Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Cleo Can’t disobey the Emperor’s command.

The imperial power of the present era was unprecedentedly powerful.

And Cleo was an ambitious young man who wanted to somehow win the Emperor’s attention and gain power.

If this incident brings him to the Emperor’s attention….

I will be able to get revenge on my stepmother and half-brothers who are targeting me at every turn, including those who ignore me.

And what if you get lucky and end up receiving a title?

I might witness the precious sight of those unlucky people collapsing with foam at the mouth.

I was especially curious about Raymond Spencer, what kind of expression that noble guy would make.

Cleo could do anything as long as he could win the Emperor’s attention.

He could do it even if it meant persecuting a young and vulnerable girl and making her cry.

Of course he didn’t want to, but on the other hand, he wanted to see Agnes’ always fierce and arrogant eyes look frightened at least once.

‘Is it too bad taste?’

One corner of Cleo’s mouth went up as he imagined Agnes crying in fear.

Jeremy asked his superior once again, who didn’t respond.

“Isn’t the A-15 area a pretty dangerous place? Just because the princess gets hurt doesn’t mean it’s going to spark a fire on us, right? That princess was treated as a nuisance even within the White Knights.”

Cleo didn’t bother to tell Jeremy that it was a safe area that had already been searched.

Anyway, the princess will come back frightened without any incident.

She was lucky she had made it to Area A-15 in the first place. She would probably go to the vicinity and then come back.

“Don’t worry about this and just go.”

“…All right.”

Jeremy turned around after hearing his superior’s cold words, thinking that it would be okay if Cleo came out like this.

Cleo also passed by him and exited the Order building.

And the stairs opposite the end of the hallway where that conversation took place.

The man’s brows furrowed as he listened to the two people while holding his breath.

‘How could this be….’

It was Sirius Melville, a handsome man with bright yellow blond hair wearing a white knight’s uniform.

To put it in Diana’s words, Sirius Melville was a man who couldn’t stand to see a woman in trouble, no matter who she was.

He actually did. He was a man who flirted with all the noble ladies in the city in the name of chivalry.

To put it best, he had good manners, but to put it worst, he was a womanizer who was crazy about women.

He blinked his eyes and took stock of the situation.

‘So, he sent Princess Agnes to patrol alone in area A-15? Cleo Gray, is really crazy?’

If it were Cleo Gray, he could have given such an order. To begin with, the Black Knights were full of crazy people, and Cleo was the biggest crazy person among them.

He is a disgusting guy who enjoys the war against demons like a slaughter party. A guy who laughed heartily even though most of his subordinates died and he was taken to prison.

‘What on earth was His Majesty thinking about giving the princess to a guy like that….’

No matter how many mistakes she made, she was a princess.

It was difficult to understand the Emperor, who sent a young and vulnerable woman to the Black Knights, and even more difficult to understand Cleo, who sent her to her first mission alone.

‘Besides, if it’s the A-15 area….’

He was also given the role of patrolling several areas for the post-war process as part of the knights’ mission. He finished reviewing the western region yesterday and returned early in the morning.

However, in the records of the general meeting that would have been held this morning, there was no indication that the patrol of Area A-15 had been completed.

Even that area was where a particularly large battle took place.

All of the monsters’ corpses may have been removed, but there may be hidden monsters remaining, and the entire village will be a mess with blood stains and a terrible stench.

‘Sending a weak woman to a place like that alone…!’

To be honest, for Sirius Melville, Princess Agnes was not someone worthy of his flirtation.

First of all, for him who liked the innocent and pretty side, a gorgeous beauty like Agnes was far from his taste.

Agnes was even a woman who had a deep crush on another man.

However, she was also the only younger sister of the crown prince, with whom she had been close since childhood, and she was a member of the imperial family who had to be protected as a proud knight of the empire.

So, as a just man and knight, Sirius couldn’t condone this.

‘But there’s really no way he could have sent her to that dangerous place alone….’

Even Cleo wouldn’t be that crazy.

‘I guess I brought at least a Gatling gun. Wait, but can the princess handle that? Can she even lift it with those weak arms in the first place?’

He personally went to the weapons supply depot just to be sure.

And after a while, Sirius came out of the weapons depot with a look of great shock.

The place where he, who rarely seemed relaxed, walked towards the head of the White Knights’ office.

Knock knock.

After two knocks, Sirius opened the door and entered. He had no hesitation because he had made a promise in the first place.

Sirius had no time. After reporting on the mission he had completed yesterday, he had to immediately leave for patrol in another area.

“You’re late.”

Raymond, who was sitting on a leather chair and working through a pile of documents, greeted him without even looking at him.

Sirius walked up to him and spoke quickly.

“The mission was accomplished, and we will leave for the next area immediately. But there’s a problem, leader.”

At the word ‘problem’, Raymond stopped using the fountain pen he was signing and raised his gaze.

Sirius Melville’s expression was quite serious.

Raymond also became cautious as the sly guy who could hardly be considered serious took his weight.

“Say. What’s the problem?”

“that is….”

Sirius furrowed his brows as if he couldn’t understand no matter how much he thought about it.

“I think Princess Agnes is in danger. Cleo Gray, that bastard is so crazy!”


In fact, Raymond was really sick of everything about Princess Agnes.

Her personal selfishness allowed him to ignore even if she was in danger and on the verge of death, and je didn’t seem to care at all if he even died.

However, he was the leader of the White Knights who were supposed to protect the royal family, and damn it, Agnes was royal.

“Cleo Gray sent Princess Agnes on patrol alone in Area A-15. The review hasn’t been completed yet. A hidden monster might come out!”


“Yes! I even went to a weapons supply depot just in case…Well, do you know what the princess took with her? It’s only one small pistol! If she run into a monster, she’ll be dead before you even point her gun at it!”


Raymond sighed softly and pressed his prominent eyebrow bones.

“Cleo Gray, that bastard. I knew that he would have a big accident at some point, but I never thought he would be such a thoughtless bastard…!”

Sirius, who usually disapproved of Cleo, gritted his teeth and criticized him.

Raymond thought calmly, unlike the excited Sirius.

This morning, he also participated in the general meeting and confirmed the list of areas that have been reviewed.

Area A-15 was not among them. But there was really no way Cleo would have sent the princess to an unexamined area.

At the very least, he was planning to scare the princess or break her spirits.

Cleo Gray may be crazy, but he is just as blinded by his lust for power.

No matter how bad he feels toward the princess, he wouldn’t do something like that..

Sirius said to Raymond, who was struggling to rationalize it in his mind.

“Cleo Gray, you know what kind of bastard he is, right? Have you been in trouble on the battlefield because of that fox-like guy once or twice?”

Sirius gritted his teeth as if he was angry just thinking about that time.

Raymond also agreed.

During the war, Cleo Gray disobeyed his commander-in-chief’s orders little by little in his desire to gain merit.

He was not subject to summary execution for disobeying orders. Cleo cleverly avoided the commander’s orders as if playing with words.

At the time of the war, the general commander had no choice but to simply overlook him.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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