Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

As I went inside, I saw magic stones densely displayed in a wooden display case.

The purple magic stones found only in the empire sparkled like jewels and looked like ornaments.

In addition, in the wooden barrel next to it, magic stones of similar shapes were piled up like a mountain.

These were top-grade magic stones that had already been filtered out once.

“You can choose a magic stone with the right wavelength here. To be effective, weapons must be made with magic stones that have the right wavelength.”


Agnes touched the magic stones on display one by one, her eyes shining brightly.

I didn’t know what matching the wavelength meant.

At that time, Anna, who was darkly standing right behind Agnes, whispered.

“If you pick up a magic stone with the right wavelength…Your hands and palms are getting hot…”

“Is that so?”

Agnes concentrated on the sensation in her palm and grabbed the magic stones one by one.

But instead of being hot, everything felt cool.

“Please wait here for a moment, princess.”

The blacksmith who was watching seemed to remember something and went inside. And a while later, when he came out, what he brought was a large box.

The craftsman placed the box on the table and held up the key bundle with a nervous expression.

“This is a special magic stone stored in the underground warehouse. It is used to make bodyguard weapons for the knights under His Majesty the Emperor.”

“The weapons used for his Majesty’s knights? But can’t weapons made from magic stones cause harm to people? Wouldn’t it be unnecessary for security purposes?”

“Nowadays, it is usually made by combining it. Especially when making weapons for knights.”

“Right…So does that mean it can be used on both people and monsters?”

“Yes, it’s for escort purposes. It is a recently developed crafting method. And weapons that only harm monsters are only used for export.”

“Is there any possibility of imitation in other countries?”

“Haha, it’s absolutely impossible. In the first place, it was exported as a finished product, and it was set to be completely destroyed if you tried to disassemble it because it had a binding magic attached to it.”

“You’re meticulous.”

Agnes nodded his head.

Well, that would reduce the risk of other countries starting a war with that weapon.

The blacksmith smiled proudly at the princess’s praise.

He was also surprising at the same time. From the rumors, I heard that the princess was an immature child, but today I saw that she seemed to have a deep mind for the empire.

The craftsman inserted the key into the keyhole of the box and opened it. The thick lid lifted and a large purple magic stone was revealed.

At first glance, it seemed no different from other magic stones.

Agnes reached out for her hand without thinking. and


I almost let out a swear word.

As soon as I touched it, my palm was so hot that it felt like it was going to cook. Surprised, she stretched out her hand and saw smoke rising from it.

“The wavelength matches very well. it wouldn’t have been burned.”

The Blacksmith said with a kind smile.

As he said, only smoke was rising from the palm of her hand, but there was no redness or injury. She had no pain.

“What type of weapon do you want?”

Agnes’ eyes lit up at his words.

It was a moment when I realized that I had been reincarnated in another world.

“Could it be a combination of a walking stick and a sniper rifle?”

After all, if it’s fantasy, it’s a magic wand. However, it was a fantasy worldview mixed with steampunk, and I couldn’t give up the gun.

“Of course it is possible.”

Agnes added a detailed explanation to the answer.

“I want the staff to be about the length of the fingertips to the elbow, and to be very thin. I want it to be plated with silver.”

The craftsman wrote down the specific order on a piece of paper and nodded.

“I will bring it to you when it is completed in about 3 days.”


Agnes left the blacksmith shop with such a light heart. Her heart was pounding.

I felt like I was a character from the fantasy novel Harry Potter.

Of course, my role is not the main character, but Malfoy… .


I was hoping to see Kylo again that day, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

Perhaps because he was the leader, Kylo seemed very busy. I thought the Black Knights were just having fun…

‘Raymond isn’t going to pass on all the work to you, is he?’

It wasn’t out of the question. From the beginning, the Black Knights were treated as a nuisance.

But despite all that, Anna and Victor seemed leisurely again.

I heard secretly from Anna that there will be a big mission coming soon…She said she didn’t know the details.

Anyway, life in the Black Knights wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Anna Montrose was a bit gloomy but seemed kind-hearted, and Victor Craven looked scary but didn’t seem like a bad person.

After finishing the day and lying down in bed, Agnes opened the bedside table and took out something of her own.

It was the handkerchief that she hid in her chest the moment she received it from Kylo last time.


Agnes put a neatly folded, fine handkerchief to the tip of his nose and sniffed.

Kylo’s handkerchief had a mint scent with a subtle musk scent.

Kylo’s arms probably have a similar smell.

‘Hah…I want to die.’

It didn’t mean I really wanted to die, it just meant that I liked it so intensely.

She felt like a little pervert holding her favorite’s handkerchief and sniffing it’s scent, but she didn’t care.

As she pursues her natural virtue, she naturally evolves into a pervert.

Agnes rubbed her cheek against his handkerchief a few more times, then put it back in the drawer and went to sleep.


From that day on, a few days of normal life passed.

The weapon that was requested from blacksmith shop arrived directly at the residence.

The thin silver stick was very light and fit comfortably in the hand, and had a purple magic stone embedded in one end.

It was mainly used for magic or as a gun, but the grip was so good that it seemed like it could be wielded like a stick.

I hoped that a mission would come soon so I could use it myself.

‘Is there a mission I can go on alone with Kylo?’

She thought that becoming a member of the Black Knights would allow her to see Kylo every day, but she was wrong.

Kylo was so busy that I didn’t even have time to look at his face.

Instead, Agnes became quite friendly with Anna Montrose.

Anna has a complex about stuttering, so she is generally quiet, but when she talks about the field she likes, she talks faster than anyone else.

When she talked about the monster’s five organs and the devil’s corpse, she was a little scared… She seemed so happy that she forced herself to listen.

It wasn’t a bad day, except that i couldn’t see Kylo.

Since she often walked around the knights’ building, she often bumped into other knights, but she never made eye contact with them.

This was because most members of the Blue Knights and Red Knights, when they spotted Agnes from afar, ran away or passed by with their heads down.

Perhaps due to the rumor that Raymond had been greatly hurt by the announcement of the Dark Knights, everyone seemed to think that if they disobeyed the princess, they would die.

Thanks to this, Agnes was very comfortable, but she was also quite bored.

Until she encountered the White Knights.

I was very bored that day because I hadn’t seen Kylo’s hair in a week.

After completing some sniper training with Anna, Agnes was walking alone through the corridors of the Knights’ Building.

Then he reached the building of the White Knights.

A voice was heard from the lounge in the middle of the corridor.

It was a small park with a bench and a fountain in the middle of the flower bed.

It was also a resting area exclusively for the White Knights.

In that space that was usually empty, knights in white uniforms gathered today.

‘I was bored, but it worked well.’

Agnes took a step back as soon as she noticed the white uniform from afar.

And she very naturally sneaked into the flower garden through the end of the corridor.

The reason was to steal a conversation from the White Knights.

The princess’s behavior was so dark and despicable that it was unimaginable, but who knew?

‘What are they going to do if I do something shady?’

At times like this, the princess’s status was very good.

Agnes intended to make good use of her social background, which had a clear class system, and her high status.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Agos says:

    Lol i was thinking of HP and his wand choosing him scene before she named it. Yay Girl friendship Anna is adorable, i cannot help but imagine her like some quiet emo kid who looks scary but is actually sweet haha.

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