Princess Who Hides Her Fandom

Agnes gave orders to the two people.

“Then everyone, go out. I have to leave now.”

It must have been a shocking for everyone that Agnes accepted the appointment to the Black Knights.

So, Agnes encouraged the rumor to spread as much as possible, saying, “The princess has grown wise,” rather than saying, “The princess has gone crazy.”

“yes yes! Princess.”

“Please take care of yourself.”

Emma and Chloe greeted the princess as if they had been waiting and ran away from the princess’s room.

Agnes also looked at the mirror a few more times and then left the room.

And I took each step with the feeling of going to meet my first love in 10 years.

Just then, a pink flower flew in with the warm spring breeze and tickled Agnes’ cheek.

In my head, the intro to (Mai più così lontano), a famous song by Andrea Bocelli that I had heard in my previous life, was playing as background music.

This time it felt really good.


As soon as Agnes left her residence, she headed to the Knights’ Building on the west side of the castle grounds.

The specific destination was the Black Knights’ leader’s office in the far corner of the second floor.

Since this was my first assignment, I had to receive a letter of appointment directly from him.

Last time I came, it was the worst… It was different now.

knock knock.

Her servant, who had followed her from her living quarters, knocked on the door of her master’s office and guided her in.

Agnes swallowed her nerves as she waited for an answer from inside.

My heart is pounding.

Soon a servant opened the door with a voice telling me to come in from inside.

Agnes walked slowly, clenching his fists.

The office, decorated with mahogany wood, had a quite heavy atmosphere.

I saw a large figure sitting at a large desk with the sunlight from the window behind him.

It was finally the moment to face my favorite again.

“I really didn’t know you would come.”

One corner of Cleo Gray’s mouth rose with a low, sarcastic voice.

The glare from the backlight lasted only a moment, and his features gradually came into view.

‘You look handsome again.’

Without realizing it, admiration came out.

I was out of my mind the last time, but seeing my favorite again was truly ecstatic.

Hw was on a whole different level from what i was imagined through fan art or special covers.

First of all, he was tall and had a very good physique, as he was the world’s strongest military man.

It wasn’t so rickety that it was unsightly, but it looked sturdy enough that it wouldn’t collapse from any impact.

‘Look at the chest pain.’

And what stood out most about him were his blue eyes, which contrasted with his ebony black hair.

‘Bewitched, bewitched.’

Agnes was overwhelmed by those beautiful eyes. It was a color reminiscent of a clear beach at a resort or the sky of a spring day.

His facial features were so neat and handsome that he could have been a priest.

However, his unique eyes, mood, and expression made him look cold and rough.

Like a priest who was corrupted by a bully.

‘Aren’t you crazy?’

How did you become so handsome? Are you sane?

Cleo was glaring at her with eyes more beautiful than anything Agnes had ever seen in her entire life and this life.

Agnes came to her senses late and quickly closed her mouth.

Cleo’s eyes toward Agnes clearly contained contempt, disgust, and an unwillingness to interact with her. It was a natural reaction.

Cleo, who was glaring at her, opened his mouth again.

“His Majesty command me.”


“He said that i should never give Princess Agnes special treatment, especially when she wore the Black Knights uniform…Is it true that you came here even after knowing that?”

The sarcastic voice contained a feeling of surprise and ridicule.


Although I expected this kind of sarcasm, it was still difficult to hide my nervousness.

“She came all the way here wearing those clothes, so I understand that you really wants to crawl under me, right, Sir Agnes Saint?”


Well, it wasn’t necessarily that much, but it was true that I had to perform my duties as a knight under him.

However, since i hadn’t yet received a formal letter of appointment, i wasn’t officially his subordinate.

Agnes slowly opened her mouth and answered in a confident tone.

“I believe that you will forget my unsavory selfish intentions and lead me to leadership without discrimination like other members, Lord Gray.”

Cleo burst out laughing at Agnes’ words, spoken in a dignified voice.

Then he turned around, picked up the fountain pen on the desk, signed the file, and held it out.

Agnes reflexively accepted what he offered.

He was an appointee. His roughly scribbled signature was visible in the corner.

‘Your handwriting is also pretty.’

As expected, he is my perfect favorite, except for his personality.

‘But even his rotten personality is cute…It’s like a rabbit.’

Agnes looked up at Cleo with sparkling eyes.

Those eyes were enough to embarrass Cleo, who had been trained in war for years and was unfazed by the sight of the demons’ red eyes.

It was a look that I had never received from Princess Agnes before.

‘What on earth is your intention?’

As of this morning, Cleo could have bet Agnes’ position as leader that she wouldn’t show up.

She was a woman who not only had his cheek scrawled, but was also made to kneel and be tied up like a criminal in front of the White Knights.

However, Princess Agnes came here on her own initiative.

‘I heard she was so sick so much that She almost died, was it true? Is she crazy because she almost died and came back to life?’

Agnes was a bit strange to that extent.

First of all, she didn’t give me that characteristic bug-like look she always gets every time she looks at me, like she’s looking at a pest, not just a microorganism.

Cleo was particularly sensitive to the disdainful gaze of nobles, and among them, Princess Agnes’ eyes were filled with so much contempt and disregard that they could be said to be the best.

I feel like the most useless scum in the world.

In fact, Princess Agnes treated him like that. At the war commemoration banquet just recently.

He didn’t attend the banquet because he hated it, but if he had been there, Princess Agnes would have pointed him out and despised him even more openly.

But when a completely different kind of gaze and a rather polite tone returned, Cleo couldn’t help but be suspicious.

Now that I think about it, she had the same look in her eyes the day after she scrawled my cheek.

It was clear that there was a plan different from before.

The unexpected situation made him nervous, but Cleo kept his composure.

In any case, Princess Agnes was now only his direct subordinate when she wore her uniform.

As the princess was there, he planned to use this opportunity to repay all the contempt he had received so far.

“Then I will give you your first mission.”


Agnes looked at him with wide eyes. Right like this?

Cleo looked down at Agnes, who was much smaller than him even though he was sitting at the desk, and gave orders in an overbearing tone.

“The A-15 area in the eastern outskirts of the capital is currently under military control. All civilians have been evacuated and the damage caused by the war is about to be repaired. Before the construction crews were deployed, the Black Knights decided to go in first and patrol to make sure there were no monsters left.”


“You go alone.”


Agnes swallowed.

Your voice is really good. Reincarnation is the best.

But wait. What, where should I go? Are you telling me to go alone to a place where monsters might appear?

‘…Can I go with you?’

If only Cleo would come with me, it would be a fantastic date even if there were hundreds of monsters.

He said something he couldn’t hear in his heart, but Kylo added in a mocking tone.

“I wonder how well you will carry out your mission when the only thing you know how to do is put on a dress and look in the mirror.”


“If you’re scared and want to run away, why don’t you go to His Majesty right now and cry and beg for mercy?”

It was a sarcasm that would offend anyone, but it didn’t hurt Agnes much.

Even when watching the original work, she accepted Cleo’s countless bullshit as much as a kitten’s barking.

Now, those words also felt like nothing more than a cat-and-mouse punch to her.


He has a good voice too. His pronunciation is also crazy.

Her favorite thing was that he was more perfect in person.

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •

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