Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Kylo sneered.

‘A mean and mean bastard.’

After talking to him, he must have vented his anger on the princess.

He pretended to be a serious knight with worldly manners, but inside he was a scumbag.

‘He’s a bastard who treats even the royal family like his subordinates, even though she likes him, and yet he’s the leader of the White Knights who protect the royal family?’

That was the true face of the man who was praised as a hero by all the people of the empire.

Kylo wanted to use this opportunity to make everyone know about that guy’s base nature.

But at the same time, he felt uncomfortable.

I heard that this was the first time the princess shed tears in front of her maids.

As far as he knew, she was a princess and a fierce-hearted person who couldn’t even shed tears.

But to make the princess cry, how much of that bastard Raymond Spencer must have put a knife in his mouth and hurled evil remarks at her?

Kylo believed that the reason Raymond lashed out so harshly was because he was offended.

‘You act calm in front of me, but then take out your anger on a woman in a mean way.’

Anyway, he was a different person inside and out.

Kylo cursed and criticized Raymond in his mind for a long time.

After that, I felt a little relieved.

However, an uneasy feeling toward Princess Agnes remained.

From the beginning, Princess Agnes must have been a bit surprised.

Because suddenly she almost got attacked by a monster.

She was a weak woman who had never once encountered a monster.

In such a situation, she even covered in the monster’s dirty blood.

She would have been in the worst mood even without Raymond Spencer.

However, she also heard Raymond’s evil words with his sword in his mouth, which made the noble princess burst into tears.

‘Did I provoke Raymond Spencer for no reason?’

Even if he hadn’t been sarcastic, Raymond wouldn’t have hurled such vicious remarks at the princess.

It was difficult for Kylo to shake off his uneasy feeling about her.

She was Princess Agnes, who always had a sassy face in front of me and treated him like a bastard.

It was hard to imagine the princess crying like that.

Until a few days ago, he thought it would be fun and refreshing to see her crying face…Not now.

‘What does it matter to me whether she cried or not?’

But he found it annoying because he was the cause of it all.

Unlike other knights of his age, Kylo Gray had no contact with women.

At best, he was far from a good groom.

He fought on the front lines in the war, but in the eyes of noble women, he was a vicious and violent man.

Moreover, he was the illegitimate son of a viscount, a court nobleman with no fiefdom. Even the blood of a low-class maid is mixed in.

Of course he had no chance of inheriting the title.

There was no noble woman in social circles who wanted to marry Kylo or be involved with him.

Since he had lived a rough life, working as a mercenary since he was young, it was extremely rare for him to encounter women.

The woman I spoke to the most was Anna Montrose, a servant of the Black Knights. For your information, she was so quiet that it made you wonder if Anna Montrose couldn’t speak her words.

Because she had no contact with women, she rarely caused much harm. That’s why she felt uncomfortable.

In the first place, the noble women couldn’t hide their displeasure at the mere sight of Kylo and her.

That’s why she tended to stay away from social circles.


Kylo wondered what to do about this situation.

First of all, I had to apologize to the princess.

If the emperor kicks him out because of facing monsters, he has no future.

Raymond said he would cover up the incident as if it were something, but the princess might do her whims.

‘I can’t get kicked out now.’

He had work to do.

Somehow he had to stick within the Templar Order of the Imperial Castle.

So, he had to put aside his pride, apologize to the princess for his mistake, and ask for her forgiveness.

In the first place, there was no way for an illegitimate child to have any pride left.

Kylo was a man who could kneel down in front of the princess and kiss her shoes if he could achieve success.

But he was told by the princess that after that day she locked herself in her room for several days.While the princess is in the Black Knights, she is his subordinate and not the princess.

The only time the princess can be treated as his subordinate is when she wears the uniform of knighthood.

He had no right to visit the princess’s palace in person.

It was the day after the day I had been worrying so much.

Princess Agnes came to Kylo’s office.


Princess Agnes wore a thick gray cloak over her new uniform.

It was frustrating to wear a cloak over a cloak, but the maids had wrapped it around me in case I caught a cold, so I forced myself to come out.

For the past few days, Princess Agnes has been confined to her room with her maids to confirm the rumor.

But she couldn’t stay locked in her room like that forever.

Agnes had to take her opportunity to start another similar rumor, to overturn her worst reputation, and to appeal to Kylo for her sincerity in his eyes.

When I knocked on the door of the manager’s office, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

My heart pounded because I was meeting my favorite person after a long time.

‘If it wasn’t for Raymond that day, we could have had a perfect date….’

As I opened the door and entered, I saw Kylo spotting me and getting up from his seat.

‘He’s still good-looking.’

Agnes gulped and saluted him with her fist pressed to her chest.


Kylo studied her with his subtle eyes. Agnes blinked her eyes in confusion and then missed it.

Kylo could only treat Agnes, who was in uniform, as a subordinate.

She was now wearing an additional cloak over his uniform.

You could see that she was wearing a uniform, but you could also see that she wasn’t.

“Her Royal Highness.”

Kylo walked in front of the princess and bowed with his arms bent and bowed to show respect.

The princess was, after all, a cunning woman.

She must have put on her cloak to get from him a proper apology.

But Kylo was also waiting.

He learned the hard way while working as a mercenary that there is no need to set things up neatly.

“I apologize for almost putting you in danger due to my carelessness. I promise this will never happen again.”

Kylo said without raising his head. It was a standard appearance that could be found in a book of etiquette.

Agnes didn’t mean to, but she couldn’t help it when he came out like this.

‘Let’s just skip over it.’

Agnes spoke in a somewhat stern tone.

“If something like this happens again, I will punish you severely.”

For example…

The punishment of marrying me…..

Or, the punishment of being locked in a narrow box with me for an hour…..

Punishment is like a blessing to me….

Agnes swallowed back her true intentions.

“Thank you for your mercy.”

Kylo lifted his head in relief.

Agnes did not want to embarrass him any further, so she took off her gray cloak.

Then, a clean black knights uniform with no traces of blood appeared.

Agnes got to the point.

“What happened to the areas that were not searched last time?”

When Agnes returned to her knight mode and asked politely, Kylo also answered as the leader.

“It was completed by Sir Victor Craven, who was originally in charge.”

“…So, which area is my next mission?”

Agnes asked expectantly.

Since that happened last time, I will definitely try to bring Kylo with me this time.

However, the answer that came out of Kylo’s mouth was disappointing.

“I won’t be around for a while, so just participate in training.”


“Oh, by the way, you have time to say hello to the members. Follow me.”


Agnes followed behind him, her eyes shining.

The Knights’ building had separate quarters, training grounds, and offices, and the place we were currently heading to was the training ground.

The training area had separate general training areas and individual training areas, so there were spaces shared with other knights.

As she followed Kylo through the corridor, Agnes caught sight of her favorite’s back.

‘Crazy person….’

Is there a need for the proportions to be this perfect?

How can his back be so wide?

It was when I was absent-mindedly immersed in my favorite character’s appearance.

A man in his red uniform walking across from her spotted her and was astonished as he was know her

He was a member of the Enemy Knights Templar.

The man didn’t even want to make eye contact with Agnes, so he quickly passed by, avoiding her gaze and looking at the ground.

‘It’s good because everyone is scared of me.’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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