Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

The purification magic itself didn’t consume that much stamina, but after healing many people, there would have been no stamina left.

“Can we proceed with the cleanup? You don’t look good. Are you dizzy?”

Kylo noticed that the corners of Agnes’ smiling mouth were trembling and asked a vague question.

The corners of her mouth were trembling because she was laughing so hard, but Agnes didn’t miss the opportunity.

“Oh, I feel dizzy….”

Saying that, Agnes leaned over, grabbed Kylo’s arm, and rested her head on his shoulder.

Surprised by the sudden contact, Kylo’s complexion turned pale.

Rather than being embarrassed by the fact that he had been in contact with Agnes, he was anxious that her own safety might be in danger due to problems with the princess.

Those who were watching her also looked at the princess with worried eyes.

“Move Her Royal Highness now!”

Embarrassed, Kylo didn’t even realize that his title for Agnes had changed.

But Agnes immediately shook his hand and said:

“No! I think I just need to wait a bit. It can be purified right away, so let’s go to the river like this.”

like this…?

Kylo looked down at Agnes with bewildered eyes. If it continues like this…

Now Agnes was holding his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. It was impossible to walk like this. then…

Kylo was able to sense what Agnes meant.

It meant lifting her like a servant and carrying her around.

She was like a princess, a member of the royal family to her core. Even though Kylo was her superior, she didn’t mind treat him like a servant.

Kylo couldn’t help but support Agnes’ back and put his arms inside her knees to hold her like the princess she was.


Agnes, who had only hoped for some support, was surprised when Kylo suddenly gave her a princess hug.

‘Isn’t it shit?’

The embarrassment lasted only for a moment. Agnes cried out in joy.

Kylo held her and followed the soldiers and the chief to the stream.

Agnes naturally wrapped her arms around his neck. Suddenly, our faces came closer to each other.

“Are you okay?”

Kylo asked Agnes, who had her eyes tightly closed. The dizziness seemed quite severe.


‘She’s much lighter than I thought.’

Princess Agnes was so light that it didn’t feel like he was holding a single person.

For the first time, it hit me that no matter how vicious the princess was, she was ultimately a fragile woman.

Plus, her slender arms wrapped desperately around his neck made him feel even more vulnerable.

She had a frail body that depended only on herself. Kylo felt his neck tremble with tension for no reason.

Meanwhile, Agnes, who had her eyes closed, pressed her cheek closer to his strong shoulder and enjoyed this moment.

Kylo’s body, trained on the battlefield, was as hard as a large rock.

‘It smells so good.’

How does it smell so good? Agnes wanted to raise her head and sniff the back of his neck.

But unfortunately, Kylo’s steps were very fast and wide.

“This way.”

He arrived near the river in an instant. Kylo carefully lowered Agnes to the floor.

‘It’s a shame.’

Agnes clicked her tongue and pretended that she was still dizzy.

The village chief and soldier were looking at the river with shocked expressions.

“It’s gotten more serious than this morning….”

The village chief spoke in a despairing voice.

It was a stream connected to the river in the village. As drinking water was important, it was also the reason why a temporary shelter was built here.

The large and clean river was the pride of the village. But the monster’s blood mixed together and made such a mess…

Tears welled up around the village chief’s wrinkled eyes and flowed down.

“What should I do?”

In response to the soldier’s question, Kylo stared at the river water with a serious expression.

It was more severe than expected. The color of the water was bright red, as if blood was flowing, rather than a mixture of blood.

There was even a foul smell of monster blood around the river.

Is this a level where purification is possible?

Kylo looked at Agnes with anxious eyes.

“Is it possible?”

Agnes also looked at the river with a serious expression and gave instructions to the soldier.

“Get some water from the river and i will try.”

“yes yes!”

The soldier hurried downstairs, holding the wooden bucket next to him. The bucket full of blood was full of a fishy smell.

Agnes closed his eyes and reached out to concentrate his attention. Blue light flowed from his slender fingertips.

The blue light flowed into the water in the bucket and created bubbling bubbles.

After the bubbles disappeared along with a small halo of light, only clean, purified water remained.

“Oh oh…!”

The village chief let out a hopeful exclamation and checked the clean water.

There was no smell of blood at all.

The village chief’s expression brightened after he drank the water with his own hand. He looked thrilled after drinking water for the first time in two days.

“It is possible to purify it, but it is only enough water for immediate consumption. In the end, the cause of the flow upstream must be purified.”

Kylo nodded at Agnes’ words.

“First, gather the villagers and soldiers and have them draw water and carry it.”

Kylo instructed the soldier, and the soldier hurriedly ran to the center of the shelter.

“There must be some big oak barrels!”

The village chief also quickly went somewhere.

Agnes did not miss the situation where she was left alone with Kylo.


Agnes, pretending to feel dizzy again, leaned against his body.

In fact, she was so healthy that she was worried that pretending to be weak would be unnatural, but there was no doubt in the eyes of others.

“Are you dizzy again?”

Kylo was surprised and helped her up.

Agnes naturally wrapped her arms around his neck, as if asking for another hug.

With a bewildered expression, Kylo hugged Agnes like a princess again.

To be honest, Kylo was surprising.

Her original Princess Agnes was offended by the mere sight of him making eye contact with her.

But now, it’s not enough to just have a comfortable conversation like this, and I’m even relying on his body.

At best, he was treated like a servant, but it was false if he had no sage-heartedness at all.

But isn’t he hugging her neck too tightly?

Kylo wondered if she was too close, but looking at Agnes trembling with her eyes closed, he wondered if she was in that much trouble.

I felt a sense of desperation in her thin arms, to the point where I felt sorry for her.

Princess Agnes is probably in such a difficult state right now that she doesn’t even know who she is hugging.

Even during this, I felt amazing that she was purifying thr water.

I thought she knew nothing but herself, but she was more responsible than I thought.

Agnes just enjoyed Kylo’s scent and the feel of her strong muscles, not knowing that Kylo’s opinion of her had changed slightly in his mind.

‘I want to become a fossil like this.’

Contrary to Agnes’ hopes, she did not take a few steps before having to stand on the floor again.

Kylo set her down in the center of the shelter and went with his soldiers to fetch her water.

Agnes sat on the chair people brought her and waited for the oak barrel to be filled with blood.

The children were looking at Agnes with curiosity and fondness.

It took no time for the three large oak barrels to be filled with blood.

When preparations were complete, Agnes stretched out her hand again.

The villagers watched her with their eyes wide open, as if they could never miss this moment.

It was rare to be able to see magic right in front of your eyes.

As Agnes closed her eyes, blue light came out from her fingertips and began to purify the water.

The eyes of the people filled with joy turned to Agnes.

From today on, at least in the eyes of the villagers, Agnes was no different from an angel.

When the purification magic was over, clean water welcomed them.

People who had been thirsty for two days lined up to get drinking water.

“Are you okay?”

Kylo approached Agnes and asked.

Agnes didn’t miss the opportunity and tried to lean into his arms, pretending to be dizzy.



This time it was real.

Agnes fell to the ground, feeling her head spinning.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. ABlossom says:

    Fica atraindo skkskksk
    Thank you so much for the combo 🇧🇷🥰🥰😸😸❤️❤️❤️🇧🇷🇧🇷

  2. Mai says:

    “I want to become a fossil like this”… She is indeed a pervert, lol.

  3. dennlaure says:

    LOL, she really enjoyed it. After her missing date in the destroyed area patrolling for monsters.
    But yet another story where the ultra trash villainess turned 180° way too fast and too obvious. She spitted on the guy for years and in a couple of weeks she is now nearly fawning him. A slight regret that MC is not a little more patient and subtle.

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