Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Raymond Spencer could tell what the princess meant when she asked that question.

She was a truly transparent woman.

No matter how he answers, Agnes will come out like this.

‘It’s an excuse after all, right? Aren’t you here because you’re worried about me? Lord Spencer actually likes me too?’

It was nice to see her deluded and spouting nonsense.

In my mind, I didn’t even want to ride in the same carriage. But he needed time to warn her away from the eyes of others.

He could find no opportunity within the imperial castle.

Raymond never wanted anyone to see him with Princess Agnes.

Agnes will try to pretend to be his lover, conscious of other people’s eyes, as if she’s been waiting for it.

As if encouraging rumors.

So Raymond suppressed his discomfort and got on the carriage.

“Princess Agnes.”

“Please speak, Lord Spencer.”

Agnes’ voice was calmer and somewhat colder than usual, but Raymond didn’t notice at all.

“Please, please don’t do anything that will harm His Highness the Crown Prince’s future.”


“You must keep in mind that the princess’s every action and statement could turn into a weakness for His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Agnes blinked her rotten eyes.

“The reason I came here today is to tell you this. Please stop paying attention to me from now on and show me the dignity and example of a member of the royal family.”

Raymond spoke firmly but coldly.

It was the hundreds of times he had given the princess such a firm refusal. But she, the princess, never gave up.

Raymond felt more at ease on the battlefield without her.

Now that he had returned from the war, it was clear that Princess Agnes would bother him all the time, as if she had been waiting for him.

I thought things would get better after being transferred to the Black Knights, but it was an absurd expectation.

Didn’t she still attract him like this?

So it would have been better for him to draw a line and warn in advance.

I’d like to think that if I had said it this way, She would have understood, but I probably wouldn’t have any choice.

If the princess’s intelligence had been that high, she wouldn’t have had to suffer like this.

However, the answer she gave back to Princess Agnes was unexpected.

“Therefore…You’re telling me not to bother you in the future and to behave well and well so as not to offend His Highness the Crown Prince, right?”


There were no mistakes.

When Raymond didn’t answer in the affirmative, Agnes clenched his fist.

The words to not meddle too much rose to the top of her throat, but she mustered up all her patience and held back.

Instead, she closed her fists and placed them on his chest, lowered her eyes, and spoke.

“I am well aware that I have unintentionally bothered Lord Spencer.”


She looked very pitiful as she spoke in a trembling voice.

Agnes continued, lowering her fluttering, lush eyelashes. Before he knew it, her eyes were moist and wet.

“Now, I won’t bother you anymore so as not to get in your way. Now that I am a member of the Dark Knights, there will be less encounters with me.”

Agnes spoke in a frail manner, seemingly ready to shed tears at any moment.

At the same time, I internally gave the middle finger.

‘So get the hell out of here, you bastard.’

Contrary to his harsh inner feelings, Agnes’ outer appearance was pitiful.

If anyone had seen it, they would have felt a moment of regret.

Agnes looked so fragile and delicate.

Raymond was also taken aback when he saw Agnes for the first time, but soon regained his composure.

He sneered inwardly.

‘It doesn’t work, so she try a new trick.’

Unfortunately for the princess, Raymond had no intention of playing to her tricks any longer.

“I’m glad to hear that. Then, I trust that you will be faithful to your duties from now on.”

“Sure. So, from now on, you don’t have to come to my mission location.”

My date was ruined because of you.

Agnes was pouring out curses of resentment on the inside, but on the outside she put on a very sad expression.

“All right.”

Raymond nodded his head with a lighter expression.

Agnes wanted him to get off the carriage quickly, but when she looked out the window, she saw that he had already passed the entrance to the castle.

Agnes said, holding up the handkerchief she was holding in his hand.

“Then what should I do with this handkerchief?”

Raymond’s handkerchief was stained with the monster’s blood and was dirty.

“You can just throw it away.”

Raymond responded coldly, but then twitched his eyebrows as if he had changed his mind.

If it were the princess he knew, there was no way she would have thrown away that handkerchief.

She is sure to come looking for it unnecessarily under the pretense of returning it after she has washed it cleanly.

“No, I will take it.”


Agnes threw the dirty handkerchief at him without any hesitation.

She wanted to quickly go back to his living room and wash with warm water.

The monster’s blood didn’t contain any disease-carrying ingredients, but it still felt uncomfortable.

The carriage stopped in front of the princess’s palace, and Agnes kicked down the door and got out, as if she didn’t need Raymond’s escort.

After that, she walked towards the princess’s palace with great strides.

Raymond, who belatedly got off the carriage, followed the princess’s back with eyes of surprise.

‘You seem very heartbroken.’

Agnes always asked for Raymond to be escorted under the pretext of etiquette.

At the same time, she encouraged him to fold his arms or forcibly reach out her hand to make him kiss her.

But today, Agnes hurriedly got out of the carriage as if she had no regrets whatsoever.

Either she was really heartbroken, or she didn’t want to show her bloody, messy appearance anymore.

Raymond didn’t care much about any of them.

Even if Agnes was hurt and cried for days and went on hunger strike, he wouldn’t be shaken.

He just hoped she wouldn’t bother him anymore, as she had promised.

Raymond headed to the Crown Prince’s womb with a relaxed pace.

He was there to report what happened today.


“That’s what happened….”

Crown Prince Damian pressed his head as if his head was pounding.

Kylo Gray. It seemed like he was intent on exacting revenge on Agnes.

Of course, it’s not that he doesn’t understand that feeling.

Agnes didn’t even treat those of low status as human beings.

Kylo wasn’t the type to just tolerate such disregard and contempt.

‘I can’t risk a problem that even His Majesty has tolerated.’

Moreover, I heard that Raymond has already decided to cover up this issue on his own.

“Well, if it wasn’t a big deal, that’s fine.”

Damien found it difficult to think deeply about Agnes.

If she wasn’t hurt, that was it.

It’s not that I like or trust Kylo Gray, but honestly, Agnes needed to suffer.

My father must have had similar feelings when he assigned Agnes to the Black Knights.

But this was a bit unexpected.

“Agnes said she wouldn’t bother you anymore? Directly to you?”



Damian blinked.

Agnes really said that?

“But it wasn’t a tone of trust.”

“What…It’s her habit to issue blank checks too much.”

In response to Raymond’s added words, Damian nodded, saying yes.

“Someday, it will become a big obstacle in your path.”


That was correct. Agnes was a time bomb that didn’t know where it would explode.

But that didn’t mean she was a political opponent to be eliminated.

I feel sorry for my father, but Damian didn’t have much affection for his little sister.

‘I wish she could just quietly get married.’

However, she didn’t have a partner of the right level to send to another country.

The proud people of the empire wouldn’t like the idea of the royal family marrying a foreign citizen.

So Damian also planned to look for a marriage partner for Agnes within the empire.

Actually, I feel really sorry for Raymond, but from Damien’s point of view, he couldn’t be happier if Raymond takes his sister away.

The Spencer family is one of the four major ducal families of the empire, with a high reputation and a fertile and wealthy estate.

Raymond is the successor who will inherit everything, and he is his most trusted friend and confidant.

‘I couldn’t have asked for more if Raymond changed his mind and married Agnes.’

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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  1. ABlossom says:

    Por um momento eu realmente quero que ela se torne uma oponente e pegue esse trono pro irmão dela ver o que é problema de verdade viu….
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷 😸 🥰

  2. Mai says:

    She didn’t expected you to appear in front of her, she is no longer going after you sir, you decided to get involved in her business because you are nosy like that, you could have, I don’t know, sent someone else, like the guy who told you about the situation, you very well could have taken care of the other guy’s mission and sent him to look after the princess, your presence was absolutely unnecessary.

  3. Agos says:

    I swear if raymond starts annoying now because “HmMmM, iNtErEsTiNg”… dude fudk off

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