Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Raymond’s mother was able to marry his father thanks to her physical resemblance to the Empress.

And Princess Agnes was famous for her striking resemblance to the Empress.

If we were to go by theory, Raymond’s mother and the princess would also have similar appearances.

But Raymond never once felt that the princess resembled his mother.

‘I did….’

Only today did he realize that fact for the first time.

Was it because for a moment Agnes’ hair color appeared to be completely silver, the same as his mother’s?

Or because Agnes wore the simple light purple dress that his mother loved to wear?

Is it because her skin is makeup-free unlike usual?

I can’t pinpoint all the reasons specifically, but I think I know the biggest reason.

‘That look.’

The expression on the sad mother’s face as she was hurt and saddened by his father.

That expression and Agnes’ expression overlapped for a moment.

Perhaps it was because the costumes were similar, but the atmosphere was so similar that it gave me goosebumps.

It reminds him of the times when he always watched his mother grieving alone…

“Raymond Spencer?”

When Damian called his name once more, Raymond finally returned to reality.

But the moment reality hit him, a strange sense of self-loathing began to surround him.

Somehow, his father, who had hurt his mother, and himself overlapped.

‘And i swore that i would live differently from my father….’

It was unpleasant, as if I was covered in dirt.

It was a dirty feeling I had never felt before.


Although the meaning was slightly different, Agnes also felt dirty.

‘Are you guys really that clueless?’

The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it became.

Now there were rumors in social circles that Agnes was greatly hurt by Raymond Spencer.

‘Knowing that his sister was in that situation…’

I can’t believe you’re saying ‘let’s have some tea and go~’ just because a welcome guest is here… I was really dizzy.

It seems that the Crown Prince thought that Agnes would never give up on Raymond.

‘You’re funny.’

And from Damien’s point of view, it wouldn’t be politically bad if Agnes and Raymond got married.

What…To be honest, I admit that Raymond Spencer is a handsome man.

At one time, I thought Raymond meant everything to me.

Because i still had all the memories from my childhood, sometimes when i thought of those feelings, a corner of my heart throbbed.

But in those cases, I just hit my heart with my fist and everything was fine.

A fist is the answer to a heart that doesn’t listen.

Now her heart beat only for my favorite.

‘I should go and pick out a dress.’

Agnes headed straight to her quarters.


Meanwhile, the crown prince’s office.

Damien stared at Raymond, who was sitting across from him, with a puzzled expression.

Raymond frowned and was lost in thought.

He couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

“It looks like Agnes is really mad at you.”

Damian sighed and muttered.

In fact, after rumors began to circulate that Agnes had grown up, Damian was filled with a little hope.

With Agnes working so hard, Raymond’s mind may gradually change.

If only Raymond Spencer would marry his sister and join his family…

It was an extremely reassuring experience for Damian.

Although you and Raymond have already been close friends for a long time, wouldn’t he become even stronger if he became a family?

As long as the parties were good, he planned to prevent the emperor’s opposition in any way possible.

The problem was the parties involved.

Damian asked Raymond, who was still deep in thought.

“Raymond, I ask this as a friend. Do you really hate my sister that much?”


Yes, I don’t like her.

Normally, he would have answered that firmly and without any delay.

But Raymond didn’t open his mouth easily.


He couldn’t figure out the reason himself.

When I still think of Princess Agnes, I feel disgusted and uncomfortable.

When he lost his mother, Raymond had no time to make up his mind.

What he needed most was alone time.

Time to accept his mother’s death, say goodbye, and send it from his heart.

But thanks to Agnes, who persistently refused to leave him alone, he had to endure an already difficult time in hell.

My mother died.

Because of you, I never saw the last of my mother.

Every time he had to force a smile at the princess who kept smiling brightly in front of him, he secretly resented Agnes.

He was miserable and unfair.

Even after a long time, Raymond’s unhealed wounds were still rotten and open.

It was natural that Princess Agnes disliked it.



Why can’t I answer…..

“Raymond Spencer, you don’t look good.”

Damian’s face became serious.

Raymond, who came to his senses belatedly, stared at his lord in front of him.

“Are you okay?”

“…Yes, i’m okay. Your Majesty.”

“Hmm, if you hate Agnes so much, I guess I should give up hope…No matter how good the relationship between siblings is, I don’t want my sister to be hated by her husband after marriage.”


“Since His Majesty is constantly looking for a fiancé for me, I must find out who Agnes will be betrothed to.”

Damian muttered.

One of Emperor Alexander’s biggest concerns recently was Damian’s marriage.

Damien hadn’t decided on a marriage partner for a while after his fiancé died of illness a few years ago.

Even though she was his fiancé, whom he had only met once or twice when I was young, it was out of courtesy to her.

But he couldn’t put off his marriage forever.

The emperor wanted Damien to marry as soon as possible and see his heir.

Damien’s throne must become stronger and more solid so that Agnes won’t suffer.

However, he couldn’t let his father decide his marriage as he pleased.

If his father chose his wife as he pleased, she also planned to control Agnes, who was his father’s weak point.

I didn’t notice Damian, who was deep in thought for a moment.


Raymond’s eyes trembled slightly at the words ‘Agnes’ fiancé.’

Raymond had a hard time organizing his confused mind.


The morning of the sponsorship party dawned.

Agnes wore a pre-selected dress and was decorated by the skillful hands of her maids.

What she chose was a light yellow dress.

The colors were somewhat childish, but the design wasn’t childish.

Because it was a dress that revealed elegant curves, it looked lively yet neat.

If her hair was styled elegantly, she could have participated in a strict dinner party.

But Agnes braided her hair to the side with a bright yellow ribbon.

Then, a cute and lively yet neat image without losing elegance was created.

‘It’s a style that adults will like.’

Except for the Marchioness, most of the noble ladies attending today were mothers with married daughters.

In the empire, there was a dream that every noble woman with a daughter dreamed of at least once.

‘It’s my dream for the moment when she first let her lovely daughter out into society.’

The hair decoration that Agnes wore was a style worn at least once by girls of her age who were making their debut in the social world.

It was like a symbol of that age group, fresh and lovely.

The ladies attending today will all recall memories of the past when they see Agnes.

The nervousness they felt when thier daughters was introduced to society for the first time, and thier lovely smiles.

All the exciting memories of that day.

But it seems that it doesn’t only work for noble ladies.

“ha…So cute.”


Emma and Chloe’s reactions were also hot.

The two looked at Agnes as if they had a younger sister making her debut in the social world.

Usually, noble ladies make their debutante at the age of 18.

However, since Agnes was a princess, her life started earlier than that.

Moreover, since Agnes has had a strong taste for a long time, it was her first time doing this kind of styling.

“It suits you so well, princess.”


“If my mom had seen it, her eyes would have turned into hearts.”

“That’s right. My mom still can’t take her eyes off girls passing by with hair like this?”

Emma and Chloe said with heart eyes.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Eternity4Ever says:

    “HEART EYES” 🤣
    I CANT

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