Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

However, it was not an easy task just for Raymond to decide.

Damian slid his tongue inside his mouth.

‘There is no way His Majesty will just sit back and watch.’

Emperor Alexander didn’t like Duke Spencer.

There was no way he would send his beloved daughter to that family like that.

And the biggest problem of all is that Raymond hates my sister.

“The nobles’ views are not good either. You can’t allow this nuisance that tarnishes the honor of the royal family.”

He added, s if he was really sick of her.

Damian’s lips twitched as she listened quietly.

Of course, I admit that Agnes is arrogant and a nuisance to the royal family.


‘You bastard, no matter how much she is, she is a woman who likes you, and she is my sister and the princess, so aren’t you criticizing her too much?’

Since the old times, no matter how bad a relationship between siblings may have, they don’t always feel good when others criticize them.

Damian cleared his throat loudly to revive the conversation.

“But she said she won’t bother you anymore, so let’s leave her alone.”

“I understand, Your Highness.”

“So, don’t worry about Agnes either. There is no need to criticize that child in front of me.”

Raymond noticed that the prince was a little upset.

But he didn’t apologize or correct his words.

He simply bowed his head with a loyal expression.


Meanwhile, the maids went into an uproar when they found Agnes returning covered in blood.

“Aaaah! How could this… ! You’re not hurt, right?!”

“Weren’t you on a mission? Did you come across a monster?”

There was concern in the voices of the two chattering maids.

Although it was the maids’ daily lives to be constantly teased by Agnes, they had an appropriate level of affection for them because they enjoyed so much convenience thanks to Agnes.

Agnes washed herself with warm water with the help of her maids and came out.

“What on earth happened to you?”

Chloe asked, handing over a teacup filled with warm tea.

Agnes took it and drank it.

“Something big would have happened. But thanks to Lord Gray, i was able to get through safely.”

I didn’t say anything like i almost died.

This was because Kylo could be in trouble if he got into the Emperor’s ears.

Instead, Agnes said that the crisis was overcome thanks to Kylo.

Her maids saw Agnes covered in blood, so of course they would imagine that Kylo would have saved her with all his might.

“Kylo Gray, him? Didn’t he make a mistake trying to put the princess in her danger?”

“You can’t trust someone like that!”

However, the expectation was the opposite.

Agnes realized that Kylo’s reputation was as bad as her own.

The Black Knights were known more for their accidents than for their activities in war.

The image of the leader, Kylo, could not have been good.

Moreover, Kylo didn’t tend to show up in social circles, and when he encountered young ladies, he usually ignored them with a scary look rather than greeting them politely.

Even his identity…The illegitimate son of a court nobleman with no fiefdom.

Although he was handsome, he had a gloomy appearance that made it impossible for him to attract the attention of young ladies.

Most of the ladies’ attention was directed towards Raymond Spencer, the hero of the empire.

Agnes said, biting her lip with new realization.

“I guess I had some misunderstandings about Lord Gray. He’s a pretty clear-headed person. It is true that he saved me.”

“Really? But I heard you came with Lord Spencer!”

It is now.

Agnes drooped the corners of her eyes as if she was waiting for him.

Then he blinked a few times to make her eyes moist.

“Please don’t talk about Sir Spencer in front of me from now on.”


Princess Agnes was truly a Raymond Musae.

Like a parrot that imitates human speech, she starts talking about Raymond every time she opens her mouth.

But you’re telling me not to bring up Raymond Spencer’s story?

Emma and Chloe immediately realized that something was going on between them.

“What happened?”

“Tell us, princess.”

The two people who were the most soft-spoken in her social circle urged Agnes with a pounding heart.

Emma and Chloe enjoyed all kinds of status and convenience as Agnes’s maids, but they both liked and hated Princess Agnes.

So, when they encountered other ladies in social circles, they subtly flaunted his authority and at the same time looked down on Princess Agnes.

However, when the other ladies saw Agnes’ ugly face, they couldn’t bear it and appealed to the princess’s good points.

Although their feelings were complex and difficult to understand, both of them were sincere, both when they were criticized and when they praised her.

Moreover, Emma and Chloe were among the girls who had a crush on Raymond Spencer, just like other ordinary young girls.

They are so scared of Princess Agnes that they can’t even open their mouth normally.

“It’s not my place to tell you in detail. But I am also a person with an ordinary heart that gets hurt…”

“What on earth did Sir Spencer say…?”

Chloe muttered in confusion.

Agnes spoke in a voice that sounded as if she would burst into tears at any moment.

“I’m tired now….”

Agnes also knew everything about Emma and Chloe.

The two people either hated Agnes or liked her, but deep inside they also felt sorry for her.

Unlike the other two who grew up with a lot of love from their mothers, Agnes lost her mother when she was young.

So Agnes raised his acting skills and made her look as pitiful as possible.

‘Come on, cute babies. Spread the words in social circles right away.’

Since old times, the best way to start a political inquiry was by cosplaying as a victim.

Meanwhile, the two maids were dumbfounded when they saw Agnes for the first time.

Chloe and Emma would recite a spell on their own whenever they were mad at Agnes’s whims.

‘Yes, the princess grew up without her mother’s love. She is a pitiful person. I will bear it.’

In fact, Agnes lost her mother when she was young, and then her best-loved nanny.

Not only did Chloe and Emma still have a healthy mother, but they were also receiving plenty of affection from their sweet nanny.

When they come to the imperial palace, they are maids who please the princess, but when they return home, they are precious young lady who is pampered and loved by their nannys.

Princess Agnes is a noble princess who is favored by the emperor only when seen from the outside…

In fact, she didn’t even see the emperor’s face very often.

Chloe and Emma knew this better than anyone else because they were people looking from the inside, not from the outside.

Agnes often looked pitiful and lonely in the eyes of Chloe and Emma.

In a way, the princess had only her maids to rely on.

So Agnes provided many conveniences and benefits to her maids.

Dresses and expensive jewels made by the most skilled imperial altar dancers.

The right to sit next to the princess, who is the most honorable person at any social event.

In addition, there are tremendous benefits to the family…

In an imperial castle without an empress, the most noble woman was the princess.

As such, Agnes was at the top of every social event.

The right to enjoy that side wasn’t available to everyone.

After serving as maids for many years, Emma and Chloe came to love, hate, and pity Agnes at the same time.

But Agnes never once showed weakness in front of her maids.

She always spoke viciously in directives and commands and gossiped about others.

I swear this was the first time she’d ever shown myself this weak.

Chloe and Emma looked at each other in shock.

‘Lord Spencer was so mean to the princess that she was no one else… .’

Until now, everyone knew that Raymond Spencer had coldly rejected the princess’s advances.

But Princess Agnes never cared. She was a woman with a spirit of steel.

But now, anyone could see that the princess looked like a hurt lamb.

Emma and Chloe saw for the first time that not only did Agnes have a glum expression, but her eyes were moist with sadness, not anger.

The hearts of the two people began to unite.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. xeraphina says:

    Thank you for all the new chapters!! You are the best ❤️

  2. Agos says:

    Thx for the ch. Now… i hope she manages to use this event in her favor as a ” falling out of love” with Dickmond, i get the bro, i would lash out too if a friend critizised my sibling no matter how much they annoyed me like, dude shut up ik my sibling is sth but to disrespect me like that in my face? I am an elder sister so i get it i think.

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