship with Kylo become better?’

She thought she had gotten closer to her during her last mission…

You even carried me…We had a good time… .

Agnes walked in a sullen manner, unlike usual.

Reputation is reputation…After the founding of the nation ended, it seemed like I needed to focus on improving my relationship with Kylo for a while.

It was a pity that i couldn’t get closer to my favorite, so i trudged back to my Palace.


Even with three days left until the International Ball, Agnes’ partner hadn’t been decided.

To be honest, Agnes was relaxed.

I thought that if I didn’t have anyone to go with, I could just go with Damian.

However, the maids brought shocking news.

“This time, His Royal Highness is partnering with Diana Lennox?”

“I heard it too. It’s a shame…”

It was Emma and Chloe who secretly dreamed of becoming the crown prince’s partners.

Even though they already had a partner, they couldn’t help but feel sullen.

Agnes, who had been lying on the sofa, suddenly got up.

“My brother is going to be Lord Lennox’s partner?”

“Yes, princess. But the princess doesn’t have to decide on a partner quickly…?”

“…I know, right. I thought His Highness the Crown Prince was going to be the princess’s partner.”

Uh…I thought so too…?

Suddenly, Princess Agnes found herself having to attend the ball without her partner.

She honestly meant no matter who her partner was to Agnes if it wasn’t Kylo.

But if she attends alone without a partner…Her reputation, which she had managed to build up, might be tarnished a little.

But the problem was solved by an unexpected person.


By the Marquess of Melville.

“Our Sirius is here?”

The Marchioness got up and left the room when the butler reported that her son had returned.

The Marchioness was eagerly waiting for Sirius to return from his mission.

“Sirius, Sirius! Hey!”

When I entered Sirius’ room, I saw my son sitting on the sofa with a tired face.

She immediately sat down next to her son and studied Sirius’ gaunt face.

“Oh my, Sirius…! Your skin is very damaged! You need to get a massage right away! huh?”

“Mother, ha…I’m really tired today. What kind of massage is….”

Sirius is usually passionate about taking care of his appearance, but he really wanted to rest today.

But the Marchioness snapped! and hit him on the forearm.

“Ouch! Why are you hitting me?”

“Hey, Sirius! Listen to your mom carefully. What do you plan to do with your founding International partner?”


Sirius blinked his eyes mischievously.

Come to think of it, the founding International Ball was right around the corner.

He didn’t even think about it because he was coming from a mission.

“Your clothes were all color-coordinated by your mom. All you have to do is know what color clothes your partner will wear.”

“Yes, yes. G…Good job.”

“So, you haven’t decided on a partner yet?”

“…Yeah, whatever.”

Sirius couldn’t understand his mother’s sudden obsession with his prom partner.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    also, it HILARIOUS how Kylo ALWAYS gets the WRONG idea

  2. Yanny says:

    Thank you so much for the update Esraa! U the best🥹😭

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