Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

That’s why I hated Raymond Spencer.

I wanted to win.

I wanted to prove it.

Therefore, Kylo tenaciously tried to defeat him on the battlefield.

But no matter how hard he ran, he couldn’t surpass or even come close to his fame.

After winning the war and returning to the capital, Kylo came to a terrible realization.

The people all lifted up the name of Raymond Spencer and praised him.

That day, Kylo realized that no matter what he did, he couldn’t beat Raymond.

No matter how hard he struggled, he and I were born different.

Raymond Spencer was a ruler, and at best he was a tool for those people.

That crushing sense of defeat led Kylo to a hell of inferiority complex.


Kylo glared at the innocent ceiling and closed his eyes again.

He suddenly remembered the scent of Princess Agnes.

That’s what came from the princess who leaned on me without hesitation. A scent reminiscent of fresh peaches, like a flower scent.

It can be said that my fortune that day was quite good as I smelled a scent that I would never have seen before in my lifetime.

Kylo closed his eyes again.

This time he was able to sleep deeply.


At the two tea parties she attended, Agnes laid the groundwork.

As planned, rumors were spreading among noble ladies that Princess Agnes had grown up.

When I said a few sounds that were unusual for adults to hear, the effect appeared immediately.

Agnes was thinking of rolling a snowball when such good rumors were going around.

She mustn’t delay at all.


Agnes looked at the two invitations with a intent expression.

One was a party invitation from Countess Brandon, who was famous for being active and charming.

She was a mood maker in social circles and was popular with both men and women.

Count Brandon and his wife were very open-minded, so they didn’t touch each other’s private lives at all.

So, the Countess created rumors of an affair with some nobles.

Because of this, she was once ostracized by noble ladies who tried to protect their family, such as crashing a party.

However, after being out of the loop for a while, she completely returned to her social circle thanks to an unexpected incident.

It was after she started making matchmaking for young nobles…

After that, noble ladies who had children who had missed marriageable age began to look for her as they became aware of her.

As such, Countess Brandon’s party will be attended by many ladies from famous families.

‘Well, the host likes things that are flashy and noisy, so the party itself will be fun….’

And the remaining invitation…..

It was an invitation to a party sponsored by the Marchioness of Melville, who was famous for her reputation among noble ladies.

Marchioness Melville was also the mother of Sirius Melville, a member of the White Knights.

Since it is a small party, there may not be many people, but it will be nutritious.

The Marchioness of Melville was in a cold war with her now-husband.

Her husband was at the estate, and her son Sirius and the Marchioness were at the capital mansion.

The Marquess of Melville and his wife had a falling out because the Marquis adopted his illegitimate son as the adopted son.

That illegitimate son was Rubius Melville.

He belongs to the Black Knights, but he is crazy about a married woman he has never met before.

‘Now that I think about it, the father and the two sons…they are as beautiful as any girls.’

It seems that the Marquess of Melville’s affair was inherited by his sons.

In any case, the Marchioness maintained the real power of her family while maintaining her cold war with her husband.

Thanks to this, noble ladies who wanted to know the secret began to visit her mansion, and the Marchioness’s reputation grew.

Of course it would be nice to go to both parties…

In order to properly impact noble ladies, it was better to minimize image consumption.

And more than anything, now that Kylo had returned to the capital, he needed time to catch up.

Agnes looked back and forth between the two invitations and finally made a decision.

“Maybe a sponsored party would be better for image management.”

I also liked that there were few people. Pretending to be nice is a lot of work, so it was difficult when there were a lot of people.

But the Marchioness’s party was a sponsored party.

Since the participants’ collections were going to be used as sponsored items, they had to bring something with them.

‘What should I donate as a donation item?’

The only thing special about her room was her jewelry.

If you pay bail, you can donate a lot, but you can’t get rid of the extravagant image.

‘I need to go to Damian’s room sometime.’

Since you’re donating anyway, wouldn’t it be easier to give something that belongs to a family member rather than something that’s your own?

Agnes made her decision and wrote a reply to the invitation.

After writing the letter carefully and politely, she instructed to deliver it straight to her servant.

The tea party date was tomorrow.

“Now, shall we go collect the donation items?”

Agnes got up and headed to the crown prince’s quarters.


Princess Agnes always enjoyed wearing extravagant dresses.

However, these days, she deliberately chooses to wear only plain dresses with few decorations.

It’s not that she hates being flashy.

Even now, when it comes to fancy things, she likes it so much that her eyes move on their own.

However, it was because of her image.

For the time being, I planned to maintain the simple and steady image that conservative ladies like.

Moreover, these days, all Agnes does at home is stay in her studio and make crafting supplies.

So, I hated things that were flashy.

The light purple dress she was currently wearing was plain with few decorations, but the fabric itself was of the highest quality and suited her body perfectly.

And above all, her body was light.

Agnes always wore dresses with rich decorations in highly saturated primary colors such as red, green, and purple.

Although it was beautiful on the outside, it was heavy and uncomfortable.

However, by minimizing the decoration and fabric as much as possible and wearing a thin dress in pastel tones with low saturation, it felt cool and light.

Agnes arrived at the Crown Prince’s palace with such light steps.

When she made eye contact with the courtiers standing in the distance, she saw them flinch.

The courtiers directly under his royal womb, who met the princess for the first time in a long time, almost didn’t recognize her.

To that extent, her criminal record was completely opposite.

Before, it looked like a rose in full bloom so gorgeous that it was hard to see, but now it looked like a lily of the valley covered in clear dew after the rain.

Because her facial features were gorgeous, the simple and neat dress created a more profound atmosphere.

The courtier, who had been dazed that the princess had approached right in front of him, came to his senses only when he heard a clear voice.

“Is my brother inside?”

“Her, Her Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is currently attending a palace meeting and is not inside.”

“Really? Then I’ll go in and wait.”

“Yes, yes….”

Seeing the princess’s confident attitude, the courtier immediately bowed down and opened the door.

This was where the crown prince publicly conducted his affairs.

A place where nobles can come and go if they have an appointment with the crown prince.

Therefore, it wasn’t a problem for the princess to go in and wait.

As soon as Agnes entered, she ordered the servant who followed her to bring tea.

When she was left alone, Agnes looked around him and headed straight to his desk.

It was as free as my own study.

‘Is there anything useful?’

Agnes looked around the desk piled with papers and then turned her gaze to the bookshelves that lined the walls.

‘Have you read all of this? I don’t think that’s absolutely true.’

It was clearly just a decoration to look smart.

I was confident enough to hang at least one of my own goods on that fact.

He took out a few books, opened them, and Agnes smiled, saying yes.

‘It’s a completely new book.’

She knew it would be like this.

Tsk tsk…Agnes clicked her tongue, turned her back, and looked around the office some more.

Agnes, exhausted from boredom, was half-lying on the sofa and eating the dessert brought by the servant.

The door to the office opened, and the crown prince, Damien, came in with a sharp expression.

“What are you doing in a room without an owner?”

Agnes stood up at the rude tone.

‘Last time, I was so dazed that I couldn’t deal with him properly.’

This cheap family mate.

Agnes immediately smiled leisurely.

Then Damien’s eyebrows twitched and one corner of his mouth went up.

‘Look at this?’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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