Princess Who Hides Her Fandom


“Lord Spencer, that’s too much.”

“That’s right… !”

“Truly, ignoring the princess’s sincerity is enough. How can you hurt her like this…!”

“That’s right! You took all the benefits the princess gave you and now you’re doing this! Isn’t it because hel became a war hero that he became more arrogant?”

Emma and Chloe also secretly had a crush on Raymond, but their affection Wasn’t much greater than their love for the princess.

The two people suddenly became one side and began to feel resentful.

Agnes said with a sad expression as she looked at the two people.

“I need to rest now…I got covered in blood and I don’t feel well. My heart hurts so much…..”

“Then you should rest! Go lie down!”

“Princess, don’t worry and rest comfortably. It will all pass.”

After comforting Agnes affectionately, the two left the princess’s palace.

The rumor spread quickly that night.

Raymond Spencer drove a nail into Princess Agnes’ heart. They say he spewed out unspeakable abuse.

There was some debate about the source of the rumor, but people accepted it as true to some extent.

Even if it actually happened, it wasn’t such a shocking event.

Everyone knew that Raymond hated the princess.

However, the rumor was amplified a little by people who like to talk loudly.


In the first place, Agnes did not act with high expectations.

I just hoped that a small rumor would spread.

Raymond Spencer hurt Princess Agnes, to that extent.

However, it seemed like the rumor was bigger than expected.

It seemed that not only the courtiers but also the social nobility were talking about this.

Of course, most people took Raymond’s side.

They said it was Princess Agnes’s fault, saying how annoying the gentle man must have been.

It was a natural reaction because of the karma I had committed recently.

But Agnes didn’t care.

What was important wasn’t the immediate results.

They say that Raymond Spencer gave the princess her hurt. That fact itself was important.

If this happens a few more times and rumors build up, people will take it for granted that Agnes has defected from morality.

‘Yes, if it was that much, it would be worth giving up even for Princess Agnes.’

It was that perception that Agnes was aiming for.


However, the rumor seemed to have reached an unexpected person.

“What?! Someone from the Spencer family hurt my daughter?!”

Emperor Alexander, who would light up his eyes at the thought of his daughter, was furious and slammed his fist.

“That Bastard…!”

The chamberlain fidgeted and looked at the emperor.

It was according to the order to report anything related to the princess, but I wondered if it was necessary to say it.

The emperor’s eyes were half-closed when he heard that the princess had already returned covered in her monster’s blood.

But hearing Raymond Spencer’s story made my stomach churn.

In terms of severity, the former problem was bigger, but emotionally, the latter caused a bigger impact.

“How dare that insolent Spencer bastard…..”

The Spencer family was the 4th ducal family of the Empire, both in name and reality, and was a prestigious family that no one could flaw.

However, the current emperor, Alexander, didn’t like Duke Spencer.

Of course, since Emperor was decades old, he was not young enough to make it known politically.

If personal feelings alone had given the Spencer family a political disadvantage, the current emperor’s reputation wouldn’t have been so high.

In the first place, the reason why the Emperor disliked Duke Spencer was really trivial.

Because Alexander’s only love, the dead Empress, and her first love was none other than the damn Duke Spencer.

‘What a cowardly guy…..’

Even before she was to marry Alexander, the Spencer bastard went to the Empress and told her to stop the marriage even now.

His wife, who had given up her feelings for Spencer long ago, ignored his words and she safely became the Crown Princess.

Alexander still remembered the anger of that time.

However, his son, Damian, wasn’t aware of his father’s identity and became close friends with Spencer’s son.

Is that the only thing that will explode?

Even that Spencer bastard was the crown prince’s confidant, the leader of the White Knights, and a war hero.

Every time Raymond Spencer made an achievement on the battlefield, Emperor Alexander was happy and proud, but at the same time, he felt sick to his stomach.

It was okay up to that point.

Unlike his father, Raymond Spencer will protect Damian as a loyal subject.

But Agnes’ problem was different.

‘Why did you leave so many people behind?’

When Agnes first said she wanted to marry Raymond Spencer, Emperor Alexander felt like his world was falling apart.

Of course…Why, after all, is he that damned son of a bitch?

Although he was an emperor who could do anything Agnes asked him to do, he was adamant about that issue.

He didn’t want to give that sly little Duke of Spencer a beautiful daughter who looked exactly like the dead Empress as his daughter-in-law.

‘Never. I absolutely can’t stand that much!’

This problem was also part of the reason why the emperor wanted to send Agnes out of the capital.

Now that Raymond had returned from the war, it was clear that Agnes would follow him around as if she had been waiting for him.

So, the intention was to intentionally keep the physical distance apart.

However, the appointment of the Black Knights selected as the vehicle was not bad.

Of course, it was heartbreaking that she ordered someone like Kylo Gray, an illegitimate child, to harass his daughter, but he had her own reasons.

Kylo Gray was a talented but infamous man.

Moreover, Agnes hates him so much…

I thought that Agnes’ temperament would also die down a bit if she learned the system of the knights by having someone like that as her superior.

It might be anyone else, but Kylo Gray, who looked more like a devil than a devil on the battlefield, would be able to break the spirit of his reckless daughter.

So, the emperor’s goal was to safely marry off Agnes, who had become a little calmer, to a decent man.

‘No, actually, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t get married.’

The ideal age for marriage for citizens of the empire was 25, which was a bit later than in other surrounding countries.

Not getting married until old age is a huge flaw for both men and women, but Agnes was a princess, not an ordinary noblewoman.

My daughter had the right to enjoy everything and live in the imperial castle for the rest of her life, even without getting married.

There was none other than Raymond Spencer.

How his heart broke every time he saw Agnes, who had been following him around since his childhood…!

Although he was angry, it was better for Raymond to stay away from Agnes.

But when I heard that that bastard had hurt my daughter, my eyes rolled over.

‘You can be a gentleman and just refuse, why bother pounding her chest and hurting her?’

I wonder if someone is that kid from that father. It was the same as being mean.

To be honest, Agnes was a child with a strong mentality that even her father could not understand.

It was frustrating to see his daughter courting him endlessly without any sense of pride, but at the same time, I was amazed at her strong heart that didn’t get hurt.

But you hurt the child to the point of crying?

“That damn bastard…That damn bastard!”

“your majesty! Please fix it! This is a great opportunity!”

The chamberlain, who was more loyal than anyone else, began talking like a rat to keep the emperor’s blood pressure in check.

“The princess was so heartbroken that she ordered her maids to never mention his name again. This is definitely a positive sign!”

“A positive sign?”

“Yes! Isn’t this a sign that the princess has now developed feelings for Lord Spencer?”


When I heard it, it turned out to be true.

Even if his eyes hadn’t rolled over in excitement, the Emperor would have caught on to that fact right away.

But no matter what, I couldn’t help but feel angry.

The Emperor grunted and clenched his fists.

“Okay, so this rumor spread all over the social world?”

“Yes, Your Majesty…It has spread so far that there is no one who doesn’t know about it.”

What the Chamberlain said was true.

This rumor reached the ears of Kylo Gray, who knew nothing about social gossip.

Kylo, who heard the rumor, was overcome with subtle emotions.

‘Raymond Spencer, that bastard verbally abused the princess like a colt?’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. ABlossom says:

    Os protagonistas vão repetir a história dos pais da fl? 🤣
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

  2. Agos says:

    Lmfao, so it seem this Raymond wanting someone when they do not like them anymore runs in his family, i hope he does not pester new Agnes now.

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