Prince Narcissus and His Monster Attendant

PNHMA 14: I’ll Be Alright

The atmosphere at the crown prince’s palace was quite warm and lively, thanks to Rapun risking her life to bring back the culprit and the bracelet.

Justin disputed whether they could be certain the man was the culprit, but the tattoo of a serpent—unique to Justin’s own guards—was found behind the man’s ear, sealing the case.

Of course, Justin tried to dismiss it as a setup involving his subordinate.

Everyone looked visibly relieved, as if a ten-year burden had been lifted off their shoulders, everyone except Ludwig.

“By the way, how did you even think to jump into the sea?”

Robert, seemingly curious, quickly asked.

“I was looking at the fish in the sea and noticed a fishing boat not too far from our ship. So…”

Ariel scratched his head and mumbled his response. It was a risky move that could have been criticized for being reckless.

“Let’s not do that in the future.”

Ludwig expressed his discomfort.


‘Don’t throw yourself into danger for me,’ Ludwig wanted to add, but he swallowed those words.

Ariel looked upset by his rebuke, but Elias patted his shoulder and praised him.

“Rapun, truly, I thank you. I shudder to think what would have happened without you.”

“I’m glad it all worked out.”

“We’ve prepared something for you as a reward. Any guesses what it might be?”

Seeing Rapunzel’s deflated demeanor, Ludwig unwrapped the cloth around his face and fitted him with a new mask. Ariel gingerly touched the new mask.

“…Yes, this is much better.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Ludwig smiled contentedly, and all the close associates’ eyes turned towards Rapunzel.

The mask maker had designed it to minimize the area it covered. It left the left eye exposed and only covered the scarred parts on the right, making it less claustrophobic for both Rapunzel and onlookers.

“Rapun, you look quite handsome like this, don’t you?”

“Let’s see, let’s see. You really do.”

“Especially your purple eyes; they’re truly beautiful.”

“Your lips are as red and tempting as a girl’s.”

The knights, including Robert, surrounded Ariel, showering him with compliments. Ariel smiled broadly, and charming dimples appeared on her cheeks.

“Why are you smiling so prettily?”

When did they get so close to start standing around him like that? They hadn’t even noticed Rapunzel’s charm before.

Ludwig, feeling slighted, was not pleased with the knights’ compliments.

“Enough, everyone back off. I need to focus on some quiet state affairs.”

Though everyone looked suspicious, no one responded.

Elias, reluctantly leaving as he reviewed some documents, looked disapprovingly at the pile of unsigned papers on the desk.

“Your Highness, I trust you are aware.”

It was a silent pressure to stamp the documents, but Ludwig nodded as if to reassure him.

“Please, have a seat here comfortably.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Once everyone had left and the door was closed, Ludwig gestured to the seat beside him on the sofa. Ariel pulled out a knitting basket from under the sofa and sat beside him.

The knitting was taking shape. Ludwig watched Rapun knit and smiled satisfactorily.

It was indeed a clever idea.

He had wanted to keep Rapun by his side all day but couldn’t think of any appropriate reason. He couldn’t just keep him doing nothing all day, and it felt pitiful to give her tasks, so he thought of knitting.

Once, Rapun had mentioned that she had tried knitting during her days in Charden.

“Do men knit there too?”

“Not really…”

“So, your sister asked you to do it?”

“Ah, yes. My sister asked me to.”

“Tsk, passing her chores onto you… Rapun, are you good at knitting?”

“I’m not bad at it.”

“Then you might as well knit beside me.”

Ludwig watched Rapun’s hands and became curious about what shape the knitting would take, but Rapun just grinned and said it was a secret.

Ludwig felt a pleasant anticipation.

He got up from the sofa to stamp the documents.

After about 30 minutes of diligently working, Ludwig suddenly called Rapun and told her to take a break.

As he spoke, he suddenly started coughing as if his throat was constricted.

“Cough, cough. Go now, don’t walk—run.”


“Don’t ask, just hurry and run out.”

Ludwig frowned and looked distressed, but Rapun hesitated to leave, worried about him. However, seeing the urgency in Ludwig’s eyes, she opened the door and stepped out.

After confirming Rapun had left, Ludwig opened a bottle of water he had placed on his desk and drank it greedily. Ever since Rapun arrived, Ludwig, who used to sing and warm up his voice every morning, hadn’t sung at all, feeling as though his throat was clogged with dust. That’s why he quickly sent Rapun out to drink water and warm up his voice for singing.

“Ah, ah―!”

Just then, Rapun, who had returned for his knitting yarn, knocked and reopened the door.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry. I forgot to take it with me…”

Interrupted, Ludwig threw the empty water bottle in his irritation and without seeing who it was.


Rapun stepped on it, slipped, and hit her head, losing consciousness with a loud thud. Ludwig snapped back to reality.

“…Rapun! Rapun!”

He called out frantically, his face turning pale. Without another thought, he picked up Rapun and rushed her away.

“He seems to have fainted.”

Anna, after laying Rapun on the bed, spoke gravely. Standing by the bed, Ludwig chewed his lips nervously.

Of all the timing for Rapun to come back.

He had only intended to sing a light tune when the door opened, thinking it was Elias or Robert, and threw the bottle, never expecting Rapun to return.

‘…He’s not really dead, is he?’

Ludwig cautiously moved his finger toward Rapun’s nose.

Fortunately, it seemed she was still breathing, and Rapun suddenly opened her eyes upon sensing Ludwig’s presence.

“Rapun, are you alright?”

Sitting beside the bed, Ludwig asked awkwardly.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Under Ludwig’s desperate gaze, Rapun faintly smiled with a pale, yellowish face.

“I’ll be alright.”


Isabel, a trendsetter in the capital, brought the finest clothes from her atelier, but Marisa looked unimpressed. The reason Marisa visited the atelier was for the upcoming birthday celebration of the Emperor.

Duchess Laura and her sister Alice were excitedly looking through the catalog and selecting dresses.

“Oh, Marisa, how about this dress?”

“Sister, the hairpin would match your eye color perfectly.”



Laura called her out, unusual for her not to respond, and she looked dazed and lethargic.

“Let’s just go with these clothes, this hairpin, and these shoes.”

Marisa chose indifferently, barely glancing at them, just 10 minutes after arriving at the atelier.

As this had never happened before, Laura and Alice looked at her with stunned expressions.

“My, you seem to prefer more flamboyant attire than I thought.”

Seeing Marisa choose a rather tacky dress, Isabel inwardly sneered, though she kept a professional smile and did not skimp on compliments.

‘What? It’s different from the rumors? They said that if she comes to order a dress, she’d meticulously check over everything for at least three days before placing an order…’

Initially, designers would inwardly curse but charmed by Marisa’s exceptional fashion sense, there were rumors that they would beg her to wear their dresses.

‘It seems rumors are indeed exaggerated.’

Isabel looked down at her with a condescending smile but turned away, startled when she met Marisa’s icy blue eyes.

“Surely not, Marisa. You mean this yellow dress?”

Laura asked with disbelief, and Marisa confirmed clearly.

“Yes, that yellow dress!”

She then boarded the carriage with Lotte, leaving behind the astonished Laura, Alice, and Isabel.

A few days ago, after being summoned by the Emperor, he had told her to set a wedding date with Ludwig.

Marisa brushed off her attendants and headed for the crown prince’s palace to see Ludwig. Waiting in the audience chamber would surely mean being dismissed by Ludwig for one reason or another, as was always the case.

Hearing from the steward that Ludwig was in the detached palace, Marisa made her way there.

The detached palace was adorned from top to bottom with silk in various colors, creating a beautiful and romantic atmosphere.

“So they used all the silk they bought here.”

As the wind lifted the silk slightly, revealing the inside, Marisa saw Ludwig with a servant.

Marisa smiled and walked toward them, but upon seeing the servant’s disfigured face unmasked, she almost screamed, quickly covering her mouth with her hand.

Despite the servant’s ghastly appearance, Ludwig seemed pleased for some reason.

He even placed food directly onto the servant’s plate with a fork.


Marisa felt a hot flush of jealousy and turned away.

She had thought it wouldn’t affect her, but it seemed the years spent watching him had indeed been long. Unbeknownst to herself, Marisa’s heart had been gradually gravitating towards Ludwig. Her lips trembled, and her heart ached sharply as if pierced by an awl.

As Marisa staggered slightly from the shock, Leo, who had been attending to Ludwig and caught her eye, looked at her with pity.


Feeling sorry for Rapun, Ludwig insisted she take a week off to recover.

Although Ariel repeatedly assured him she was fine, Ludwig was adamant. Thus, somewhat reluctantly, Ariel returned to his room and first reached out to Gale.

— Gale, are you keeping well?

— The Crown Prince is better than I expected.

— I’ve found His Highness’s bracelet. I plan to ask to be sent back to Charden.

Ariel sent dozens of messages through leaves, but Gale remained silent.

“This skunk, crown, snake!”

Ariel yelled out in frustration.

Startled by the loud noise, Ludwig and Leo, who had been eavesdropping at the door, jumped back.

“What did he say?”

“I think it was ‘skunk, crown…'”

“Skunk, crown, snake.”

Ludwig and Leo said simultaneously.

“What does that mean?”


‘Rapun must be suffering from a headache due to the concussion. That’s why he’s using words he normally wouldn’t. But what in the world do ‘crown, snake’ mean?’

Ludwig shook his head, clueless, and returned to the crown prince’s palace with Leo.

“Why on earth was Rapun there at that exact moment?”

Ludwig, agonizingly clutching his head, while Elias, truly empathetic, said sincerely.

“It’s unfortunate.”

“Is there no way to make amends?”

“Absolutely, it’s impossible.”

“I thought so…”

“Are you embarrassed?”

“…I’m thinking of leaving the empire for a while.”

“That’s also a good idea. Or perhaps you could send Rapun?”


“Yes, sending him to rest in his homeland could be an option.”

“Hmm, that’s a good idea indeed. I should prepare to go to Charden with Rapun as soon as possible.”

Ludwig said, his expression unexpectedly brightening.

‘I need to go to Rapun’s homeland and find out what he likes.’




T/N: I still find it cute (and hilarious) that the siblings cannot properly curse someone.

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