Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

She looked down at her palms with a shocked expression.

‘It’s bitter….’

The pure white palms that had never suffered were swollen.

It was my favorite character  who got hit, but why does this palm hurt… i huffed, embarrassed by my own palm.

‘How sick was Cleo…?’

Yesterday the incident occurred.

She attended the ball and made a real show of show.

Not only did she mess up the ball in her anger, she also went near the knights’ building and acted out her actions.

She was drunk, so I hope I don’t remember…

The image of myself trying to tell the truth was very clear.

At that time, it was Cleo who appeared to stop her.

‘I’m embarrassed…’

It was very shameful to show my favorite character like that.

but…The truth is, the sight of my favorite stopping a drunk customer was really cool. It’s a pity that she’s the one who gets the truth.

My heart beat wildly as i remembered my favorite’s handsome, sculpted face.


He was literally my perfect taste.

In the first place, i liked characters with something off, rather than characters that were stereotypically perfect.

Cleo was like that.

He was born after his biological father, the Viscount, committed an affair with a low-class maid. He left home at a young age and grew up outside… The setting was that he was the strongest in another world in terms of military power.

Perhaps because he worked as a mercenary and lived rough, his personality was also very rough. He was a gangster and a scoundrel himself.

Around the time Cleo entered the Order, the Viscount invited Cleo into the house to take advantage of him.

Cleo worked like crazy in the knights’ order to satisfy his inferiority complex, but since it was an aristocratic society, there were limits to being recognized.

Everyone knew about his bastard status, so they either secretly or openly ignored him.

So Cleo, ​​who had an inferiority complex, absolutely hated the male protagonist, Raymond.

He was jealous of his perfect social status and didn’t hesitate to do things that would be extremely repulsive to the male protagonist’s fans, such as pouring out all kinds of sarcasm and cursing his future path.

Every time Cleo says shit, the comments…

[Oh, it’s starting again, that bastard]

[Just kill him, author]

[Why do you keep coming out? Who is that bastard?]

[Even if it is a rival character, there is a limit to how much you can accept it]

[Are you really possessed by an evil spirit?]

There was such a fuss…


Strangely enough, in my eyes, it looked like a kitten’s soft pout, or a cute pout.

In fact, i fell in love with Cleo from the moment he first appeared in the novel.

I still had that scene vividly in my mind.

At the time, Cleo was still a mercenary.

A dark night after the rain stopped.

After returning from his request, Cleo walked alone down the dark street.

He was a famous mercenary who received huge commission fees, but he had no money in hand.

ahe gave it to passing beggars and orphans, or he bought food for stray cats at exorbitant prices and spread it out in alleys with many stray cats.

To him, who considered honor to be the only important value, money was nothing more than a useless piece of paper.


After walking on the ground where rainwater was still pooled, he sat down on a bench by the river.

On a dark road, it was the only bench with a streetlight on.

Perhaps because it rained today, he felt particularly heavy.

For the first time since he became a mercenary, he had wounds on his body. It was a light wound on the back of his hand.

It was a meaningful wound for him, who had never lost a fight.

Unusually, it was a request to catch a crazy guy who had a piece of a blade hanging on his earring. Did you say he was a terrible criminal?

Anyway, as soon as he found it, he grabbed everything he could, so he didn’t even realize there was a blade stuck in the back of his hand.

He pulled it out roughly, but a little blood still dripped from the open wound.

But Cleo didn’t even bother to look at the scar on the back of his hand.

The only thing that caught his attention was the lone streetlight.

Like a dark renegade who had come to admire the light, he stared endlessly at the streetlight.

It was then.


A cat that usually gets food from him jumped up onto the bench.

The cat sitting next to him like a friend looked at the wound on the back of his hand and licked it with it’s tongue.


When Cleo slightly turned his head, the cat seemed to have finished its work and jumped back down, disappearing into the darkness.

At the same time, the only streetlight that provided light began to flicker.

The light blinked a few times and soon went out with a hissing sound.

Darkness has returned to the streets.

A dark street without a single light, and a stray cat.

They were the only people Cleo Gray could call friends.

The moment i saw that scene, i fell in love.

There was no special reason. Strangely, my heart ached.

In the novel, Cleo was an outsider and loner-like character.

Perhaps it was because it felt similar to him, but the more I looked at him, the more I began to grow attached to him.

So she started her community activities with Cleo as my favorite.

However, my SNS ‘Tweet Talk’ account, which had a minor favorite, was always a hole-in-the-wall store.

No matter what fan art or fan fiction I uploaded, the response wasn’t that enthusiastic.

Everyone, try catching this…Try this…

No matter how much I sold my favorite food, there was little profit.

however…The day when part 1 of the work was completed.

An incident occurred where my account, which had only 200 followers, changed to 200,000 followers.

Originally, this novel was about the main characters fighting against demons flowing from the cracks of hell, but after ending the great war against demons, peace came for a while.

But it was only a moment of peace.

Demons that were thought to have disappeared have reappeared.

A black crack suddenly appeared again in a private house in the eastern part of the empire, and monsters controlled by demons poured out from it.

‘Of course there were casualties one after another…’

After that incident, the temple reveals to the world the truth they belatedly discovered.

In the end, for a fundamental solution, we must go to the snowy mountains of the north, known as the end of the world. The ‘source of the crack’ at the top must be eliminated.

But there were only a few people in this world who had the ability to eliminate it.

Breaking it meant sacrificing one’s own life.

Raymond, the male protagonist of the original work, finds out about this and tries to take action himself.


Before that, my favorite, Cleo, leaves first. Leaving only one letter for the protagonist.

When the great war ended, Cleo gained a new insight after seeing the people of the empire praising the name of the main character, Raymond.

He knew that no matter how hard he struggled, he could never defeat Raymond.

In the eyes of many people of the empire, Raymond was a hero itself. At that time, Cleo feels a crushing sense of defeat from Raymond.

That was the reason Kylo chose death over Raymond.

The content of the letter he left was simple.

‘Heroes must not die.’

Raymond’s existence had a special symbolic meaning to the people of the empire.

Victory, hope, savior.

If he dies, the people of the empire will fall into great confusion.

The fearful people of the empire needed a hero.

Furthermore, since demons thrive on people’s fears, the greater the fear, the stronger their power. So he decided that Raymond should not die.

With his sacrifice, Cleo removed the source of the rift and brought peace to the Empire.

It was the moment when a trash-hating character became the sore finger of many people.

At the same time, the original author revealed detailed settings for Cleo’s appearance that hadn’t been shown before…

When it was revealed that the villain character who was thought to have an odd appearance was actually a handsome man with incredible qualifications, people’s attention quickly turned to Cleo.

From that day on, my SNS account surpassed 200,000 followers.

From then on my glory days began.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. Agos says:

    Shallow bishes lol, they only liked him after he was shown as handsome. Halo effect? Idk

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